网络安全 攻击类型_网络攻击的类型| 网络安全

网络安全 攻击类型

Nowadays Cyber Security is an essential part of our life. We are store, secure and use data and security is important to prevent to steal data. There are numbers of attacks done by the attackers for ex: Man in middle attacks, Brute force, etc. Companies are aware of the Cyber Security importance especially those who are working on a cloud system and IoT technology. Cyber Security involving the various types of protection of computer system and prevention of the unauthorized access of electronic data.

如今,网络安全已成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。 我们存储,保护和使用数据,安全性对于防止窃取数据很重要。 攻击者针对例如ex进行了许多攻击:中级攻击,蛮力攻击等。公司意识到网络安全的重要性,尤其是那些致力于云系统和IoT技术的公司。 网络安全涉及各种类型的计算机系统保护,以及防止未经授权的电子数据访问。

网络攻击的类型 (Types of Cyber attacks)

1) Man in the middle attacks


It is a type of attack that allows an attacker to intercepts the connection between client and server and acts as a bridge between them. Using this Man in middle attacks, an attacker will be able to read the data, insert the data and modify the data in the intercepted connection.

这是一种攻击类型,它使攻击者可以拦截客户端和服务器之间的连接并充当它们之间的桥梁。 通过在中间攻击中使用此Man,攻击者将能够在拦截的连接中读取数据,插入数据并修改数据。

2) Brute force


Brute force is a type of attack which uses a technique of trial and error method. Brute force attack generates a large number of guesses about the data and validates them to obtain actual data like user password and personal identification number. This type of attack used by criminals to crack encrypted data, or by security, analysts to test an organization's network security.

蛮力攻击是一种使用试错法的攻击方式。 蛮力攻击会产生大量有关数据的猜测,并对其进行验证以获取实际数据,例如用户密码和个人标识号。 犯罪分子使用这种类型的攻击来破解加密数据,或者由安全分析人员使用这种攻击来测试组织的网络安全性。

3) DNS Spoofing


DNS Spoofing is another type of computer security hacking. Where data is introduced into a DNS resolver's cache causing the name server to return an incorrect IP address, diverting traffic to the attacker's computer or any other computer. This type of attack DNS attacks may go on for a long period of time without being detected and can cause serious security issues.

DNS欺骗是另一种计算机安全黑客攻击。 将数据引入DNS解析器的缓存中,导致名称服务器返回错误的IP地址,从而将流量分配给攻击者的计算机或任何其他计算机。 此类攻击DNS攻击可能会持续很长时间而未被检测到,并且可能导致严重的安全问题。

This type of attack meant to make a network resource unavailable to the users. It accomplishes this by covering the target with traffic or sending it information that triggers a crash. The attacker uses a single system and a single internet connection to attack a server system.

这种攻击意味着使网络资源对用户不可用。 它通过向目标覆盖流量或向其发送触发崩溃的信息来实现此目的。 攻击者使用单个系统和单个Internet连接来攻击服务器系统。

4) Backdoors


Most of the attackers use the technique of backdoors and this is a method that bypasses the normal authentication process. For the get, information developer create a backdoor so that an application or operating system can be accessed for troubleshooting or other benefits purposes.

大多数攻击者使用后门技术,这是绕过正常身份验证过程的一种方法。 为此,信息开发人员创建了后门,以便可以出于故障排除或其他好处的目的访问应用程序或操作系统。

5) Bots


A bot is also called a robot is an automated process that interacts with all other network services. Some bots program run automatically, while others only execute commands when they receive specific input. There are various examples of bots program are a crawler, chatroom bots, and malicious bots.

机器人也称为机器人,是与所有其他网络服务交互的自动化过程。 一些机器人程序自动运行,而其他机器人程序仅在收到特定输入后才执行命令。 僵尸程序的各种示例包括搜寻器,聊天室僵尸程序和恶意僵尸程序。

6) Dictionary attacks


Attacker use Dictionary attacks for stored the list of a commonly used password and validated information to get original password.


7) Session Hijacking


Attacker use Session Hijacking to attack a user session over a protected network and also web applications create cookies to store all the state about the cookies and user sessions. By stealing the cookies, an attacker can have access to all important information about user data.

攻击者使用会话劫持通过受保护的网络攻击用户会话,并且Web应用程序还会创建cookie,以存储有关cookie和用户会话的所有状态。 通过窃取cookie,攻击者可以访问有关用户数据的所有重要信息。

8) Phishing


Attackers use Phishing technique to do various type of inactivities like steal sensitive information and user login credentials and credit card number. It occurs when an attacker pretends to be as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication device.

攻击者使用网络钓鱼技术来进行各种失活,例如窃取敏感信息以及用户登录凭据和信用卡号。 当攻击者伪装成电子通信设备中的可信赖实体时,就会发生这种情况。


网络安全 攻击类型
