time=datetime.datetime.strptime('2014-12-28 13:49:30','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print time
2014-12-28 13:49:30
常见的对应关系如下表所示(2014-12-28 13:49:30),更多可以参见python对时间日期做格式化 - 走到天亮 - 博客园
Year |
Month |
Day |
Hour |
Minute |
Second |
%y |
%Y |
%m |
%b |
%d |
%H |
%I |
%M |
%S |
14 |
2014 |
12 |
Dec |
28 |
13 |
01 |
49 |
30 |
import _winreg import datetime import matplotlib.dates import matplotlib.pyplot import numpy as np print "import winreg done!" key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall") #key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer") print key all_software=[] k=0 try: i=0 while 1: subkey_string=_winreg.EnumKey(key,i) #print subkey_string try: j=0 temp={} get_installDate=0 #some subkey may not have installdate subkey and value while 1: #subkey=_winreg.OpenKey(key,"InstallDate") subkey=_winreg.OpenKey(key,subkey_string) name, value, type_value = _winreg.EnumValue(subkey,j) #print repr(name),repr(value) #print "name is "+name if name=="DisplayName": #print "Name equals DisplayName" temp["DisplayName"]=value if name=="InstallDate": #print "Name equals installdate" temp["InstallDate"]=value get_installDate=1 j+=1 except WindowsError: #print 'interruptted j='+str(j) if get_installDate: all_software.append(temp) #print repr(name) #print value i +=1 except WindowsError: print for item in range(len(all_software)): all_software[item]["InstallDate"]=datetime.datetime.strptime(all_software[item]["InstallDate"].encode('ascii','ignore'),'%Y%m%d') count={} bar_by_year={} bar_by_year['2012']=0 bar_by_year['2013']=0 bar_by_year['2014']=0 for item in all_software: if count.has_key(item["InstallDate"]): count[item["InstallDate"]]+=1 else: count[item["InstallDate"]]=1 bar_by_year[str(item['InstallDate'].year)]+=1 xvalues=[] yvalues=[] for key,value in count.iteritems(): xvalues.append(key) yvalues.append(value) xvalues=matplotlib.dates.date2num(xvalues) matplotlib.pyplot.figure(1) matplotlib.pyplot.plot_date(xvalues,yvalues) matplotlib.pyplot.figure(2) xvalues_2=np.arange(3) yvalues_2=bar_by_year.values() fig2=matplotlib.pyplot.bar(xvalues_2,yvalues_2,0.5) matplotlib.pyplot.xticks(xvalues_2+0.25, ['2012','2013','2014'], rotation='vertical') matplotlib.pyplot.show() #value, type = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "EnableAutoTray")
[2]c++ - How can I enumerate/list all installed applications in Windows XP? - Stack Overflow
[3]winreg – Windows registry access — Python v3.0.1 documentation
[4]graph - plotting time in python with matplotlib - Stack Overflow
[6]Python图表绘制:matplotlib绘图库入门 - 蝶梦庄周 - 博客园
[7]ticks_and_spines example code: ticklabels_demo_rotation.py — Matplotlib 1.4.2 documentation
[8]api example code: barchart_demo.py — Matplotlib 1.4.2 documentation