


  Frequently used pieces of VHDL code are usually written in the form of COMPONENTS, FUNCTIONS, or PROCEDURES. Such codes are then placed inside a PACKAGE and compiled into the destination LIBRARY.


1  Syntax

  Besides COMPONENTSFUNCTIONS, and PROCEDURES, it can also contain TYPE and CONSTANT definitions, among others. Its syntax is presented below. 

PACKAGE package_name IS


END package_name;

[PACKAGE BODY package_name IS

    (FUNCTION and PROCEDURE descriptions)

END package_name;]

2  Simple Package

  It shows a PACKAGE called my_package. It contains only TYPE and CONSTANT declarations, so a PACKAGE BODY is not necessary.

 1 ------------------------------------------------

 2 LIBRARY ieee;

 3 USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

 4 ------------------------------------------------

 5 PACKAGE my_package IS

 6 TYPE state IS (st1, st2, st3, st4);

 7 TYPE color IS (red, green, blue);

 8 CONSTANT vec: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) := "11111111";

 9 END my_package;

10 ------------------------------------------------

  The PACKAGE above can now be compiled, becoming then part of our work LIBRARY (or any other). To make use of it in a VHDL code, we have to add a new USE clause to the main code (USE work.my_package.all), as shown below.

 1 ------------------------------------

 2 LIBRARY ieee;

 3 USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

 4 USE work.my_package.all;

 5 ------------------------------------

 6 ENTITY...

 7 ...


 9 ...

10 ------------------------------------


3  Package in ASIC

  In ASIC design, use ieee.std_logic_1164, and ieee.numeric_std, NEVER use ieee.std_logic_arith

  numeric_std defines numeric types and arithmetic functions for use with synthesis tools.

   - two numeric types are defined: UNSIGNEDSIGNED (represents a SIGNED number in vector form)

   - base element type is type STD_LOGIC. The leftmost bit is treated as the most significant bit. 

   - signed vectors are represented in two's complement form.

   - contains overloaded arithmetic operators on the SIGNED and UNSIGNED types.

   - contains useful type conversions functions.
