原论文: Marine Predators Algorithm: A nature-inspired metaheuristic
代码: https://github.com/afshinfaramarzi/Marine-Predators-Algorithm
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海洋捕食者算法(MPA)是一种新型元启发式优化算法。参考作者论文, 给出算法的流程:
(1) 初始化精英矩阵(Elite)和猎物矩阵(Prey)
猎物矩阵(Prey) 矩阵每一个元素 Xij 的初始化方法:
X i j = X m i n + r a n d ( X m a x − x m i n ) X_{ij} = X_{min} ~+~ rand(X_{max} ~-~ x_{min}) Xij=Xmin + rand(Xmax − xmin)
对每一个Prey个体Xi = [Xi,1, Xi,2, …, Xi,d], 计算其适应度, 然后使用适应度最优的个体 XI 复制n份构成Elite矩阵
s i = R B ⨂ ( E l i t e i − R B ⨂ P r e y i ) , i = 1... n P r e y i = P r e y i + P . R ⨂ s i s_i = R_B \bigotimes ~(Elite_i - R_B \bigotimes Prey_i), ~i = 1...n \\ Prey_i = Prey_i ~+~ P.R \bigotimes s_i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ si=RB⨂ (Elitei−RB⨂Preyi), i=1...nPreyi=Preyi + P.R⨂si
其中,RB 是采用布朗随机游走产生的随机数组成的向量,维度是 d(问题的求解规模,下同)。si 代表移动的步长。 P是一个常数,等于0.5。R是一个0到1之间的均匀分布的随机数组成的向量,维度是 d。
RB相当于一般化的高斯分布(Normal Gaussian distribution)。每一个元素 RBi 可以通过下列表达式来计算:
R B i = 1 2 π e x p ( − x 2 2 ) R_{Bi} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}exp(-\frac{x^2}{2}) RBi=2π1exp(−2x2)
s i = R L ⨂ ( E l i t e i − R L ⨂ P r e y i ) , i = 1 , . . . , n / 2 P r e y i = P r e y i + P . R ⨂ s i s_i = R_L \bigotimes ~(Elite_i ~-~ R_L \bigotimes Prey_i),~i=1,...,n/2 \\ Prey_i = Prey_i ~+~ P.R \bigotimes s_i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ si=RL⨂ (Elitei − RL⨂Preyi), i=1,...,n/2Preyi=Preyi + P.R⨂si
其中, RL 是 Levy 分布组成的出来的一个向量,维度是 d。P是一个常数,等于0.5。R是一个0到1之间的均匀分布的随机数组成的向量,维度是 d。
RL 的每一项元素 RLi 可以由下列式子计算得来:
R L i = C × x y 1 / a R_{Li} = C ~\times~ \frac{x}{y^{1/a}} RLi=C × y1/ax
其中,C 和 α是一个常数,分别等于0.05和1.5。
x = N o r m a l ( 0 , σ x 2 ) y = N o r m a l ( 0 , σ y 2 ) x = Normal(~0,~ \sigma_x^2~) \\ y = Normal(~0,~ \sigma_y^2~) x=Normal( 0, σx2 )y=Normal( 0, σy2 )
σ x = [ Γ ( 1 + α ) s i n ( π α 2 ) Γ ( 1 + α 2 ) α 2 α − 1 2 ] 1 / α σ y = 1 α = 1.5 \sigma_x = [\frac{\Gamma(1 + α)sin(\frac{\piα}{2})}{\Gamma(\frac{1+α}{2})α2^{\frac{α-1}{2}}}]^{1/α} \\ \sigma_y = 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\ α = 1.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ σx=[Γ(21+α)α22α−1Γ(1+α)sin(2πα)]1/ασy=1 α=1.5
s i = R B ⨂ ( R B ⨂ E l i t e i − P r e y i ) , i = n / 2 , . . . , n P r e y i = E l i t e i + P . C F ⨂ s i s_i = R_B \bigotimes~(R_B \bigotimes Elite_i - Prey_i),~i=n/2,...,n \\ Prey_i = Elite_i + P.CF \bigotimes s_i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ si=RB⨂ (RB⨂Elitei−Preyi), i=n/2,...,nPreyi=Elitei+P.CF⨂si
这里RB 是采用布朗随机游走产生的随机数组成的向量,维度是 d。P是常数,等于0.5。CF是步长si 的自适应参数(下同), 定义为
C F = ( 1 − I t e r M a x _ I t e r ) ( 2 I t e r M a x _ I t e r ) CF = (1 - \frac{Iter}{Max\_Iter})^{(2\frac{Iter}{Max\_Iter})} CF=(1−Max_IterIter)(2Max_IterIter)
其中, Iter是迭代次数,Max_Iter是最大迭代次数。
s i = R L ⨂ ( R L ⨂ E l i t e i − P r e y i ) , i = 1 , . . . , n P r e y i = E l i t e i + P . C F ⨂ s i s_i = R_L \bigotimes ~(R_L \bigotimes Elite_i ~-~ Prey_i), i=1,...,n \\ Prey_i = Elite_i + P.CF \bigotimes s_i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ si=RL⨂ (RL⨂Elitei − Preyi),i=1,...,nPreyi=Elitei+P.CF⨂si
(3) 解决涡流形成和FADS效应(Eddy formation and FADs’ effect)
P r e y i = { P r e y i + C F [ X m i n + R ⨂ ( X m a x − X m i n ) ] ⨂ U , i f r < = F A D S P r e y i + [ F A D s ( 1 − r ) + r ] ( P r e y r 1 − P r e y r 2 ) , i f r > F A D S Prey_i = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} Prey_i + CF[X_{min} + R \bigotimes(X_{max} - X_{min})] \bigotimes U, if~ r <= FADS \\ Prey_i + [FADs(1-r)+r](Prey_{r1}-Prey_{r2}), ~if r~> FADS \end{array} \right. Preyi={Preyi+CF[Xmin+R⨂(Xmax−Xmin)]⨂U,if r<=FADSPreyi+[FADs(1−r)+r](Preyr1−Preyr2), ifr >FADS
其中r是一个随机数, FADS是一个影响优化过程的常数,等于0.2。r1和r2是Prey两个随机下标, 1 ≤ r1,r2 ≤ n。 U是一个包含0和1的二进制向量,维度是d。U的每一个元素 Ui 定义为
U i = { 0 , i f r a n d o m ≤ F A D s 1 , i f r a n d o m > F A D s U_i = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} 0, ~~~if~ random ≤ FADs \\ 1, ~~~if~ random > FADs \end{array} \right. Ui={0, if random≤FADs1, if random>FADs
(4) 海洋记忆(Marine memory)
针对每一个Prey矩阵中的个体Preyi ,计算其适应度,若适应度由于Elite矩阵矩阵中相应的位置的适应度时,则将该个体替代原来精英矩阵中相应的个体。
当然,Afshin Faramarzi[6]等人在论文中也提到,这只是MPA算法的第一个版本,后续还可以继续改进。尽管如此MPA在他们和其他学者的实验中都发现,MPA算法具有很高的寻优精确度。
李代华和崔东文[7]将海洋捕食者算法(MPA)与自适应神经模糊推理系统(ANFIS)相结和的方法来预测径流。Mohammed A. A. Al-qaness[8] 等人用MPA算法来预测意大利,美国,伊朗和韩国的新冠肺炎确诊病例。
# %%
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd # 读取csv文件的库
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import os
cur = os.getcwd().replace("\\", '/')
if cur.split('/')[-1] != 'MPA':
# %%
filename = 'data/ENB_nor.xlsx'
if filename.split('.')[-1] == 'csv':
df = pd.read_csv('../' + filename, encoding='gbk')
elif filename.split('.')[-1] == 'xlsx' or filename.split('.')[-1] == 'xls':
df = pd.read_excel('../' + filename, sheet_name=0)
df = 'error! 不支持的文件格式'
# %%
x_m = df[['X1', 'X2', 'X3', 'X4', 'X5', 'X6', 'X7', 'X8']].values.tolist()
y_lt = df['Y1'].tolist()
print('shape of x_m: {} * {}'.format(len(x_m), len(x_m[0])))
print('shape of y_lt: {}'.format(len(y_lt)))
# %%
length = len(x_m)
x = x_m[:int(length * 0.8)]
y = y_lt[:int(length * 0.8)]
# %%
def fc_MSE(w, x, y):
:param w: w是一系列参数的组合, 其中, 0到31是ANN输入层到隐藏层的32个w权重,32到35是输入层到隐藏层的4个偏置b,
36到39是隐藏层到输出层的4个w权重, 40是隐藏层到输出层的1个偏置b, 因此len(w) = 41
:param x: 特征矩阵, n * 8 维度, n是数据条数
:param y: 标签, n * 1 维度, n是数据条数
:return: 适应度值
# 注意切片运算时左闭右开 w[a:b] -> [a,b)
w1 = np.array(w[:32]).reshape((8, 4))
b1 = np.array(w[32:36]).reshape((1, 4))
w2 = np.array(w[36:40]).reshape((4, 1))
b2 = np.array(w[40])
x_n = np.array(x).reshape((len(x), 8))
y_n = np.array(y).reshape((len(x), 1))
temp = x_n.dot(w1) + b1
temp = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-temp))
result = y_n - temp.dot(w2) + b2
MSE = np.mean(np.square(y - result))
# print('MSE: ', MSE)
# https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42257962/article/details/108265730
# RMSE = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(y - y_hat)))
# MAE = np.mean(np.abs(y - y_hat))
# MAPE = np.mean(np.abs((y - y_hat) / y)) * 100
return MSE
def Levy_lt(dimension: int):
# gamma(1.25) = 0.9064
# gamma(2.5) = 1.329340388179137
sigma_x = 0.6965757716463266
sigma_y = 1
levy_list = []
while True:
levy_x = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=sigma_x ** 2, size=1)[0]
levy_y = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=sigma_y ** 2, size=1)[0]
levy_a = 0.05 * levy_x / (levy_y ** (1 / 1.5))
if np.isnan(levy_a):
if len(levy_list) >= dimension:
# print(levy_a)
return np.array(levy_list)
# %%
# 这里用MPA来求解神经网络的参数, 求解的函数为使得 y - f(w, x) 的向量的MSE最小
def MPA(x, y, func: str):
使用 pso 来算出神经网络连接的初始化权重
:param x: 特征矩阵, n * 8 维度, n是数据条数
:param y: 标签, n * 1 维度, n是数据条数
:param func: 适应度函数的函数名
:return: 长度为41的 w, 将作为神经网络的权重
# 先定义一些参数
x_min, x_max = -5, 5 # 解的范围, 及将要传入神经元的参数的范围
N = 4 # 种群规模
D = 41 # 觅食空间,解的维度
Max_Iter = 300 # 最大迭代次数,建议500~1000
FADs = 0.2 # the probability of FADs effect on the optimization process
P = 0.5 # 在 Max_Iter/3 代数内中会用到
# 开始操作
# Prey 代表 Prey矩阵
Prey = np.array([(x_min + np.random.random((D, 1)) * (x_max - x_min)).reshape(41).tolist()
for i in range(N)])
# print(Prey)
# print(len(Prey)) # 4
# print(len(Prey[0])) # 41
# 存放精英矩阵中最好的解
g_best = [i for i in Prey[0]]
g_best_value = eval(func)(Prey[0], x, y)
# 找出现阶段全局最优解
for i in range(1, N):
temp = eval(func)(Prey[i], x, y)
if temp < g_best_value:
g_best_value = temp
g_best = [j for j in Prey[i]]
# 再将最好的x_i复制 N 份构成精英矩阵
Elite = np.array([[i for i in g_best] for j in range(N)])
# for i in Elite:
# print(i)
# 存放精英矩阵中每一行的解的值
e_value_lt = [g_best_value for i in range(N)]
print('g_best: {}\ng_best_value: {}'.format(g_best, g_best_value))
generation_num = 0
while generation_num < Max_Iter:
generation_num += 1
CF = (1 - generation_num / Max_Iter) ** (2 * generation_num / Max_Iter)
# 开始三阶段演变
# 第一阶段
if generation_num < Max_Iter / 3:
R_B = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=D)
R = np.random.random(size=D)
for i in range(N):
step_size = R_B * (Elite[i] - R_B * Prey[i]) # numpy中矩阵间*代表相同位置元素相乘
Prey[i] += P * R * step_size
# 第二阶段
if Max_Iter / 3 <= generation_num < 2 * Max_Iter / 3:
for i in range(int(N / 2)):
R_L = Levy_lt(D)
R = np.random.random(size=D)
step_size = R_L * (Elite[i] - R_L * Prey[i])
Prey[i] += P * R * step_size
for i in range(int(N / 2), N):
R_B = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=D)
step_size = R_B * (R_B * Elite[i] - Prey[i])
Prey[i] = Elite[i] + P * CF * step_size
# 第三阶段
if generation_num >= 2 * Max_Iter / 3:
for i in range(N):
R_L = Levy_lt(D)
step_size = R_L * (R_L * Elite[i] - Prey[i])
Prey[i] = Elite[i] + P * CF * step_size
# Eddy formation and FADs’ effect 增加跳出局部最优的能力
random_num = random.random()
if random_num <= FADs:
U = np.array([0 if random.random() <= 0.2 else 1 for i in range(D)])
for i in range(N):
R = np.random.random(size=D)
Prey[i] += CF * (x_min + R * (x_max - x_min)) * U
else: # random_num > FADs
for i in range(N):
temp = np.random.randint(0, N, size=2)
# r1 and r2 subscripts denote random indexes of prey matrix.
r1, r2 = temp[0], temp[1]
Prey[i] += (FADs * (1 - random_num) + random_num) * (Prey[r1] - Prey[r2])
# 评估和替换
for i in range(N):
temp = eval(func)(Prey[i], x, y)
# 比表上相应位置还要优
if temp < e_value_lt[i]:
Elite[i] = [value for value in Prey[i]]
e_value_lt[i] = temp
# 比全局最优还要优
if temp < g_best_value:
g_best = [value for value in Prey[i]]
g_best_value = temp
print('gen_num_{}更新啦...\n g_best: {}, g_best_value: {}'.format(generation_num, g_best,
print('final g_best: {}\ng_best_value: {}'.format(g_best, g_best_value))
return g_best, g_best_value
MPA(x, y, "fc_MSE")
参考文献: a paper:
Marine Predators Algorithm: A nature-inspired metaheuristic
Afshin Faramarzi…