第一章 绪论
自动驾驶,是指通过给车辆装备智能软件和多种感应设备,包括车载传感器、雷达、GPS以及摄像头等,实现车辆的自主安全驾驶,安全高效地到达目的地并达到完全消除交通事故的目标。美国国家公路交通安全管理局分5 级定义汽车自动化等级。0级:由驾驶员驾驶;l级:具备1种以上自动化控制功能(如自适应巡航和车道保持系统 ACC等);2级:以汽车为主体执行多种操作功能;3级:当以汽车为主体的驾驶行不通时可指示驾驶员切换为手动驾驶;4级:完全可以无人驾驶。如今,越来越多的企业开始涉足这块领域,将尖端的IT技术运用到汽车领域中,希望为消费者驾车出行带来更多美好体验。麦肯锡预测,到2025年自动驾驶汽车可以产生2000亿-1.9万亿美元的产值;市场研究公司IHs预测,2035年4 级完全自动驾驶车每年销量可达480万辆。对任何一个行业而言,这都具有足够的市场诱惑。
2016年1月,通用向美国第二大打车应用Lyft投资5亿美元研发自动驾驶,随后又对外宣布将于年内在公开道路上测试具备自动驾驶功能的出租车。此外,通用还花费10亿美元收购了自动驾驶初创公司Cruise Automation。据了解,目前通用正在研发一套名为Super Cruise的自动巡航系统,类似于特斯拉的Autopilot。
本田讴歌在美国加州的GoMentum Station自动驾驶汽车测试场展示了多款自动驾驶汽车。有专利显示,本田目前正在研究通过增强现实(AR)技术让驾驶员看到障碍物背后的物体。
苹果的造车计划一直充满了神秘感。根据知情人士的透露,苹果已经暂停了自动驾驶项目Titan,并展开了大规模裁员。但随后不久,又有媒体爆料,苹果已经和全球知名的英国赛车制造商迈凯伦展开洽谈,计划对后者进行投资,共同推进自动驾驶技术的研发。同时,也有爆料称苹果打算收购一家位于美国旧金山的自动平衡摩托车初创公司Lit Motors。
2013年底,美国密歇根大学批准了一项600 多万美元的“安全驾驶”项目,建造用于测试自动驾驶汽车的设施。该大学与汽车行业及政府部门通力合作,计划在2021年向该州安娜堡市交付自动驾驶车车队,车队里所有的自动驾驶汽车都将联网。2016年7月,美国密西根大学宣布接手原本隶属于通用集团的Willow Run建筑群(二战期间福特曾在此地生产B-24轰炸机)。密歇根大学计划将此地改造成全美最大的自动驾驶汽车测试基地,并将之命名为美国移动中心(American Center for Mobility)。
2013年,英国政府拨款150万英镑,用来在伦敦以北的小城米尔顿·凯恩斯的道路上,进行自动驾驶汽车实地试验。这些别称为“豆荚”的自动驾驶汽车行驶速度为19 krn/h,它们将在专用道路上搭载乘客前往市区各地。
第二章 自动驾驶关键技术概述
自动驾驶车辆(Intelligent vehicle)是一个集环境感知、规划决策、多等级辅助驾驶等功能于一体的综合系统,集中运用了计算机、现代传感、信息融合、通讯、人工智能及自动控制等技术,是典型的高新技术综合体。自动驾驶的关键技术依次可以分为环境感知,行为决策,路径规划和运动控制四大部分。
图 1自动驾驶关键技术
第三章 自动驾驶正向碰撞预警设计与实现
图 2传感器布局
自动驾驶汽车通常都会具备如下的4种主要零部件。激光雷达。工作过程中会一直旋转,通过激光束探测的方式生成汽车周围环境的360度成像信息。摄像头。利用多摄像头的成像视差来测算周围物体和汽车之间的距离。同时也被用来识别红绿灯和各种交通指示牌,以及周围的行人和自行车等物体。无线传感器。与摄像头协同工作,通过无线信号直接探测周围近处物体距离汽车的精确距离。主控系统。通常位于汽车的尾箱,用于处理各种传感器的感知信号,并与预先存储在系统内的地图数据对比,评估自动驾驶汽车的实时状况。为了实现正向碰撞警告这一目标,需要采集车辆的前置视觉和雷达传感器的数据信息。为了提高准确预警的概率,降低虚假预警的概率,需要进行传感器融合。本文采用了测试车(ego vehicle),其配备了各种传感器,并记录了它们的输出。
FCW有3种情况:安全(绿色):ego lane没有车(没有MIO),MIO正在远离车,或者距离保持不变。警告(黄色):MIO离车越来越近,但仍然在FCW距离之上。警告(红色):MIO正在靠近汽车,它的距离小于FCW距离。FCW距离采用欧洲NCAP
AEB测试协议计算。这个距离随着MIO和汽车之间的相对速度而变化,当关闭速度越高,这个距离越大。欧洲NCAP AEB测试协议定义了以下距离计算: d_{FCW} = 1.2 * v_{rel}
图 7第150帧检测结果
图 8第180帧检测结果
图 9第200帧检测结果
[videoReader, videoDisplayHandle, bepPlotters, sensor] = helperCreateFCWDemoDisplay('01_city_c2s_fcw_10s.mp4', 'SensorConfigurationData.mat');
% Read the recorded detections file
[visionObjects, radarObjects, inertialMeasurementUnit, laneReports, ...
timeStep, numSteps] = readSensorRecordingsFile('01_city_c2s_fcw_10s_sensor.mat');
laneWidth = 3.6; % meters
egoLane = struct('left', [0 0 laneWidth/2], 'right', [0 0 -laneWidth/2]);
% Prepare some time variables
time = 0; % Time since the beginning of the recording
currentStep = 0; % Current timestep
snapTime = 9.3; % The time to capture a snapshot of the display
% Initialize the tracker
[tracker, positionSelector, velocitySelector] = setupTracker();
while currentStep < numSteps && ishghandle(videoDisplayHandle)
% Update scenario counters
currentStep = currentStep + 1;
time = time + timeStep;
% Process the sensor detections as objectDetection inputs to the tracker
[detections, laneBoundaries, egoLane] = processDetections(...
visionObjects(currentStep), radarObjects(currentStep), ...
inertialMeasurementUnit(currentStep), laneReports(currentStep), ...
egoLane, time);
% Using the list of objectDetections, return the tracks, updated to time
confirmedTracks = updateTracks(tracker, detections, time);
% Find the most important object and calculate the forward collision
% warning
mostImportantObject = findMostImportantObject(confirmedTracks, egoLane, positionSelector, velocitySelector);
% Update video and birds-eye plot displays
frame = readFrame(videoReader); % Read video frame
helperUpdateFCWDemoDisplay(frame, videoDisplayHandle, bepPlotters, ...
laneBoundaries, sensor, confirmedTracks, mostImportantObject, positionSelector, ...
velocitySelector, visionObjects(currentStep), radarObjects(currentStep));
% Capture a snapshot
if time >= snapTime && time < snapTime + timeStep
function [tracker, positionSelector, velocitySelector] = setupTracker()
tracker = multiObjectTracker(...
'FilterInitializationFcn', @initConstantAccelerationFilter, ...
'AssignmentThreshold', 35, 'ConfirmationParameters', [2 3], ...
'NumCoastingUpdates', 5);
% The State vector is:
% In constant velocity: State = [x;vx;y;vy]
% In constant acceleration: State = [x;vx;ax;y;vy;ay]
% Define which part of the State is the position. For example:
% In constant velocity: [x;y] = [1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0] * State
% In constant acceleration: [x;y] = [1 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1 0 0] * State
positionSelector = [1 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1 0 0];
% Define which part of the State is the velocity. For example:
% In constant velocity: [x;y] = [0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1] * State
% In constant acceleration: [x;y] = [0 1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 1 0] * State
velocitySelector = [0 1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 1 0];
function filter = initConstantAccelerationFilter(detection)
% This function shows how to configure a constant acceleration filter. The
% input is an objectDetection and the output is a tracking filter.
% For clarity, this function shows how to configure a trackingKF,
% trackingEKF, or trackingUKF for constant acceleration.
% Steps for creating a filter:
% 1. Define the motion model and state
% 2. Define the process noise
% 3. Define the measurement model
% 4. Initialize the state vector based on the measurement
% 5. Initialize the state covariance based on the measurement noise
% 6. Create the correct filter
% Step 1: Define the motion model and state
% This example uses a constant acceleration model, so:
STF = @constacc; % State-transition function, for EKF and UKF
STFJ = @constaccjac; % State-transition function Jacobian, only for EKF
% The motion model implies that the state is [x;vx;ax;y;vy;ay]
% You can also use constvel and constveljac to set up a constant
% velocity model, constturn and constturnjac to set up a constant turn
% rate model, or write your own models.
% Step 2: Define the process noise
dt = 0.05; % Known timestep size
sigma = 1; % Magnitude of the unknown acceleration change rate
% The process noise along one dimension
Q1d = [dt^4/4, dt^3/2, dt^2/2; dt^3/2, dt^2, dt; dt^2/2, dt, 1] * sigma^2;
Q = blkdiag(Q1d, Q1d); % 2-D process noise
% Step 3: Define the measurement model
MF = @fcwmeas; % Measurement function, for EKF and UKF
MJF = @fcwmeasjac; % Measurement Jacobian function, only for EKF
% Step 4: Initialize a state vector based on the measurement
% The sensors measure [x;vx;y;vy] and the constant acceleration model's
% state is [x;vx;ax;y;vy;ay], so the third and sixth elements of the
% state vector are initialized to zero.
state = [detection.Measurement(1); detection.Measurement(2); 0; detection.Measurement(3); detection.Measurement(4); 0];
% Step 5: Initialize the state covariance based on the measurement
% noise. The parts of the state that are not directly measured are
% assigned a large measurement noise value to account for that.
L = 100; % A large number relative to the measurement noise
stateCov = blkdiag(detection.MeasurementNoise(1:2,1:2), L, detection.MeasurementNoise(3:4,3:4), L);
% Step 6: Create the correct filter.
% Use 'KF' for trackingKF, 'EKF' for trackingEKF, or 'UKF' for trackingUKF
FilterType = 'EKF';
% Creating the filter:
switch FilterType
case 'EKF'
filter = trackingEKF(STF, MF, state,...
'StateCovariance', stateCov, ...
'MeasurementNoise', detection.MeasurementNoise(1:4,1:4), ...
'StateTransitionJacobianFcn', STFJ, ...
'MeasurementJacobianFcn', MJF, ...
'ProcessNoise', Q ...
case 'UKF'
filter = trackingUKF(STF, MF, state, ...
'StateCovariance', stateCov, ...
'MeasurementNoise', detection.MeasurementNoise(1:4,1:4), ...
'Alpha', 1e-1, ...
'ProcessNoise', Q ...
case 'KF' % The ConstantAcceleration model is linear and KF can be used
% Define the measurement model: measurement = H * state
% In this case:
% measurement = [x;vx;y;vy] = H * [x;vx;ax;y;vy;ay]
% So, H = [1 0 0 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 0 1 0]
% Note that ProcessNoise is automatically calculated by the
% ConstantAcceleration motion model
H = [1 0 0 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 0 1 0];
filter = trackingKF('MotionModel', '2D Constant Acceleration', ...
'MeasurementModel', H, 'State', state, ...
'MeasurementNoise', detection.MeasurementNoise(1:4,1:4), ...
'StateCovariance', stateCov);
function [detections,laneBoundaries, egoLane] = processDetections...
(visionFrame, radarFrame, IMUFrame, laneFrame, egoLane, time)
% Inputs:
% visionFrame - objects reported by the vision sensor for this time frame
% radarFrame - objects reported by the radar sensor for this time frame
% IMUFrame - inertial measurement unit data for this time frame
% laneFrame - lane reports for this time frame
% egoLane - the estimated ego lane
% time - the time corresponding to the time frame
% Remove clutter radar objects
[laneBoundaries, egoLane] = processLanes(laneFrame, egoLane);
realRadarObjects = findNonClutterRadarObjects(radarFrame.object,...
radarFrame.numObjects, IMUFrame.velocity, laneBoundaries);
% Return an empty list if no objects are reported
% Counting the total number of object
detections = {};
if (visionFrame.numObjects + numel(realRadarObjects)) == 0
% Process the remaining radar objects
detections = processRadar(detections, realRadarObjects, time);
% Process video objects
detections = processVideo(detections, visionFrame, time);
function mostImportantObject = findMostImportantObject(confirmedTracks,egoLane,positionSelector,velocitySelector)
% Initialize outputs and parameters
MIO = []; % By default, there is no MIO
trackID = []; % By default, there is no trackID associated with an MIO
FCW = 3; % By default, if there is no MIO, then FCW is 'safe'
threatColor = 'green'; % By default, the threat color is green
maxX = 1000; % Far enough forward so that no track is expected to exceed this distance
gAccel = 9.8; % Constant gravity acceleration, in m/s^2
maxDeceleration = 0.4 * gAccel; % Euro NCAP AEB definition
delayTime = 1.2; % Delay time for a driver before starting to break, in seconds
positions = getTrackPositions(confirmedTracks, positionSelector);
velocities = getTrackVelocities(confirmedTracks, velocitySelector);
for i = 1:numel(confirmedTracks)
x = positions(i,1);
y = positions(i,2);
relSpeed = velocities(i,1); % The relative speed between the cars, along the lane
if x < maxX && x > 0 % No point checking otherwise
yleftLane = polyval(egoLane.left, x);
yrightLane = polyval(egoLane.right, x);
if (yrightLane <= y) && (y <= yleftLane)
maxX = x;
trackID = i;
MIO = confirmedTracks(i).TrackID;
if relSpeed < 0 % Relative speed indicates object is getting closer
% Calculate expected braking distance according to
% Euro NCAP AEB Test Protocol
d = abs(relSpeed) * delayTime + relSpeed^2 / 2 / maxDeceleration;
if x <= d % 'warn'
FCW = 1;
threatColor = 'red';
else % 'caution'
FCW = 2;
threatColor = 'yellow';
mostImportantObject = struct('ObjectID', MIO, 'TrackIndex', trackID, 'Warning', FCW, 'ThreatColor', threatColor);
function [visionObjects, radarObjects, inertialMeasurementUnit, laneReports, ...
timeStep, numSteps] = readSensorRecordingsFile(sensorRecordingFileName)
% Read Sensor Recordings
% The |ReadDetectionsFile| function reads the recorded sensor data file.
% The recorded data is a single structure that is divided into the
% following substructures:
% # |inertialMeasurementUnit|, a struct array with fields: timeStamp,
% velocity, and yawRate. Each element of the array corresponds to a
% different timestep.
% # |laneReports|, a struct array with fields: left and right. Each element
% of the array corresponds to a different timestep.
% Both left and right are structures with fields: isValid, confidence,
% boundaryType, offset, headingAngle, and curvature.
% # |radarObjects|, a struct array with fields: timeStamp (see below),
% numObjects (integer) and object (struct). Each element of the array
% corresponds to a different timestep.
% |object| is a struct array, where each element is a separate object,
% with the fields: id, status, position(x;y;z), velocity(vx,vy,vz),
% amplitude, and rangeMode.
% Note: z is always constant and vz=0.
% # |visionObjects|, a struct array with fields: timeStamp (see below),
% numObjects (integer) and object (struct). Each element of the array
% corresponds to a different timestep.
% |object| is a struct array, where each element is a separate object,
% with the fields: id, classification, position (x;y;z),
% velocity(vx;vy;vz), size(dx;dy;dz). Note: z=vy=vz=dx=dz=0
% The timeStamp for recorded vision and radar objects is a uint64 variable
% holding microseconds since the Unix epoch. Timestamps are recorded about
% 50 milliseconds apart. There is a complete synchronization between the
% recordings of vision and radar detections, therefore the timestamps are
% not used in further calculations.
A = load(sensorRecordingFileName);
visionObjects = A.vision;
radarObjects = A.radar;
laneReports = A.lane;
inertialMeasurementUnit = A.inertialMeasurementUnit;
timeStep = 0.05; % Data is provided every 50 milliseconds
numSteps = numel(visionObjects); % Number of recorded timesteps
function [laneBoundaries, egoLane] = processLanes(laneReports, egoLane)
% Lane boundaries are updated based on the laneReports from the recordings.
% Since some laneReports contain invalid (isValid = false) reports or
% impossible parameter values (-1e9), these lane reports are ignored and
% the previous lane boundary is used.
leftLane = laneReports.left;
rightLane = laneReports.right;
% Check the validity of the reported left lane
cond = (leftLane.isValid && leftLane.confidence) && ...
~(leftLane.headingAngle == -1e9 || leftLane.curvature == -1e9);
if cond
egoLane.left = cast([leftLane.curvature, leftLane.headingAngle, leftLane.offset], 'double');
% Update the left lane boundary parameters or use the previous ones
leftParams = egoLane.left;
leftBoundaries = parabolicLaneBoundary(leftParams);
leftBoundaries.Strength = 1;
% Check the validity of the reported right lane
cond = (rightLane.isValid && rightLane.confidence) && ...
~(rightLane.headingAngle == -1e9 || rightLane.curvature == -1e9);
if cond
egoLane.right = cast([rightLane.curvature, rightLane.headingAngle, rightLane.offset], 'double');
% Update the right lane boundary parameters or use the previous ones
rightParams = egoLane.right;
rightBoundaries = parabolicLaneBoundary(rightParams);
rightBoundaries.Strength = 1;
laneBoundaries = [leftBoundaries, rightBoundaries];
function realRadarObjects = findNonClutterRadarObjects(radarObject, numRadarObjects, egoSpeed, laneBoundaries)
% The radar objects include many objects that belong to the clutter.
% Clutter is defined as a stationary object that is not in front of the
% car. The following types of objects pass as nonclutter:
% # Any object in front of the car
% # Any moving object in the area of interest around the car, including
% objects that move at a lateral speed around the car
% Allocate memory
normVs = zeros(numRadarObjects, 1);
inLane = zeros(numRadarObjects, 1);
inZone = zeros(numRadarObjects, 1);
% Parameters
LaneWidth = 3.6; % What is considered in front of the car
ZoneWidth = 1.7*LaneWidth; % A wider area of interest
minV = 1; % Any object that moves slower than minV is considered stationary
for j = 1:numRadarObjects
[vx, vy] = calculateGroundSpeed(radarObject(j).velocity(1),radarObject(j).velocity(2),egoSpeed);
normVs(j) = norm([vx,vy]);
laneBoundariesAtObject = computeBoundaryModel(laneBoundaries, radarObject(j).position(1));
laneCenter = mean(laneBoundariesAtObject);
inLane(j) = (abs(radarObject(j).position(2) - laneCenter) <= LaneWidth/2);
inZone(j) = (abs(radarObject(j).position(2) - laneCenter) <= max(abs(vy)*2, ZoneWidth));
realRadarObjectsIdx = union(...
intersect(find(normVs > minV), find(inZone == 1)), ...
find(inLane == 1));
realRadarObjects = radarObject(realRadarObjectsIdx);
function [Vx,Vy] = calculateGroundSpeed(Vxi,Vyi,egoSpeed)
% Inputs
% (Vxi,Vyi) : relative object speed
% egoSpeed : ego vehicle speed
% Outputs
% [Vx,Vy] : ground object speed
Vx = Vxi + egoSpeed; % Calculate longitudinal ground speed
theta = atan2(Vyi,Vxi); % Calculate heading angle
Vy = Vx * tan(theta); % Calculate lateral ground speed
function postProcessedDetections = processVideo(postProcessedDetections, visionFrame, t)
% Process the video objects into objectDetection objects
numRadarObjects = numel(postProcessedDetections);
numVisionObjects = visionFrame.numObjects;
if numVisionObjects
classToUse = class(visionFrame.object(1).position);
visionMeasCov = cast(diag([2,2,2,100]), classToUse);
% Process Vision Objects:
for i=1:numVisionObjects
object = visionFrame.object(i);
postProcessedDetections{numRadarObjects+i} = objectDetection(t,...
[object.position(1); object.velocity(1); object.position(2); 0], ...
'SensorIndex', 1, 'MeasurementNoise', visionMeasCov, ...
'MeasurementParameters', {1}, ...
'ObjectClassID', object.classification, ...
'ObjectAttributes', {object.id, object.size});
function postProcessedDetections = processRadar(postProcessedDetections, realRadarObjects, t)
% Process the radar objects into objectDetection objects
numRadarObjects = numel(realRadarObjects);
if numRadarObjects
classToUse = class(realRadarObjects(1).position);
radarMeasCov = cast(diag([2,2,2,100]), classToUse);
% Process Radar Objects:
for i=1:numRadarObjects
object = realRadarObjects(i);
postProcessedDetections{i} = objectDetection(t, ...
[object.position(1); object.velocity(1); object.position(2); object.velocity(2)], ...
'SensorIndex', 2, 'MeasurementNoise', radarMeasCov, ...
'MeasurementParameters', {2}, ...
'ObjectAttributes', {object.id, object.status, object.amplitude, object.rangeMode});
function measurement = fcwmeas(state, sensorID)
% The example measurements depend on the sensor type, which is reported by
% the MeasurementParameters property of the objectDetection. The following
% two sensorID values are used:
% sensorID=1: video objects, the measurement is [x;vx;y].
% sensorID=2: radar objects, the measurement is [x;vx;y;vy].
% The state is:
% Constant velocity state = [x;vx;y;vy]
% Constant turn state = [x;vx;y;vy;omega]
% Constant acceleration state = [x;vx;ax;y;vy;ay]
if numel(state) < 6 % Constant turn or constant velocity
switch sensorID
case 1 % video
measurement = [state(1:3); 0];
case 2 % radar
measurement = state(1:4);
else % Constant acceleration
switch sensorID
case 1 % video
measurement = [state(1:2); state(4); 0];
case 2 % radar
measurement = [state(1:2); state(4:5)];
function jacobian = fcwmeasjac(state, sensorID)
% The example measurements depend on the sensor type, which is reported by
% the MeasurementParameters property of the objectDetection. We choose
% sensorID=1 for video objects and sensorID=2 for radar objects. The
% following two sensorID values are used:
% sensorID=1: video objects, the measurement is [x;vx;y].
% sensorID=2: radar objects, the measurement is [x;vx;y;vy].
% The state is:
% Constant velocity state = [x;vx;y;vy]
% Constant turn state = [x;vx;y;vy;omega]
% Constant acceleration state = [x;vx;ax;y;vy;ay]
numStates = numel(state);
jacobian = zeros(4, numStates);
if numel(state) < 6 % Constant turn or constant velocity
switch sensorID
case 1 % video
jacobian(1,1) = 1;
jacobian(2,2) = 1;
jacobian(3,3) = 1;
case 2 % radar
jacobian(1,1) = 1;
jacobian(2,2) = 1;
jacobian(3,3) = 1;
jacobian(4,4) = 1;
else % Constant acceleration
switch sensorID
case 1 % video
jacobian(1,1) = 1;
jacobian(2,2) = 1;
jacobian(3,4) = 1;
case 2 % radar
jacobian(1,1) = 1;
jacobian(2,2) = 1;
jacobian(3,4) = 1;
jacobian(4,5) = 1;
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