




根据统计,平均而言,各种在线商业行业和各种设备的购物车弃购率约为 70%。也就是说,十分之七的人在将产品添加到购物车后可能无法完成购买。解决这个问题会让你在竞争中领先一步,更棒的是你会卖得更多。

WhatsApp群发消息是一种来提醒您的客户有关废弃的购物车并赢回他们向您购买很好的方式。为了能轻松快捷群发WhatsApp消息,首先使用 SaleSmartly 接入WhatsApp Business API,这样您不仅可以大批量群发WhatsApp购物车召回消息,同时设置智能营销自动化,并从战略上解决您的购物车弃购问题。https://www.salesmartly.com/?source=csdn-qg923 



我们为您提供了一些 WhatsApp 废弃购物车英文版通知模板的现成示例。自定义它们,从中获得灵感或立即使用它们!



Template 1:

“Hi {Name}. We noticed that you haven’t completed your order. Feel free to reply with any query or to request our assistance. We will be happy to help.

Template 2:

“Hi there. We saw that your shopping cart was left unattended. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you are having any trouble completing the order. We will be happy to assist you. Click here to complete your order. ”

Template 3:

“Hello, {Name}! You are just one step away from buying our {Product}. If you are facing any difficulty in placing the order or have any queries related to the product, we are here to help you.”



Template 1:

“You almost forgot. But don’t worry. We are here to remind you about your product awaiting you in your shopping cart.”

Template 2:

“Hi {Name}! We believe you have not completed your purchase of {Product}.  Your cart is calling for you!”

Template 3:

“Hey, look what’s waiting for you in your cart. We think it’s time to get back to it.”



Template 1:

“There are awesome products waiting in your cart. Get them now and get a 15% discount!”

Template 2:

“Hurray! Get 25% off on the product left in your shopping cart. Offer ends at midnight. What are you waiting for?!”

Template 3:

“Hey there. You left this {Product} in your cart. Use CODE to avail free shipping. Enjoy!”




Template 1:

“The product on your cart is selling out fast. Get to it before someone else steals the deal!”

Template 2:

“Hey {Name}. More than 30 people including you have the product in their shopping cart. Complete your purchase before it’s too late!”

Template 3:

“Hello. You have not completed your purchase and the product in your cart is selling out like cupcakes. Hurry up!”



我们中几乎 80% 的人会相信像我们这样的其他人的建议。因此,让您的买家知道他们购物车中的产品有多受欢迎。以下是一些模板示例:

Template 1:

“Hi there. 257 happy customers have already bought the product in your cart and they loved it. What are you waiting for? Complete your purchase now!”

Template 2:

“Hey there. The product in your cart is popular among Students and Office goers. And we believe you will love it too. Wait no longer and go for it!”

Template 3:

“Hi. We are happy to tell you that your choice is excellent and that 78 other buyers guarantee this. Get to your shopping cart to seal the deal!”


