

1.The currentaccount of the balance of payments comprises

A. allgovernment income and expenditure in a financial year.

B. moneythat may be withdrawn at any time.

C. tradein goods and services, investment income and transfers.

D. all transactionsinvolving money leaving or entering the country.

2.The current account of the balance of paymentscomprises

A. allgovernment income and expenditure in a financial year.

B. money thatmay be withdrawn from the economy at any time.

C. trade ingoods and services, investment income and transfers.

D. all transactions involving money leaving orentering the country

3.Which one of the following policies is most likelyto lead to an increase in output and employment without increasing the rate ofinflation?

A. Expansionary fiscal policy

B. Expansionary monetary policy

C. Supply-side policies

D.  Exchange rate policy

4.Choosing betweenfaster economic growth and a satisfactory balance of payments best illustrates

A. a choice betweendifferent macroeconomic policy instruments.

B. that theshort-run aggregate supply curve is vertical.

C. a possibleconflict between competing policy objectives.

D. a government sacrificing future consumption in favour of currentconsumption.

5.A government wants to lower the rate of inflationin the economy but, in the short run, this is likely to conflict with some ofits other policy objectives. Which one of the following is most likely todeteriorate as a result of contractionary fiscal policy being used?

A. The current account position

B. Unemployment

C. Export volumes

D. International competitiveness    

6.Aninjection into an economy, with a marginal propensity to consume of 0.8, leadsto a total increase in national income of £350 million. What was thevalue of the initial injection?

A. £35 million

B. £70 million

C. £120 million

D. £280 million

7.Aggregate demandmay fall as a result of a decrease in

A. savingsrelative to investment.

B. thegovernment’s budget surplus.

C. thegovernment’s budget deficit.

D. imports. 

8.All other thingsbeing equal, which one of the following sets of changes in an economy, A, B, Cor D, would be most likely to bring about an improvement in its balance ofpayments deficit on current account?

A. A decrease in taxes on income, a fall in theexchange rate and a decrease in labour productivity

B. An increase in taxes on income, a fall in theexchange rate and an increase in labour productivity

C. An increase in government spending, a rise inthe exchange rate and a decrease in labour productivity

D. A decrease in governmentspending, a rise in the exchange rate and an increase in labour productivity 

9.A current accountdeficit on the UK is balance of payments means that generally

A. thetotal value of imports exceeds the total value of exports.

B. governmentexpenditure exceeds government revenue.

C. thevalue of exports of services is less than the value of imports of services.

D. the volume of imports of goods and services exceeds the volume ofexports of goods and services.

10.A rise in theexchange rate of the pound sterling is likely to assist UK government policiesaimed at reducing the

A. rateof inflation.

B. levelof unemployment.

C. levelof imports.

D. balance of paymentsdeficit.
