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It is widely accepted that women play a key role in our lives. Women are mothers and the modern female entrepreneur is ubiquitous, however women have made vast contributions to the IT field and yet are still underrepresented.
妇女在我们的生活中起着关键作用,这一点已被广泛接受。 女性是母亲,现代女性企业家无处不在,但是女性在IT领域做出了巨大贡献,但代表人数仍然不足。
Women developed some of the most significant elements making IT into what it is today. The contribution of women to modern IT is outsized and begs the question as to why there are not many women in the IT workplace.
妇女发展了一些最重要的因素,使IT成为当今的今天。 妇女对现代IT的贡献过大,并提出了一个问题,即为什么IT工作场所中的女性人数很少。
According to the Guardian, top organizations like Google and Uber have only women engineers composing 20% of their IT workforce. Unfortunately, most of the big organizations match that figure.
根据《卫报》的报道,像Google和Uber这样的顶级组织只有女性工程师,占其IT劳动力的20%。 不幸的是,大多数大型组织都符合这个数字。
This brings us to the most critical question, why are there few famous women in computer science?
这给我们带来了最关键的问题,为什么计算机科学界很少有著名的女性 ?
Let’s analyze a few of those reasons.
It appears there is a massive difference between female and male cognitive aptitudes in America and other parts of the world. This is slowly changing in Asian countries like China and India, where both men and women are in a CS classroom.
在美国和世界其他地区,男女的认知能力似乎存在巨大差异。 在中国和印度这样的亚洲国家,这情况正在慢慢改变,那里的男女都在CS教室里。
Few women pursue careers in CS. Instead, they wish to study in fields like medicine in the West. This could be due to the “male geek” concept. Computers were sold as toys for mainly boys during the 1970s to 1990s.
很少有女性从事CS工作。 相反,他们希望在西方医学等领域学习。 这可能是由于“男性怪胎”的概念。 1970年代至1990年代,计算机主要作为男孩的玩具出售。
It is possible that women are put off by the term “computer science.” It is probably a cultural stigma sticking in the West. The best solution would be to get rid of the stigma as soon as possible.
妇女可能会被“计算机科学”一词推迟。 它可能是西方的一种文化烙印。 最好的解决方案是尽快摆脱污名。
The IT field is extremely punishing for employees. There are many instances where women usually are not preferred for higher positions. Many women could feel unwanted and discouraged due to a lack of senior responsibilities.
IT领域对员工极为不利。 在很多情况下,通常不希望女性担任更高职位。 由于缺乏高级职责,许多妇女可能会感到不满和沮丧。
Large organizations and small businesses equally fail to acknowledge the benefits of women in management. Many skilled and talented women have no choice but to look elsewhere.
大型组织和小型企业同样没有意识到妇女在管理方面的好处。 许多熟练和有才华的妇女别无选择,只能去别处。
According to The Guardian, a woman entrepreneur has an 80% chance of not being funded, something that impacts motivation in the field. Men have the opposite experience.
根据《卫报》的报道,女企业家有80%的机会没有获得资助的机会,这会影响该领域的动力。 男人有相反的经历。
However, ROI is greater than 60% when women lead the company. The issue does not seem to be about corporate social responsibility but a diverse range of thinking.
但是,当女性领导公司时,ROI会超过60%。 这个问题似乎与公司的社会责任无关,而是各种各样的想法。
Unfortunately, sexual harassment is the principle cause for women leaving IT jobs. In many cases, women are happy with the work environment, salary, and position. But in the face of harassment in the form of physical abuse and mental torture from superiors, women have no choice.
不幸的是,性骚扰是女性离开IT工作的主要原因。 在许多情况下,女性对工作环境,薪水和职位感到满意。 但是面对上级的身体虐待和精神折磨的骚扰,妇女别无选择。
Their complaints often fall on deaf ears. Women will likely search for another career. According to The Guardian, the IT field leads in the number of sexual harassment cases.
他们的抱怨常常充耳不闻。 妇女可能会寻求另一职业。 据《卫报》报道,在性骚扰案件的数量上,IT领域处于领先地位。
Below is a list of famous women in computer science who’ve made an impact on the IT field.
Sheryl Sandberg
雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)
Sheryl Sandberg has carved out a name for herself. She is the COO of Facebook. Sandberg previously worked at the World Bank after completing her economics degree at Harvard.
Sheryl Sandberg为自己雕刻了一个名字。 她是Facebook的首席运营官。 桑德伯格在哈佛大学获得经济学学位后,曾在世界银行工作。
Her book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, is a top seller having sold several million copies around the world. Apart from being the COO of a company, she is the author of a top-seller and is active as a speaker and entrepreneur.
她的著作《 精益于:女性,工作和领导意愿》是畅销书,已在全球销售了数百万册。 除了担任公司的首席运营官外,她还是畅销书的作者,并积极担任演讲者和企业家。
Ada Lovelace
艾达·洛芙蕾丝(Ada Lovelace)
Ada Lovelace was born in London during the 19th century. She had an affinity for math during her school days. This passion for the subject enabled her to develop the first computer program.
Ada Lovelace于19世纪出生于伦敦。 她在上学期间对数学很感兴趣。 对主题的热情使她得以开发第一个计算机程序。
Ada also designed a method through which analytical engines perform successful computations with the help of the machine designed and invented by her friend, Charles Babbage.
Ada还设计了一种方法,借助该方法,分析引擎可以在她的朋友Charles Babbage设计和发明的机器的帮助下执行成功的计算。
Every year, on 2nd Tuesday, in the month of October, the Ada Lovelace Day is celebrated globally for recognizing talented and skilled women in the field of STEM.
每年10月的第二个星期二,都会在全球范围内庆祝Ada Lovelace日,以表彰STEM领域的才华横溢和技术娴熟的女性。
Grace Hopper
Grace Hopper was born in America during the 1900s. She worked in the Navy, after which her scientific knowledge enabled her to develop the Harvard Mark I computer. Grace was the first woman to have invented the compiler.
格雷斯·霍珀(Grace Hopper)于1900年代出生于美国。 她在海军工作,此后,她的科学知识使她得以开发哈佛Mark I计算机。 Grace是第一个发明编译器的女人。
Every year, women scientists from all over the world celebrate her hard work and dedication with the Grace Hopper Celebration.
Katherine Johnson
Katherine Johnson was born in West Virginia and developed and refined the use of computers for NASA. A 2014 movie, “Hidden Figures,” was based on her experiences.
凯瑟琳·约翰逊(Katherine Johnson)出生于西弗吉尼亚州,致力于为NASA开发和改进计算机的使用。 根据她的经历,2014年的电影《隐藏的人物》。
Katherine performed accurate calculations for space travel during the 1940s. Johnson co-authored a research report based on spaceflight equations used on the desktop mechanical calculating machine.
凯瑟琳在1940年代对太空旅行进行了精确的计算。 约翰逊与他人合着了基于台式机械计算机上使用的航天方程的研究报告。
She has worked on critical projects, including Apollo’s Lunar Lander, the Earth Resources Satellite, and the Space Shuttle.
Megan Smith
Megan Smith served in the White House until 2017. Smith initially worked at Google before doing federal work. It was under her watchful eye that the tech hackathon was developed for health workers.
梅根·史密斯(Megan Smith)在白宫任职至2017年。史密斯最初在Google工作,然后从事联邦工作。 在她的监视下,技术黑客马拉松专为卫生工作者开发。
She is currently working with Tech Job Toursand conducting job fairs throughout the country to hire talent through coding boot-camps, career fairs, and mentoring sessions.
她目前正在与Tech Job Tours合作,并在全国各地进行招聘会,以通过编码训练营,职业博览会和指导课程来聘请人才。
Unsurprisingly, women find themselves in dominant roles in the IT field. They are developing new programs, coming up with new technologies, and offering society tools allowing them to lead more comfortable lives.
毫不奇怪,女性在IT领域中处于主导地位。 他们正在开发新程序,提出新技术并提供社会工具,使他们过上更舒适的生活。
You can find women in management roles in technology companies making significant decisions. Women developing advanced IT systems, designing 3D animation for box office hit movies, and enabled laptop computer developments that are suitable for work from home environments.
您会发现在科技公司做出重大决策的管理职位中有女性。 妇女们开发先进的IT系统,为票房热门电影设计3D动画,并开发出适合家庭环境工作的笔记本电脑。
Karen Spärck Jones, a famous computer scientist and woman campaigner once said, “Computing is a too important field that must not be left in the hands of men.”
翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2020/02/why-are-there-so-few-women-in-computer-science.html
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