

如果使用oc私有api获取不到ios11以上手机的app bundleid 那么可以使用安装其他工具来获取

那就是使用  libimobiledevice
终端输入:brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice

如果安装完以后还是不可以获取到id, 那么需要依次执行一下命令
brew uninstall ideviceinstaller -g
brew uninstall libimobiledevice -g
brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice -g
brew install ideviceinstaller -g
sudo rm -rf /var/db/lockdown/*

一切准备就绪, ideviceinstaller -l  获取手机所有app bundleid,  更多命令参考ideviceinstaller



org.reactjs.native.example.wealthSDK 这是wealth的sdk bundled ID


apple手机的原生APP bundleid

Bundle IDs for native iOS and iPadOS apps - Apple Support (HK)

Bundle IDs for native iOS and iPadOS apps
If you remove an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch app that was pre-installed, you can add that app back using mobile device management (MDM) and the app’s bundle ID.

Administrators may want to reinstall native iPhone, iPad or iPod touch apps — such as Mail, Calendar and Messages — on users’ devices. Reinstalling gives administrators the ability to show or hide apps, to properly define Home Screen layouts, and if the app has been removed, to reinstall it.

The table below shows the name and bundle ID for each native iPhone, iPad and iPod touch app. Bundle IDs are case sensitive.

App    iOS Bundle ID
App Store com.apple.AppStore
Apple Store com.apple.store.Jolly
Books com.apple.iBooks
Calculator com.apple.calculator
Calendar com.apple.mobilecal
Camera com.apple.camera
Clips com.apple.clips
Click com.apple.mobiletimer
Compass com.apple.compass
Contacts com.apple.MobileAddressBook
FaceTime com.apple.facetime
Files com.apple.DocumentsApp
Find My com.apple.findmy
Fitness com.apple.Fitness
GarageBand com.apple.mobilegarageband
Health com.apple.Health
Home com.apple.Home
iCloud Drive com.apple.iCloudDriveApp
iMovie com.apple.iMovie
iTunes Store com.apple.MobileStore
Keynote com.apple.Keynote
Magnifier com.apple.Magnifier
Mail com.apple.mobilemail
Maps com.apple.Maps
Measure com.apple.measure
Messages com.apple.MobileSMS
Music com.apple.Music
News com.apple.news
Notes com.apple.mobilenotes
Numbers com.apple.Numbers
Pages com.apple.Pages
Phone com.apple.mobilephone
Photo Booth com.apple.Photo-Booth
Photos com.apple.mobileslideshow
Podcasts com.apple.podcasts
Reminders com.apple.reminders
Safari com.apple.mobilesafari
Settings com.apple.Preferences
Shortcuts com.apple.shortcuts
