Onvif获取视屏播放rtsp url



  1. Probe:发现网络摄像头,获取webserver地址
  2. GetCapabilities,获取设备能力文件,从中识别出媒体信息地址
  3. GetProfiles,根据媒体信息地址获取媒体的Profiles,可以获取识别主通道、子通道的视频编码分辨率。
  4. GetStreamUri,根据媒体Profiles的Token获取RTSP地址




#include "wsseapi.h"
#include "onvif_comm.h"
//#include "onvif_dump.h"

void soap_perror(struct soap *soap, const char *str)
    if (NULL == str) {
        SOAP_DBGERR("[soap] error: %d, %s, %s\n", soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap));
    } else {
        SOAP_DBGERR("[soap] %s error: %d, %s, %s\n", str, soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap));

void* ONVIF_soap_malloc(struct soap *soap, unsigned int n)
    void *p = NULL;

    if (n > 0) {
        p = soap_malloc(soap, n);
        SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != p);
        memset(p, 0x00 ,n);
    return p;

struct soap *ONVIF_soap_new(int timeout)
    struct soap *soap = NULL;                                                   // soap环境变量

    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != (soap = soap_new()));

    soap_set_namespaces(soap, namespaces);                                      // 设置soap的namespaces
    soap->recv_timeout    = timeout;                                            // 设置超时(超过指定时间没有数据就退出)
    soap->send_timeout    = timeout;
    soap->connect_timeout = timeout;

#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__linux)                                      // 参考https://www.genivia.com/dev.html#client-c的修改:
    soap->socket_flags = MSG_NOSIGNAL;                                          // To prevent connection reset errors

    soap_set_mode(soap, SOAP_C_UTFSTRING);                                      // 设置为UTF-8编码,否则叠加中文OSD会乱码

    return soap;

void ONVIF_soap_delete(struct soap *soap)
    soap_destroy(soap);                                                         // remove deserialized class instances (C++ only)
    soap_end(soap);                                                             // Clean up deserialized data (except class instances) and temporary data
    soap_done(soap);                                                            // Reset, close communications, and remove callbacks
    soap_free(soap);                                                            // Reset and deallocate the context created with soap_new or soap_copy

        [in] soap     - soap环境变量
        [in] username - 用户名
        [in] password - 密码
int ONVIF_SetAuthInfo(struct soap *soap, const char *username, const char *password)
    int result = 0;

    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != username);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != password);

    result = soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(soap, NULL, username, password);
   // SOAP_CHECK_ERROR(result, soap, "add_UsernameTokenDigest");


    return result;

        [in] soap - soap环境变量
    1). 在本函数内部通过ONVIF_soap_malloc分配的内存,将在ONVIF_soap_delete中被释放
void ONVIF_init_header(struct soap *soap)
    struct SOAP_ENV__Header *header = NULL;

    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != soap);

    header = (struct SOAP_ENV__Header *)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct SOAP_ENV__Header));
    soap_default_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, header);
    header->wsa__MessageID = (char*)soap_wsa_rand_uuid(soap);
    header->wsa__To        = (char*)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, strlen(SOAP_TO) + 1);
    header->wsa__Action    = (char*)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, strlen(SOAP_ACTION) + 1);
    strcpy(header->wsa__To, SOAP_TO);
    strcpy(header->wsa__Action, SOAP_ACTION);
    soap->header = header;


        [in]  soap  - soap环境变量
        [out] probe - 填充要探测的设备范围和类型
    1). 在本函数内部通过ONVIF_soap_malloc分配的内存,将在ONVIF_soap_delete中被释放
void ONVIF_init_ProbeType(struct soap *soap, struct wsdd__ProbeType *probe)
    struct wsdd__ScopesType *scope = NULL;                                      // 用于描述查找哪类的Web服务

    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != soap);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != probe);

    scope = (struct wsdd__ScopesType *)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct wsdd__ScopesType));
    soap_default_wsdd__ScopesType(soap, scope);                                 // 设置寻找设备的范围
    scope->__item = (char*)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, strlen(SOAP_ITEM) + 1);
    strcpy(scope->__item, SOAP_ITEM);

    memset(probe, 0x00, sizeof(struct wsdd__ProbeType));
    soap_default_wsdd__ProbeType(soap, probe);
    probe->Scopes = scope;
    probe->Types  = (char*)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, strlen(SOAP_TYPES) + 1);     // 设置寻找设备的类型
    strcpy(probe->Types, SOAP_TYPES);


void ONVIF_DetectDevice(void (*cb)(char *DeviceXAddr))
    int i;
    int result = 0;
    unsigned int count = 0;                                                     // 搜索到的设备个数
    struct soap *soap = NULL;                                                   // soap环境变量
    struct wsdd__ProbeType      req;                                            // 用于发送Probe消息
    struct __wsdd__ProbeMatches rep;                                            // 用于接收Probe应答
    struct wsdd__ProbeMatchType *probeMatch;

    soap = ONVIF_soap_new(SOAP_SOCK_TIMEOUT);

    ONVIF_init_header(soap);                                                    // 设置消息头描述
    ONVIF_init_ProbeType(soap, &req);                                           // 设置寻找的设备的范围和类型
    result = soap_send___wsdd__Probe(soap, SOAP_MCAST_ADDR, NULL, &req);        // 向组播地址广播Probe消息
    while (SOAP_OK == result)                                                   // 开始循环接收设备发送过来的消息
        memset(&rep, 0x00, sizeof(rep));
        result = soap_recv___wsdd__ProbeMatches(soap, &rep);
        if (SOAP_OK == result) {
            if (soap->error) {
                soap_perror(soap, "ProbeMatches");
            } else {                                                            // 成功接收到设备的应答消息
               // dump__wsdd__ProbeMatches(&rep);

                if (NULL != rep.wsdd__ProbeMatches) {
                    count += rep.wsdd__ProbeMatches->__sizeProbeMatch;
                    for(i = 0; i < rep.wsdd__ProbeMatches->__sizeProbeMatch; i++) {
                        probeMatch = rep.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch + i;
                        if (NULL != cb) {
                            cb(probeMatch->XAddrs);                             // 使用设备服务地址执行函数回调
        } else if (soap->error) {

    SOAP_DBGLOG("\ndetect end! It has detected %d devices!\n", count);

    if (NULL != soap) {

    return ;

 * @brief ONVIF初始化一个soap对象
 * @param header            SOAP_ENV__HEADER
 * @param was_To            *wsa_To
 * @param was_Action        *wsa_Action
 * @param timeout           超时设置
 * @return soap结构体地址
static struct soap* __ONVIF_Initsoap(struct SOAP_ENV__Header *header, int timeout)
	//printf("> %s\n> %s\n> %s\n", pUserInfo->username, pUserInfo->password, pUserInfo->IpAddr);
	struct soap *soap = NULL;
	unsigned char macaddr[6];
	char _HwId[1024];
	unsigned int Flagrand;
	soap = soap_new();
	if (soap == NULL)
		printf("[%d]soap = NULL\n", __LINE__);
		return NULL;
	soap_set_namespaces(soap, namespaces);
	if (timeout > 0)
		soap->recv_timeout = timeout;
		soap->send_timeout = timeout;
		soap->connect_timeout = timeout;
		soap->recv_timeout = 10;
		soap->send_timeout = 10;
		soap->connect_timeout = 10;
	soap_default_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, header);

	Flagrand = rand() % 9000 + 1000; //保证四位整数
	macaddr[0] = 0x1; macaddr[1] = 0x2; macaddr[2] = 0x3; macaddr[3] = 0x4; macaddr[4] = 0x5; macaddr[5] = 0x6;
	sprintf(_HwId, "urn:uuid:%ud68a-1dd2-11b2-a105-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X",
		Flagrand, macaddr[0], macaddr[1], macaddr[2], macaddr[3], macaddr[4], macaddr[5]);
	header->wsa__MessageID = (char *)malloc(100);
	memset(header->wsa__MessageID, 0, 100);
	strncpy(header->wsa__MessageID, _HwId, strlen(_HwId));
	soap->header = header;
	return soap;
        [in] MediaXAddr - 媒体服务地址
        [out] profiles  - 返回的设备音视频码流配置信息列表,调用者有责任使用free释放该缓存
        1). 注意:一个码流(如主码流)可以包含视频和音频数据,也可以仅仅包含视频数据。
int ONVIF_GetProfiles(const char *MediaXAddr, struct tagProfile **profiles)
    int i = 0;
    int result = 0;
    struct soap *soap = NULL;
    struct _trt__GetProfiles            req;
    struct _trt__GetProfilesResponse    rep;
	struct SOAP_ENV__Header *header = NULL;
	header = (struct SOAP_ENV__Header *)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct SOAP_ENV__Header));
	//soap = ONVIF_soap_new(SOAP_SOCK_TIMEOUT);
	soap = __ONVIF_Initsoap(header,10);
   // memset(&req, 0x00, sizeof(req));
   // memset(&rep, 0x00, sizeof(rep));
    result = soap_call___trt__GetProfiles(soap, MediaXAddr, NULL, &req, rep);
	if (result == 0)
		int a = 0;

 //   SOAP_CHECK_ERROR(result, soap, "GetProfiles");

 //   dump_trt__GetProfilesResponse(&rep);
    if (rep.Profiles.size() > 0) {                                               // 分配缓存
        (*profiles) = (struct tagProfile *)malloc(rep.Profiles.size() * sizeof(struct tagProfile));
        memset((*profiles), 0x00, rep.Profiles.size() * sizeof(struct tagProfile));

    for(i = 0; i < rep.Profiles.size(); i++) {                                   // 提取所有配置文件信息(我们所关心的)
        struct tt__Profile *ttProfile = rep.Profiles[i];
        struct tagProfile *plst = &(*profiles)[i];

        if ("" != ttProfile->token) {                                         // 配置文件Token
            strncpy(plst->token, ttProfile->token.c_str(), sizeof(plst->token) - 1);

        if (NULL != ttProfile->VideoEncoderConfiguration) {                     // 视频编码器配置信息
            if ("" != ttProfile->VideoEncoderConfiguration->token) {          // 视频编码器Token
                strncpy(plst->venc.token, ttProfile->VideoEncoderConfiguration->token.c_str(), sizeof(plst->venc.token) - 1);
            if (NULL != ttProfile->VideoEncoderConfiguration->Resolution) {     // 视频编码器分辨率
                plst->venc.Width  = ttProfile->VideoEncoderConfiguration->Resolution->Width;
                plst->venc.Height = ttProfile->VideoEncoderConfiguration->Resolution->Height;

    if (NULL != soap) {

    return rep.Profiles.size();

        [in] DeviceXAddr - 设备服务地址
        [out] capa       - 返回设备能力信息信息
    1). 其中最主要的参数之一是媒体服务地址
int ONVIF_GetCapabilities(const char *DeviceXAddr, struct tagCapabilities *capa)
    int result = 0;
    struct soap *soap = NULL;
    struct _tds__GetCapabilities            req;
    struct _tds__GetCapabilitiesResponse    rep;

    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != DeviceXAddr);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != capa);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != (soap = ONVIF_soap_new(SOAP_SOCK_TIMEOUT)));

    ONVIF_SetAuthInfo(soap, USERNAME, PASSWORD);

    result = soap_call___tds__GetCapabilities(soap, DeviceXAddr, NULL, &req, rep);
    //SOAP_CHECK_ERROR(result, soap, "GetCapabilities");

   // dump_tds__GetCapabilitiesResponse(&rep);

    memset(capa, 0x00, sizeof(struct tagCapabilities));
    if (NULL != rep.Capabilities) {
        if (NULL != rep.Capabilities->Media) {
            if ("" != rep.Capabilities->Media->XAddr) {
                strncpy(capa->MediaXAddr, rep.Capabilities->Media->XAddr.c_str(), sizeof(capa->MediaXAddr) - 1);
        if (NULL != rep.Capabilities->Events) {
            if ("" != rep.Capabilities->Events->XAddr) {
                strncpy(capa->EventXAddr, rep.Capabilities->Events->XAddr.c_str(), sizeof(capa->EventXAddr) - 1);


    if (NULL != soap) {

    return result;

        [in]  src_uri       - 未带认证信息的URI地址
        [in]  username      - 用户名
        [in]  password      - 密码
        [out] dest_uri      - 返回的带认证信息的URI地址
        [in]  size_dest_uri - dest_uri缓存大小
    1). 例子:
    带认证信息的uri:rtsp://username:[email protected]:554/av0_0
int make_uri_withauth(char *src_uri, char *username, char *password, char *dest_uri, unsigned int size_dest_uri)
    int result = 0;
    unsigned int needBufSize = 0;

    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != src_uri);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != username);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != password);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != dest_uri);
    memset(dest_uri, 0x00, size_dest_uri);

    needBufSize = strlen(src_uri) + strlen(username) + strlen(password) + 3;    // 检查缓存是否足够,包括‘:’和‘@’和字符串结束符
    if (size_dest_uri < needBufSize) {
        SOAP_DBGERR("dest uri buf size is not enough.\n");
        result = -1;
        goto EXIT;

    if (0 == strlen(username) && 0 == strlen(password)) {                       // 生成新的uri地址
        strcpy(dest_uri, src_uri);
    } else {
        char *p = strstr(src_uri, "//");
        if (NULL == p) {
            SOAP_DBGERR("can't found '//', src uri is: %s.\n", src_uri);
            result = -1;
            goto EXIT;
        p += 2;

        memcpy(dest_uri, src_uri, p - src_uri);
        sprintf(dest_uri + strlen(dest_uri), "%s:%s@", username, password);
        strcat(dest_uri, p);


    return result;


#include "soapH.h"
#include "wsaapi.h"

#ifndef __ONVIF_COMM_H__
#define __ONVIF_COMM_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#ifndef DIM
#define DIM(array)  (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))

#ifndef max
#define max(a,b)    (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))

#ifndef min
#define min(a,b)    (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))

#define SOAP_ASSERT     assert
#define SOAP_DBGLOG     printf
#define SOAP_DBGERR     printf

#define USERNAME        "admin"                                                 // 认证信息(用户名、密码)
#define PASSWORD        "admin12345"

#define SOAP_TO         "urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:ws:2005:04:discovery"
#define SOAP_ACTION     "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/04/discovery/Probe"

#define SOAP_MCAST_ADDR "soap.udp://"                       // onvif规定的组播地址

#define SOAP_ITEM       ""                                                      // 寻找的设备范围
#define SOAP_TYPES      "dn:NetworkVideoTransmitter"                            // 寻找的设备类型

#define SOAP_SOCK_TIMEOUT    (10)                                               // socket超时时间(单秒秒)

#define ONVIF_ADDRESS_SIZE   (128)                                              // URI地址长度
#define ONVIF_TOKEN_SIZE     (65)                                               // token长度

/* 视频编码器配置信息 */
struct tagVideoEncoderConfiguration
    char token[ONVIF_TOKEN_SIZE];                                               // 唯一标识该视频编码器的令牌字符串
    int Width;                                                                  // 分辨率
    int Height;

/* 设备配置信息 */
struct tagProfile {
    char token[ONVIF_TOKEN_SIZE];                                               // 唯一标识设备配置文件的令牌字符串

    struct tagVideoEncoderConfiguration venc;                                   // 视频编码器配置信息

/* 设备能力信息 */
struct tagCapabilities {
    char MediaXAddr[ONVIF_ADDRESS_SIZE];                                        // 媒体服务地址
    char EventXAddr[ONVIF_ADDRESS_SIZE];                                        // 事件服务地址
                                                                                // 其他服务器地址就不列出了

#define SOAP_CHECK_ERROR(result, soap, str) \
    do { \
        if (SOAP_OK != (result) || SOAP_OK != (soap)->error) { \
            soap_perror((soap), (str)); \
            if (SOAP_OK == (result)) { \
                (result) = (soap)->error; \
            } \
            goto EXIT; \
        } \
    } while (0)

void            soap_perror(struct soap *soap, const char *str);
void *          ONVIF_soap_malloc(struct soap *soap, unsigned int n);
struct soap *   ONVIF_soap_new(int timeout);
void            ONVIF_soap_delete(struct soap *soap);

int             ONVIF_SetAuthInfo(struct soap *soap, const char *username, const char *password);
void            ONVIF_init_header(struct soap *soap);
void            ONVIF_init_ProbeType(struct soap *soap, struct wsdd__ProbeType *probe);
void            ONVIF_DetectDevice(void (*cb)(char *DeviceXAddr));

int             ONVIF_GetCapabilities(const char *DeviceXAddr, struct tagCapabilities *capa);
int             ONVIF_GetProfiles(const char *MediaXAddr, struct tagProfile **profiles);
int             make_uri_withauth(char *src_uri, char *username, char *password, char *dest_uri, unsigned int size_dest_uri);

#ifdef __cplusplus



#include "wsseapi.h"
#include "onvif_comm.h"
//#include "onvif_dump.h"

void soap_perror(struct soap *soap, const char *str)
    if (NULL == str) {
        SOAP_DBGERR("[soap] error: %d, %s, %s\n", soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap));
    } else {
        SOAP_DBGERR("[soap] %s error: %d, %s, %s\n", str, soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap));

void* ONVIF_soap_malloc(struct soap *soap, unsigned int n)
    void *p = NULL;

    if (n > 0) {
        p = soap_malloc(soap, n);
        SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != p);
        memset(p, 0x00 ,n);
    return p;

struct soap *ONVIF_soap_new(int timeout)
    struct soap *soap = NULL;                                                   // soap环境变量

    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != (soap = soap_new()));

    soap_set_namespaces(soap, namespaces);                                      // 设置soap的namespaces
    soap->recv_timeout    = timeout;                                            // 设置超时(超过指定时间没有数据就退出)
    soap->send_timeout    = timeout;
    soap->connect_timeout = timeout;

#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__linux)                                      // 参考https://www.genivia.com/dev.html#client-c的修改:
    soap->socket_flags = MSG_NOSIGNAL;                                          // To prevent connection reset errors

    soap_set_mode(soap, SOAP_C_UTFSTRING);                                      // 设置为UTF-8编码,否则叠加中文OSD会乱码

    return soap;

void ONVIF_soap_delete(struct soap *soap)
    soap_destroy(soap);                                                         // remove deserialized class instances (C++ only)
    soap_end(soap);                                                             // Clean up deserialized data (except class instances) and temporary data
    soap_done(soap);                                                            // Reset, close communications, and remove callbacks
    soap_free(soap);                                                            // Reset and deallocate the context created with soap_new or soap_copy

        [in] soap     - soap环境变量
        [in] username - 用户名
        [in] password - 密码
int ONVIF_SetAuthInfo(struct soap *soap, const char *username, const char *password)
    int result = 0;

    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != username);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != password);

    result = soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(soap, NULL, username, password);
   // SOAP_CHECK_ERROR(result, soap, "add_UsernameTokenDigest");


    return result;

        [in] soap - soap环境变量
    1). 在本函数内部通过ONVIF_soap_malloc分配的内存,将在ONVIF_soap_delete中被释放
void ONVIF_init_header(struct soap *soap)
    struct SOAP_ENV__Header *header = NULL;

    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != soap);

    header = (struct SOAP_ENV__Header *)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct SOAP_ENV__Header));
    soap_default_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, header);
    header->wsa__MessageID = (char*)soap_wsa_rand_uuid(soap);
    header->wsa__To        = (char*)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, strlen(SOAP_TO) + 1);
    header->wsa__Action    = (char*)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, strlen(SOAP_ACTION) + 1);
    strcpy(header->wsa__To, SOAP_TO);
    strcpy(header->wsa__Action, SOAP_ACTION);
    soap->header = header;


        [in]  soap  - soap环境变量
        [out] probe - 填充要探测的设备范围和类型
    1). 在本函数内部通过ONVIF_soap_malloc分配的内存,将在ONVIF_soap_delete中被释放
void ONVIF_init_ProbeType(struct soap *soap, struct wsdd__ProbeType *probe)
    struct wsdd__ScopesType *scope = NULL;                                      // 用于描述查找哪类的Web服务

    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != soap);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != probe);

    scope = (struct wsdd__ScopesType *)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct wsdd__ScopesType));
    soap_default_wsdd__ScopesType(soap, scope);                                 // 设置寻找设备的范围
    scope->__item = (char*)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, strlen(SOAP_ITEM) + 1);
    strcpy(scope->__item, SOAP_ITEM);

    memset(probe, 0x00, sizeof(struct wsdd__ProbeType));
    soap_default_wsdd__ProbeType(soap, probe);
    probe->Scopes = scope;
    probe->Types  = (char*)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, strlen(SOAP_TYPES) + 1);     // 设置寻找设备的类型
    strcpy(probe->Types, SOAP_TYPES);


void ONVIF_DetectDevice(void (*cb)(char *DeviceXAddr))
    int i;
    int result = 0;
    unsigned int count = 0;                                                     // 搜索到的设备个数
    struct soap *soap = NULL;                                                   // soap环境变量
    struct wsdd__ProbeType      req;                                            // 用于发送Probe消息
    struct __wsdd__ProbeMatches rep;                                            // 用于接收Probe应答
    struct wsdd__ProbeMatchType *probeMatch;

    soap = ONVIF_soap_new(SOAP_SOCK_TIMEOUT);

    ONVIF_init_header(soap);                                                    // 设置消息头描述
    ONVIF_init_ProbeType(soap, &req);                                           // 设置寻找的设备的范围和类型
    result = soap_send___wsdd__Probe(soap, SOAP_MCAST_ADDR, NULL, &req);        // 向组播地址广播Probe消息
    while (SOAP_OK == result)                                                   // 开始循环接收设备发送过来的消息
        memset(&rep, 0x00, sizeof(rep));
        result = soap_recv___wsdd__ProbeMatches(soap, &rep);
        if (SOAP_OK == result) {
            if (soap->error) {
                soap_perror(soap, "ProbeMatches");
            } else {                                                            // 成功接收到设备的应答消息
               // dump__wsdd__ProbeMatches(&rep);

                if (NULL != rep.wsdd__ProbeMatches) {
                    count += rep.wsdd__ProbeMatches->__sizeProbeMatch;
                    for(i = 0; i < rep.wsdd__ProbeMatches->__sizeProbeMatch; i++) {
                        probeMatch = rep.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch + i;
                        if (NULL != cb) {
                            cb(probeMatch->XAddrs);                             // 使用设备服务地址执行函数回调
        } else if (soap->error) {

    SOAP_DBGLOG("\ndetect end! It has detected %d devices!\n", count);

    if (NULL != soap) {

    return ;

 * @brief ONVIF初始化一个soap对象
 * @param header            SOAP_ENV__HEADER
 * @param was_To            *wsa_To
 * @param was_Action        *wsa_Action
 * @param timeout           超时设置
 * @return soap结构体地址
static struct soap* __ONVIF_Initsoap(struct SOAP_ENV__Header *header, int timeout)
	//printf("> %s\n> %s\n> %s\n", pUserInfo->username, pUserInfo->password, pUserInfo->IpAddr);
	struct soap *soap = NULL;
	unsigned char macaddr[6];
	char _HwId[1024];
	unsigned int Flagrand;
	soap = soap_new();
	if (soap == NULL)
		printf("[%d]soap = NULL\n", __LINE__);
		return NULL;
	soap_set_namespaces(soap, namespaces);
	if (timeout > 0)
		soap->recv_timeout = timeout;
		soap->send_timeout = timeout;
		soap->connect_timeout = timeout;
		soap->recv_timeout = 10;
		soap->send_timeout = 10;
		soap->connect_timeout = 10;
	soap_default_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, header);

	Flagrand = rand() % 9000 + 1000; //保证四位整数
	macaddr[0] = 0x1; macaddr[1] = 0x2; macaddr[2] = 0x3; macaddr[3] = 0x4; macaddr[4] = 0x5; macaddr[5] = 0x6;
	sprintf(_HwId, "urn:uuid:%ud68a-1dd2-11b2-a105-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X",
		Flagrand, macaddr[0], macaddr[1], macaddr[2], macaddr[3], macaddr[4], macaddr[5]);
	header->wsa__MessageID = (char *)malloc(100);
	memset(header->wsa__MessageID, 0, 100);
	strncpy(header->wsa__MessageID, _HwId, strlen(_HwId));
	soap->header = header;
	return soap;
        [in] MediaXAddr - 媒体服务地址
        [out] profiles  - 返回的设备音视频码流配置信息列表,调用者有责任使用free释放该缓存
        1). 注意:一个码流(如主码流)可以包含视频和音频数据,也可以仅仅包含视频数据。
int ONVIF_GetProfiles(const char *MediaXAddr, struct tagProfile **profiles)
    int i = 0;
    int result = 0;
    struct soap *soap = NULL;
    struct _trt__GetProfiles            req;
    struct _trt__GetProfilesResponse    rep;
	struct SOAP_ENV__Header *header = NULL;
	header = (struct SOAP_ENV__Header *)ONVIF_soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct SOAP_ENV__Header));
	//soap = ONVIF_soap_new(SOAP_SOCK_TIMEOUT);
	soap = __ONVIF_Initsoap(header,10);
   // memset(&req, 0x00, sizeof(req));
   // memset(&rep, 0x00, sizeof(rep));
    result = soap_call___trt__GetProfiles(soap, MediaXAddr, NULL, &req, rep);
	if (result == 0)
		int a = 0;

 //   SOAP_CHECK_ERROR(result, soap, "GetProfiles");

 //   dump_trt__GetProfilesResponse(&rep);
    if (rep.Profiles.size() > 0) {                                               // 分配缓存
        (*profiles) = (struct tagProfile *)malloc(rep.Profiles.size() * sizeof(struct tagProfile));
        memset((*profiles), 0x00, rep.Profiles.size() * sizeof(struct tagProfile));

    for(i = 0; i < rep.Profiles.size(); i++) {                                   // 提取所有配置文件信息(我们所关心的)
        struct tt__Profile *ttProfile = rep.Profiles[i];
        struct tagProfile *plst = &(*profiles)[i];

        if ("" != ttProfile->token) {                                         // 配置文件Token
            strncpy(plst->token, ttProfile->token.c_str(), sizeof(plst->token) - 1);

        if (NULL != ttProfile->VideoEncoderConfiguration) {                     // 视频编码器配置信息
            if ("" != ttProfile->VideoEncoderConfiguration->token) {          // 视频编码器Token
                strncpy(plst->venc.token, ttProfile->VideoEncoderConfiguration->token.c_str(), sizeof(plst->venc.token) - 1);
            if (NULL != ttProfile->VideoEncoderConfiguration->Resolution) {     // 视频编码器分辨率
                plst->venc.Width  = ttProfile->VideoEncoderConfiguration->Resolution->Width;
                plst->venc.Height = ttProfile->VideoEncoderConfiguration->Resolution->Height;

    if (NULL != soap) {

    return rep.Profiles.size();

        [in] DeviceXAddr - 设备服务地址
        [out] capa       - 返回设备能力信息信息
    1). 其中最主要的参数之一是媒体服务地址
int ONVIF_GetCapabilities(const char *DeviceXAddr, struct tagCapabilities *capa)
    int result = 0;
    struct soap *soap = NULL;
    struct _tds__GetCapabilities            req;
    struct _tds__GetCapabilitiesResponse    rep;

    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != DeviceXAddr);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != capa);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != (soap = ONVIF_soap_new(SOAP_SOCK_TIMEOUT)));

    ONVIF_SetAuthInfo(soap, USERNAME, PASSWORD);

    result = soap_call___tds__GetCapabilities(soap, DeviceXAddr, NULL, &req, rep);
    //SOAP_CHECK_ERROR(result, soap, "GetCapabilities");

   // dump_tds__GetCapabilitiesResponse(&rep);

    memset(capa, 0x00, sizeof(struct tagCapabilities));
    if (NULL != rep.Capabilities) {
        if (NULL != rep.Capabilities->Media) {
            if ("" != rep.Capabilities->Media->XAddr) {
                strncpy(capa->MediaXAddr, rep.Capabilities->Media->XAddr.c_str(), sizeof(capa->MediaXAddr) - 1);
        if (NULL != rep.Capabilities->Events) {
            if ("" != rep.Capabilities->Events->XAddr) {
                strncpy(capa->EventXAddr, rep.Capabilities->Events->XAddr.c_str(), sizeof(capa->EventXAddr) - 1);


    if (NULL != soap) {

    return result;

        [in]  src_uri       - 未带认证信息的URI地址
        [in]  username      - 用户名
        [in]  password      - 密码
        [out] dest_uri      - 返回的带认证信息的URI地址
        [in]  size_dest_uri - dest_uri缓存大小
    1). 例子:
    带认证信息的uri:rtsp://username:[email protected]:554/av0_0
int make_uri_withauth(char *src_uri, char *username, char *password, char *dest_uri, unsigned int size_dest_uri)
    int result = 0;
    unsigned int needBufSize = 0;

    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != src_uri);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != username);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != password);
    SOAP_ASSERT(NULL != dest_uri);
    memset(dest_uri, 0x00, size_dest_uri);

    needBufSize = strlen(src_uri) + strlen(username) + strlen(password) + 3;    // 检查缓存是否足够,包括‘:’和‘@’和字符串结束符
    if (size_dest_uri < needBufSize) {
        SOAP_DBGERR("dest uri buf size is not enough.\n");
        result = -1;
        goto EXIT;

    if (0 == strlen(username) && 0 == strlen(password)) {                       // 生成新的uri地址
        strcpy(dest_uri, src_uri);
    } else {
        char *p = strstr(src_uri, "//");
        if (NULL == p) {
            SOAP_DBGERR("can't found '//', src uri is: %s.\n", src_uri);
            result = -1;
            goto EXIT;
        p += 2;

        memcpy(dest_uri, src_uri, p - src_uri);
        sprintf(dest_uri + strlen(dest_uri), "%s:%s@", username, password);
        strcat(dest_uri, p);


    return result;
