[LeetCode 题解]: UniquePaths

A robot is located at the top-left corner of a m x n grid (marked 'Start' in the diagram below).

The robot can only move either down or right at any point in time. The robot is trying to reach the bottom-right corner of the grid (marked 'Finish' in the diagram below).

How many possible unique paths are there?

[LeetCode 题解]: UniquePaths

Note: m and n will be at most 100.Above is a 3 x 7 grid. How many possible unique paths are there?


提示: 一个简单的组合数学问题。 求 C(m+n-2,m-1).   区别于传统已知顶点,求路径的问题, 从方格出发,需要注意m-1, n-1的问题。

解法一: 使用vector,用于保存尚未处理的除数,用于动态保存。

 1 class Solution {

 2 public:

 3     int uniquePaths(int m, int n) {

 4         if(m*n==0 || m==1 || n==1 ) return 1;  


 6         m--;

 7         n--;


 9         vector<int> vi;

10         vector<int>::iterator iter;

11         int i=m+n,j,ans=1;


13         m = (m<n?m:n);

14         for(j=m;j>=1;j--)

15           vi.push_back(j);


17         for(j=m;j>0;j--)

18         {

19            ans*=i;

20            if(!vi.empty())

21            {

22                iter= vi.begin();

23                while(iter!=vi.end())

24                {

25                    if(ans%(*iter)==0)

26                    {

27                        ans/=(*iter);

28                        vi.erase(iter);

29                        if(vi.empty())

30                             break;

31                        iter--;

32                    }

33                    iter++;

34                }

35            }

36            i--;

37         }

38         return ans;

39     }

40 };

 解法二: 简约版,采用变量增长特性。

 1     int uniquePaths(int m, int n) {

 2         m--; n--;

 3         if(m<0 || n<0) return 0;

 4         if (m==0 || n==0) return 1;


 6         int i=m+n, j=1, ans=1;

 7         m=(m<n?m:n);

 8         n=i-m;

 9         for(i=m+n,j=1; i>n;i--)

10         {

11             ans*=i;

12             for(;j<=m && ans%j==0; j++)

13                 ans/=j;

14         }

15         return ans;

16     }

