/* * C语言学生信息管理系统(动态链表版) * 作者:cbc * 时间:2018年6月7日 * 功能:增添新键数据、修改删除数据、查询统计数据 * 平台:windows */ #include#include #include #include # define LEN sizeof(struct Student) struct Student { char num[10]; /*学号*/ char name[20]; /*姓名*/ char sex[10]; /*性别*/ int age; /*年龄*/ char phone[12];/*电话*/ char qq[12]; /*QQ号*/ char nativePlace[20];/*籍贯*/ char department[20];/*系别*/ char major[20];/*专业*/ char className[20];/*班级*/ struct Student *next; }; char filename[30];//全局变量,用来保存要打开的文件名字 /*生成链表*/ struct Student *Creat(int n) { void menu_print_in(void); struct Student *head; struct Student *p1, *p2; int i; system("cls"); for (i = 1;i < n + 1;i++) { p1 = (struct Student*)malloc(LEN); menu_print_in(); scanf("%s %s %s %d %s %s %s %s %s %s", p1->num, p1->name, p1->sex, &p1->age, p1->phone, p1->qq,p1->nativePlace,p1->department,p1->major,p1->className); p1->next = NULL; if (i == 1) { head = p2 = p1; } else { p2->next = p1; p2 = p1; } } return(head); } /*数据存盘(wb只写)*/ void WriteData_wb(struct Student *head) { FILE *fp; struct Student *p; if ((fp = fopen(filename, "wb")) == NULL) printf("\a error! Can not open the file!"); p = head; while (p != NULL) { if (fwrite(p, LEN, 1, fp) != 1) { printf("写入数据出错\n"); fclose(fp); return; } p = p->next; } fclose(fp); } /*数据存盘(ab追加) void WriteData_ab(struct Student *head) { FILE *fp; struct Student *p; if ((fp = fopen(filename, "ab")) == NULL) printf("\a error! Can not open the file!"); p = head; while (p != NULL) { if (fwrite(p, LEN, 1, fp) != 1) { printf("写入数据出错\n"); fclose(fp); return; } p = p->next; } fclose(fp); } /*读取数据*/ /*读取数据文件保存到链表中 ,返回指向此链表头指针*/ struct Student *ReadData(void) { struct Student *head = NULL; struct Student *p1, *p2;//s = p1;p = p2; FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(filename, "rb+")) == NULL) { printf("打开文件出错\n"); exit(0); } while (!feof(fp)) { if ((p1 = (struct Student*)malloc(LEN)) == NULL) { printf("内存申请出错\n"); fclose(fp); exit(0); } if (fread(p1, LEN, 1, fp) != 1) { free(p1); break; } if (head == NULL) head = p2 = p1; else { p2->next = p1; p2 = p1; } } fclose(fp); return (head); } /*【1】全量查询*/ void Print_inquire_all(void) { void menu_print_out(void); struct Student *pt; pt = ReadData(); menu_print_out(); do { printf("%-10s%6s%8s%4d%13s%11s %s %s %s %s\n", pt->num, pt->name, pt->sex, pt->age, pt->phone, pt->qq, pt->nativePlace, pt->department, pt->major, pt->className); pt = pt->next; } while (pt != NULL); printf("\n\n"); } /*【2】学号查询*/ int Print_inquire_num() { void menu_print_out(void); struct Student *pt; char str_num[10]; printf("◎请输入您要查询的学号:"); scanf("%s", str_num); pt = ReadData(); menu_print_out(); do { if (strcmp(pt->num, str_num) == 0) { printf("%-10s%6s%8s%4d%13s%11s %s %s %s %s\n", pt->num, pt->name, pt->sex, pt->age, pt->phone, pt->qq, pt->nativePlace, pt->department, pt->major, pt->className); printf("\n\n"); return 0; } pt = pt->next; } while (pt != NULL); printf("数据库中没有存储您要查询的数据!\n"); printf("\n\n"); return 0; } /*【3】姓名查询*/ int Print_inquire_name() { void menu_print_out(void); struct Student *pt; char str_name[20]; printf("◎请输入您要查询的姓名:"); scanf("%s", str_name); pt = ReadData(); menu_print_out(); do { if (strcmp(pt->name, str_name) == 0) { printf("%-10s%6s%8s%4d%13s%11s %s %s %s %s\n", pt->num, pt->name, pt->sex, pt->age, pt->phone, pt->qq, pt->nativePlace, pt->department, pt->major, pt->className); printf("\n\n"); return 0; } pt = pt->next; } while (pt != NULL); printf("数据库中没有存储您要查询的数据!\n"); printf("\n\n"); return 0; } /*【4】模糊查询*/ int Print_inquire_fuzzy(void) { void menu_print_out(void); struct Student *pt; char str_find[20]; int m = 0; printf("◎请输入您要查询的关键词:"); scanf("%s", str_find); pt = ReadData(); menu_print_out(); do { if (strstr(pt->num, str_find) != 0 || strstr(pt->name, str_find) != 0 || strstr(pt->sex, str_find) != 0 || strstr(pt->phone, str_find) != 0 || strstr(pt->qq, str_find) != 0) { printf("%-10s%6s%8s%4d%13s%11s %s %s %s %s\n", pt->num, pt->name, pt->sex, pt->age, pt->phone, pt->qq, pt->nativePlace, pt->department, pt->major, pt->className); m = 1; } pt = pt->next; } while (pt != NULL); if (!m) printf("数据库中没有存储您要查询的数据!\n"); printf("\n\n"); return 0; } /*【1】修改数据之删除记录*/ int Delete() { struct Student *pt1, *pt2, *head; char str_num[20]; printf("\n◎请输入您要删除的学号信息:"); scanf("%s", str_num); pt1 = ReadData(); pt2 = pt1->next; head = pt1; while (pt2 != NULL) { if (strcmp(pt1->num, str_num) == 0) { WriteData_wb(pt2); } else if (strcmp(pt2->num, str_num) == 0) { pt1->next = pt2->next; WriteData_wb(head); } pt2 = pt2->next; pt1 = pt1->next; } if (pt2 != NULL) printf("数据库中没有存储您要删除的数据!\n"); printf("\n\n"); return 0; } /*【2】修改数据之修改记录*/ int Amend() { void menu_print_in(void); struct Student *pt1, *pt2, *head; char str_num[20]; printf("◎请输入您要修改的学号信息:"); scanf("%s", str_num); pt1 = ReadData(); pt2 = pt1->next; head = pt1; while (pt2 != NULL) { if (strcmp(pt1->num, str_num) == 0) { menu_print_in(); scanf("%s %s %s %d %s %s %s %s %s %s", pt1->num, pt1->name, pt1->sex, &pt1->age, pt1->phone, pt1->qq, pt1->nativePlace, pt1->department, pt1->major, pt1->className); WriteData_wb(head); } else if (strcmp(pt2->num, str_num) == 0) { menu_print_in(); scanf("%s %s %s %d %s %s %s %s %s %s", pt2->num, pt2->name, pt2->sex, &pt2->age, pt2->phone, pt2->qq, pt2->nativePlace, pt2->department, pt2->major, pt2->className); WriteData_wb(head); } pt2 = pt2->next; pt1 = pt1->next; } if (pt2 != NULL) printf("数据库中没有存储您要删除的数据!\n"); return 0; } /*【3】修改数据之整理数据*/ int Neaten() { struct Student *first; struct Student *tail; struct Student *p_min; struct Student *min; struct Student *p; struct Student *head; head = ReadData(); first = NULL; while (head != NULL) { for (p = head, min = head; p->next != NULL; p = p->next) { if (strcmp(p->next->num, min->num) < 0) { p_min = p; min = p->next; } } if (first == NULL) { first = min; tail = min; } else { tail->next = min; tail = min; } if (min == head) { head = head->next; } else { p_min->next = min->next; } } if (first != NULL) { tail->next = NULL; } head = first; WriteData_wb(head); return 0; } /*输入写入数据的数量*/ int Creat_num(void) { int n; printf("\n◎请输入您此次要添加的数据个数:"); if (scanf("%d", &n) != 1) { printf("\a error!"); } return n; } /*选择将要打开的文件*/ int File_name() { printf("\n◎请输入您想要打开的文件:"); if (scanf("%s", filename) != 1) printf("\a error!"); return 0; } /*主菜单*/ void menu(void) { void menu_add(void); void menu_inquire(void); void menu_amend(void); int a = 0; printf(" ╭════════╮ \n"); printf("╭══════╣学生管理系统V1.0╠══════╮\n"); printf("║ ╰════════╯ ║\n"); printf("║ 【1】添加数据 【3】修改数据 ║\n"); printf("║ ║\n"); printf("║ 【2】查询数据 【4】退出系统 ║\n"); printf("║ ║\n"); printf("╰══════════════════════╯\n"); printf("◎请输入功能前的序号进入相应的工具:【 】\b\b"); a = getchar(); while (a != '1'&&a != '2'&&a != '3'&&a != '4') { printf("error! please input the right number!\n"); putchar('\a'); getchar(); printf("◎请重新输入功能前的序号进入相应的工具:【 】\b\b"); a = getchar(); } switch (a) { case '1': File_name();menu_add(); break; case '2': File_name();menu_inquire(); break; case '3': File_name();menu_amend(); break; case '4': exit(0); break; } getchar(); } /*二级菜单之添加数据*/ void menu_add(void) { int a = 0; system("cls"); getchar(); printf(" ╭════════╮ \n"); printf("╭══════╣ 添加数据方式 ╠══════╮\n"); printf("║ ╰════════╯ ║\n"); printf("║ 【1】新建文件 【2】增添数据 【3】返回菜单 ║\n"); printf("║ ║\n"); printf("╰══════════════════════╯\n"); printf("◎请输入功能前的序号进入相应的工具:【 】\b\b"); a = getchar(); while (a != '1'&&a != '2'&&a != '3') { printf("error! please input the right number!\n"); putchar('\a'); getchar(); printf("◎请重新输入功能前的序号进入相应的工具:【 】\b\b"); a = getchar(); } switch (a) { case '1': WriteData_wb(Creat(Creat_num())); printf("\n◎新建文件成功且数据已成功保存◎\n"); system("pause"); system("cls"); menu_add(); break; case '2': WriteData_ab(Creat(Creat_num())); printf("\n◎数据已成功添加◎\n"); system("pause"); system("cls"); menu_add(); break; case '3': system("cls"); getchar(); menu(); break; } } /*二级菜单之查询数据*/ void menu_inquire(void) { int a = 0; system("cls"); getchar(); while (1) { system("cls"); printf(" ╭════════╮ \n"); printf("╭══════╣ 查询数据方式 ╠══════╮\n"); printf("║ ╰════════╯ ║\n"); printf("║ 【1】全量查询 【4】模糊查询 ║\n"); printf("║ ║\n"); printf("║ 【2】学号查询 【5】返回菜单 ║\n"); printf("║ ║\n"); printf("║ 【3】姓名查询 ║\n"); printf("╰══════════════════════╯\n"); printf("◎请输入功能前的序号进入相应的工具:【 】\b\b"); a = getchar(); while (a != '1'&&a != '2'&&a != '3'&&a != '3'&&a != '4'&&a != '5'&&a != '6') { printf("error! please input the right number!\n"); putchar('\a'); getchar(); printf("◎请重新输入功能前的序号进入相应的工具:【 】\b\b"); a = getchar(); } switch (a) { case '1': Print_inquire_all();system("pause");getchar(); break; case '2': Print_inquire_num();system("pause");getchar(); break; case '3': Print_inquire_name();system("pause");getchar(); break; case '4': Print_inquire_fuzzy();system("pause");getchar();; break; case '5': system("cls");getchar();menu(); break; } } } /*二级菜单之修改数据*/ void menu_amend(void) { int a = 0; system("cls"); getchar(); while (1) { system("cls"); printf(" ╭════════╮ \n"); printf("╭══════╣ 修改数据方式 ╠══════╮\n"); printf("║ ╰════════╯ ║\n"); printf("║ 【1】删除记录 【3】整理数据 ║\n"); printf("║ ║\n"); printf("║ 【2】修改记录 【4】返回菜单 ║\n"); printf("╰══════════════════════╯\n"); printf("◎请输入功能前的序号进入相应的工具:【 】\b\b"); a = getchar(); while (a != '1'&&a != '2'&&a != '3'&&a != '4') { printf("error! please input the right number!\n"); putchar('\a'); getchar(); printf("◎请重新输入功能前的序号进入相应的工具:【 】\b\b"); a = getchar(); } switch (a) { case '1': Delete(); printf("\n\n◎已成功删除指定数据◎\n"); system("pause"); getchar(); break; case '2': Amend(); printf("\n\n◎已成功修改指定数据◎\n"); system("pause"); getchar(); break; case '3': Neaten(); printf("\n\n◎数据已成功按照学号重新排列◎\n"); system("pause"); getchar(); break; case '4': system("cls"); getchar(); menu(); break; } } } /*输入输出提示栏*/ void menu_print_in(void) { printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("学号 姓名 性别 年龄 电话 QQ 籍贯 系别 专业 班级 \n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } void menu_print_out(void) { printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("学号 姓名 性别 年龄 电话 QQ 籍贯 系别 专业 班级 \n"); printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } /*主函数*/ int main(void) { SetConsoleTitle(L"学生学籍管理系统"); menu(); return 0; }