
hive 权威
create database if not exists financials
comment ‘hold all financial tables’
with dbproperties(‘creator’=‘wuwc’,‘date’=‘2019-12-09’);

set hive.cli.print.current.db=true;

drop database if exists financials cascade;

alter database financials set dbproperties(‘updated’=‘greekw’)


  • 内部表
    create table if not exists employees(
    name STRING,
    salary FLOAT,
    subordinates ARRAY,
    deductions MAP
    row format delimited
    fields terminated by ‘\001’
    collection items terminated by ‘\002’
    map keys terminated by ‘\003’
    line terminated by ‘\n’
    comment ‘员工表’
    location ‘/user/hive/warehouse/financials.db/employees’;
  • like创建表
    create table if not exists employees02
    like financials.employees;

create external table if not exists financials.stocks
stock_code STRING,
symbol STRING,
price_open FLOAT,
price_high FLOAT,
price_low FLOAT,
price_close FLOAT
row format delimited fields terminated by ‘,’
location ‘/data/stocks’;

  • 外部表

describe formatted employees;


  • 内部分区表
    create table if not exists employees_part(
    name STRING,
    salary FLOAT,
    subordinates ARRAY,
    deductions MAP
    partitioned by (country string,state string)

  • 外部分区表
    create external table if not exists log_msg(
    hms int,
    serverity string,
    server string,
    processId int,
    msg string
    partitioned by (year int,month int,day int)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ‘\t’;

alter table log_msg rename to log_msg_new

alter table log_msg add if not exists
partition by(year=2019,month=12) location ‘/logs/2019/12’;

alter table log_msg drop if exists partition(year=2019,month=12);

alter table log_msg add columns(
app_name string comment ‘应用名称’


  • 修改表属性

    • alter table table_name set tblproperties(‘key’=‘value’);
  • 修改表其他属性

  • alter table … achive/unachive/touch partition; 分区操作

  • alter table table_name partition(year=2019,month=12) enable no_drop; 开启分区保护


create table t10(

id int

,name string

,hobby array

,add map


partitioned by (pt_d string,sex string)

row format delimited

fields terminated by ‘,’

collection items terminated by ‘-’

map keys terminated by ‘:’


create table t1(

id int

,name string

,hobby array

,add map


partitioned by (pt_d string)

row format delimited

fields terminated by ‘,’

collection items terminated by ‘-’

map keys terminated by ‘:’




  • load data local inpath ‘本地路径’ overwrite into table table_name partition();
    load data local inpath ‘/data/hive’ overwrite into table log_msg partition(year=2019,month=12,day=10);

insert overwrite table log_msg partition(year=2019,month=12,day=11) select * from log_msg;

Need to specify partition columns because the destination table is partitioned

Partition not found ‘12’

  • load data inpath ‘分布式文件路径’ overwrite into table table_name partition();

  • insert overwrite table table_name partition() select *from table_name;

  • 动态分区和静态分区,静态分区必须在动态分区前;

      - hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true:开启动态分区;
      - hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nostrict: 容许所有分区都是动态;
      - hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=100:每个mapper或reduce创建的最大动态分区个数;
      - hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=1000:最大可创建动态分区个数;
      - hive.exec.max.created.files=1000:全局可以创建的最大文件个数;

from stu
insert into table student01 partition(city=‘beijing’) select id, sname, age where city=‘beijing’
insert into table student02 partition(city=‘shanghai’) select id, sname, age where city=‘shanghai’;

  • 创建表
    create external table if not exists student(
    id string,
    sname string,
    age int
    row format delimited fields terminated by ‘,’;

create table if not exists student_hdfs(id string,sname string,age int)
row format delimited fields terminated by ‘,’
lines terminated by ‘\n’;

create table if not exists student_insert(id string,sname string,age int)
row format delimited fields terminated by ‘,’
lines terminated by ‘\n’;

  • 从本地加载数据
    load data local inpath ‘/data/hive/student.txt’ overwrite into table student;

  • 从hdfs

load data inpath ‘/user/hdfs/student.txt’ overwrite into table student_hdfs;

  • 错误:
    Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask

  • insert 方式
    insert overwrite table student_insert select * from student;

  • from insert方式
    from student insert into table student_insert select id,sname,age where age>28;

  • 创建分区表
    create external table if not exists student_part(id string,sname string,age int)
    partitioned by (city string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ‘,’
    lines terminated by ‘\n’;

create external table if not exists student__double_part(id string,sname string,age int)
partitioned by (country string,city string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ‘,’
lines terminated by ‘\n’;

  • 添加分区

ALTER TABLE student_part ADD if not exists PARTITION(city=‘beijing’) location ‘分区位置’

FAILED:SemanticException table is not partitioned but partition spec exists:{address=china}

  • 加载分区数据
    ALTER TABLE student_part ADD if not exists PARTITION(city=‘shanghai’)
  • load data local inpath ‘/data/hive/student.txt’ overwrite into table student_part partition(city=‘beijing’);
  • insert 方式
    from student
    insert into table student_part partition(city=‘guangdong’) select id,sname,age
    insert into table student_part partition(city=‘chongqing’) select id,sname,age;

from student
insert into table student_double_part partition(country='china,'city=‘chongqing’) select id,sname,age;

  • 修复分区

    dfs -mkdir /user/hive/warehouse/financials.db/student__double_part/country=japan/city=tokoy;

    • msck repair table table_name;
  • 查看分区

    • show partitions table_name;
  • 动态分区

set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nostrict;

from student_part

insert into table student_part partition(city) select id, sname, age, city

insert into table student_part partition(city) select id, sname, age, city ;

  • 静态和动态混合的

  • 创建表的同时导入数据

    • create table student_part_create as select * from student_part;
  • 分桶:分区和分桶都是按字段来组织数据的存放,
    create table student_cluster( id string, sname string, age int)
    clustered by(id) into 2 buckets
    row format delimited fields terminated by ‘,’
    lines terminated by ‘\n’;

  • 数据导出

  • 导出到本地
    insert overwrite directory ‘’ select * from student where age>28;

insert overwrite local directory ‘/data/hive/student_export.txt’ select * from student where age>28;

  • 导出到hdfs

http://blog.leanote.com/post/[email protected]/Hive%E4%BF%AE%E6%94%B9%E8%A1%A8%E7%BB%93%E6%9E%84


case …when … then
select id,sname,age,
when age>30 then ‘old’
when age>30 and age<20 then ‘mid’
else ‘young’
end as level from student;

  • hive join查询

    • left/right/full/笛卡尔积/

    • 关闭笛卡尔积:set hive.mapred.mode=strict

    • map-side join查询

  • order by /sort by等

    • set hive.mapred.mode=strict 则使用order by 需要加上limit

    • order by 全局排序,sort by 局部排序

    • distribute by 和group by

  • 类型转换函数cast(field as int ),round(),floor()



  • 分区方案

  • 唯一键和标准化

  • 每个表的分区


  • explain/explain externed 使用

  • limit限制调整

  • join 优化

  • 本地模式

  • 并行执行

  • 严格模式

  • 调整mapper和reducer个数

  • JVM重用

  • 动态分区数调整

  • 单个mr中多个group by


  • 查看编解码器

  • 设置中间压缩
    set hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true

  • 设置输出压缩
    set hive.exec.compress.output=true

  • sequence file 格式



  • 设置表的文件格式:stored as 文件格式;

  • 文件格式

    • sequencefile

    • rcfile

  • 记录格式

    • serDe

    • CSV 和TSV

    • XML UDF

    • xpth

    • json serDe

hive thrift服务

  • hive server或hive thrift是一个基于thrift协议的组件,可以基于java,c++,python等语言远程访问;

  • 启动hive server

    • bin/hive --service hiveserver &
  • 管理hiveserver

    • httpproxy负载hiveserver
  • hive metastore

    • 启动metastore

    • bin/hive --service metastore &

hive 连接外部存储

  • hive连接hbase

方案一 建立 Hive 表,关联 HBase 表,插入数据到 Hive 表的同时能够影响 HBase 表

  • 创建连接外部表
    create table hive_hbase_emp_table(
    empno int,
    ename string comment ‘姓名’,
    job string,
    mgr int,
    hiredate string,
    sal double,
    deptno int
    stored by ‘org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler’
    with serdeproperties(“hbase.columns.mapping”=":key,info:ename,info:job,info:mgr,info:hiredate,info:sal,info:deptno")
    TBLPROPERTIES (“hbase.table.name” = “hbase_emp_table”);

empno int,
ename string,
job string,
mgr int,
hiredate string,
sal double,
deptno int)
row format delimited fields terminated by ‘,’;

load data local inpath ‘/data/hive/emp.txt’ into table emp;

insert into table hive_hbase_emp_table select * from emp;

SemanticException [Error 10101]: A non-native table cannot be used as target for LOAD

在 HBase 中已经存储了某一张表 hbase_emp_table,
然后在 Hive 中创建一个外部表来 关联 HBase 中的 hbase_emp_table 这张表,使之可以借助 Hive 来分析 HBase 这张表中的数 据
create external table hive_crs_data_report(
rowkey string comment ‘查询主键’,
params string comment ‘请求参数’,
timestamp string comment ‘时间戳’,
dataClass string comment ‘类型’,
data string comment ‘数据’
stored by ‘org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler’
with serdeproperties(“hbase.columns.mapping”=":key,cf1:params,cf1:timestamp,cf1:dataClass,cf1:data")
TBLPROPERTIES (“hbase.table.name” = “crs_data_report_test_able”);


  • hive0.10后版本权限控制是基于元数据控制,之前版本是通过linux的用户组合用户控制

  • 使用Hive的元数据配置权限之前必须现在hive-site.xml中配置两个参数

    • hive.security.authorization.enabled:开启权限验证,默认为false

    • hive.security.authorization.createtable.owner.grants:参数是指表的创建者对表拥有所有权限

    • hive.security.authorization.enabled参数是开启权限验证,默认为false。

hive 和oozie整合

