


Every day at Unity we’re working to make the industry we love one that’s more inclusive and representative of 52% of the people who play games every day – women. It’s an opportunity we’re looking at from all sides: there’s our Women in Gaming speaker series, focused on skill-building and career advancement with upcoming events in San Francisco (sold out) and Los Angeles (registration is open), and the recent partnership with OGA helps get qualified professionals roles and opportunities at industry events.

每天在Unity上,我们都致力于使我们热爱的行业变得更具包容性,并代表每天有52%的玩游戏的人(女性)。 我们正在从各个方面寻找机会:我们的“女性参与游戏”系列演讲着重于技能建设和职业发展,以及即将在旧金山(已售罄)和洛杉矶(已报名)的活动。与OGA的合作关系有助于在行业活动中获得合格的专业人员角色和机会。

And today, I couldn’t be happier to announce a new addition, the Women in Gaming: College Series. We’re hitting the road to visit colleges around the country (and Canada!) to talk to young women who are curious about careers in game development, whether just starting on the path or looking to brush up on skills. Free to attend and open to high school and college students, each event will feature a talk with a female game developer discussing her own career journey. Attendees will also take part in a 4 hour workshop led by our awesome Unity Evangelism team to learn the basics of building and publishing a game in Unity’s Engine and Editor. We’ll cover workflows, scripting, physics, audio and more. Attendees will also have the chance to win a one-year subscription to Unity Pro!

今天,我很高兴宣布新加入的游戏女性:大学系列。 我们正走上通往全国(以及加拿大!)大学的道路,与对游戏开发事业充满好奇的年轻女性交谈,无论是刚刚开始还是希望学习技能。 免费参加,对高中生和大学生开放,每个活动都将与一位女性游戏开发商进行一场演讲,讨论她自己的职业生涯。 参加者还将参加由我们出色的Unity福音团队领导的为时4小时的研讨会,以学习在Unity的引擎和编辑器中构建和发布游戏的基础知识。 我们将介绍工作流程,脚本,物理,音频等等。 与会者还将有机会赢得为期一年的Unity Pro订阅!

Here’s where we’re headed (the links will take you to more details and registration):


  • Oct 15th San Francisco (at Unity HQ!) featuring Theresa Duringer, Co-Founder at Temple Gates Games

    10月15日,旧金山(在Unity HQ!) ,特里普·唐纳(Teressa Duener),圣殿堂游戏联合创始人

  • Oct 29th University of Washington featuring Brittany Aubert, Producer at WG Cells

    10月29日,华盛顿大学, WG Cells制作人Brittany Aubert主持

  • Nov 12th Montreal featuring Kate Edwards, Executive Director of the IGDA

    11月12日,蒙特利尔 ,IGDA执行董事Kate Edwards

  • Nov 19th University of Southern California, Los Angeles featuring Brandii Grace, Chief Creative Officer and Co-Founder, Versus Gaming Network

    11月19日 ,美国南加州大学洛杉矶分校,Versus Gaming Network首席创意官兼联合创始人Brandii Grace

And soon, we hope to bring this opportunity to more young women around the world. This June Unity Japan partnered with Life is Tech!, a well-known programming camp for junior-high and high school students in Japan that’s helped 15,000+ students channel their interests and learn more about developing apps and games. 40 young women took part in a Unity workshop to build their own 3D games, hear directly from two female VR developers and even check out some new VR experiences.

很快,我们希望将这一机会带给世界各地更多的年轻女性。 今年6月,Unity Japan与Life is Tech!合作,Life is Tech!是面向日本初中和高中学生的著名编程营,已帮助15,000多名学生传达了他们的兴趣,并学习了有关开发应用程序和游戏的更多信息。 40位年轻女性参加了Unity工作坊,以制作自己的3D游戏,直接听取了两位女性VR开发人员的来信,甚至还了解了一些新的VR体验。


Keep an eye on the blog for updates.


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/09/01/introducing-women-in-gaming-college-series/

