NBU7.0 Image Cleanup作业在没有配置hot catalog backup的情况下失败,Status=1


NBU7.0 Image Cleanup作业在没有配置hot catalog backup的情况下失败,Status=1


NBU7.0 Image Cleanup作业失败, Detailed status显示如下内容:

2010-2-8 17:35:06 - Info bpdbm(pid=1060) image catalog cleanup

2010-2-8 17:35:06 - Info bpdbm(pid=1060) Cleaning up tables in the relational database

2010-2-8 17:35:07 - Info bpdbm(pid=1060) deleting images which expire before Mon Feb 08 17:35:06 2010 (1265621706)

2010-2-8 17:35:07 - Warning bpdbm(pid=1060) Hot catalog backup is not configured for 'win2k3r2-nbu7', catalog cleanup will return partial success until hot catalog backup is configured.

2010-2-8 17:35:07 - Info bpdbm(pid=1060) processing client win2k3r2-nbu7

2010-2-8 17:35:07 - Info bpdbm(pid=1060) deleted 0 expired records, compressed 0, tir removed 0, deleted 0 expired copies

the requested operation was partially successful(1)


The job was successfully completed, but some files may have been

busy or unaccessible. See the problems report or the client's logs for more details.


NetBackup 7.0中所有的catalog备份都是在线热备份(online, hot catalog backups)catalog离线冷备份(offline, cold catalog backups)已经取消了。 如果没有配置catalog在线热备份,Image Cleanup作业会有警告:

Warning bpdbm(pid=1060) Hot catalog backup is not configured for 'win2k3r2-nbu7', catalog cleanup will return partial success until hot catalog backup is configured.



配置catalog热备份策略后,Image Cleanup作业就可以正常完成了:

NBU7.0 Image Cleanup作业在没有配置hot catalog backup的情况下失败,Status=1_第1张图片
