Touchlib compiling instructions (Windows)

Touchlib compiling instructions (Windows)

A webcam (USB or a Firewire)

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
MS Visual Studio 2005
MS Visual Studio 2005 SP1
MS Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Update for Windows Vista (only needed when using vista)

TortoiseSVN latest binaries

Miscallenous Libraries
OpenCV (download OpenCV_1.0.exe)
DSVideoLib (download dsvideolib-0.0.8c)
VideoWrapper (download
GLUT (download
OSCpack (download
CMU 1394 Digital Camera Driver (download 1394camera645.exe)
Windows Server 2003 R2 SDK (aka Platform SDK) Web Install, Full download or ISO
The platform SDK has been replaced by the Windows SDK:
Download the Web Install or DVD ISO image
DirectX SDK (download August 2008 or newer)

Installation instructions

  1. First install Visual Studio 2005
  2. Install the the Visual Studio 2005 SP1 update - Vista users: Rightclick on the setup and run as administrator.
    (Also be sure to have a few gigabytes spare on your C:\)
  3. If you’re using Windows Vista you will need to install the SP1 update for Vista aswell, again in administrator mode.
    (Windows XP users can continue reading).
  4. Now it is time to install the libraries, start with installing OpenCV 1.0. Just use the recommend path and let it set the environment variables.
  5. Next, create a directory called C:\_libraries and unzip the content of dsvideolib, VideoWrapper, GLUT and OSCpack to this directory.
  6. Install the CMU 1394 Digital Camera Driver (yes, even if you dont have/use a firewire camera)
    During the setup Check “Development Files” and “Program Shortcuts”.
  7. Install the Platform SDK, typical settings should be fine.
    (I used the ISO to install this, if you use the webinstaller be sure to download the right platform).
  8. Install the DirectX SDK.
  9. Install TortoisSVN.

Setting environment variables

Depending on your setup you might need to change a few directory location values.

  1. Press the right mouse button on “My Computer” and choose: Properties > Advanced > Environmental Variables
  2. To add an entry, click “new” at the System Variables.
  3. Add the OpenCV root directory:
    name: “OPENCV_HOME”
    value: “C:\Program Files\OpenCV”
  4. Add the DSVideoLib:
    name: “DSVL_HOME”
    value: “C:\_libraries\dsvl-0.0.8c”
  5. Add the VideoWrapper
    value: “C:\_libraries\VideoWrapper_0_1_1″
  6. Add the OSCpack
    name: “OSCPACK_HOME”
    value: “C:\_libraries\oscpack_1_0_2\oscpack”
  7. Add the CMU driver location
    name: “CMU_PATH”
    value: “C:\Program Files\CMU\1394Camera”

Checkout touchlib svn

  1. Create a directory called C:\multitouch in windows explorer
  2. Click the right mouse button and choose SVN Checkout
  3. Enter “” as the URL of the repository
  4. Enter “C:\multitouch\touchlib” as checkout directory
  5. Click OK (confirm creation of the directory)
  6. Downloading the files might take a while because of the demo movies which are included. (rev. 395 is 121,14 MBytes)

Visual studio settings

We are almost done with setting up the enviroment, there are just a few steps left before we can compile Touchlib.

  1. Open up “solution.sln” in the “C:\multitouch\touchlib\build\VC8″ directory.
  2. Choose Tools > Options
  3. On the left choose Project and Solutions > VC++ Directories
  4. On the right change “Show directories for:” to “Include files”
  5. Add the directory “C:\_libraries\glut-3.7.6-bin”
  6. Add the directory “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Include”
  7. Add the directory “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Samples\Multimedia\DirectShow\BaseClasses”
  8. Add the directory “C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (August 2007)\Include”
  9. Change “Show directories for:” to “Library files”
  10. Add the directory “C:\_libraries\glut-3.7.6-bin”
  11. Add the directory “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Lib”
  12. Add the directory “C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (August 2007)\Lib\x86″
  13. Click OK
  14. In the menu choose Build > Build Touchlib
  15. When it has compiled Touchlib, Build > Build solution
  16. The End
