Quartz.Net 配置

Quartz.Net is a very useful secheduling component, it can hanlde Interval, simple, cronExpresion pattern scheduling with some simple configuration.


Quartz.Net 配置_第1张图片

1. create a windows application with following reference.

C5 is the generic collection class set as a complementary of .net framework.

Since Quartz using Common.Logging as logging component, so Common.Logging is required.

log4net is the most popular logging component, common.logging.log4net providing an adapter for common.logging to use common.logging.log4net.


2. add configuration files

quartz.config: to configure the scheudler’s basic properties.

Quartz.Net 配置_第2张图片


part2: quartz.plugin.xml.fileNames sepcified the scheduling jobs & triggers config file.

part3: config remote access parameter.


quartz_jobs.xml: to config jobs and triggers.

Quartz.Net 配置_第3张图片

part1: config job

part2: config trigger


3. app.config configuration

Quartz.Net 配置_第4张图片

part1. config log4net section and the section handler Log4NetConfigurationHandler.

part2. config section group common and section logging.

part3. config a logging adaper for common logging.

part4. config log4net .


4. coding.

Quartz.Net 配置_第5张图片

you should shutdown the server before exiting the application to close the scheduling thread.

Quartz.Net 配置_第6张图片
