
1843 Ada Lovelace is credited as being the first person to describe or write a computer program. In 1843, she described an algorithm to compute Bernoulli numbers using the Analytical Engine. Ada Lovelace被认为是第一个描述或编写计算机程序的人。1843年,她描述了一种使用分析引擎计算伯努利数的算法。
1889 The Hollerith tabulating machine was invented by Herman Hollerith in 1889, allowing for data to be programmatically counted and tabulated. 霍尔瑞斯制表机是由赫尔曼·霍尔瑞斯于1889年发明的,它允许以编程方式计算和制表数据。
1956 One of the first programming languages, FORTRAN, was introduced to the public on October 15, 1956. It was developed by John Backus and others at IBM. FORTRAN是最早的编程语言之一,于1956年10月15日向公众介绍。它是由IBM的John Backus等人开发的。
1958 The second-oldest programming language, LISP was developed by John McCarthy and was first used in 1958. LISP是第二古老的编程语言,由John McCarthy开发,于1958年首次使用。
1959 COBOL started being developed in 1959 by Grace Hopper and Bob Bemer. 1959年,Grace Hopper和Bob Bemer开始开发COBOL。
1964 The original BASIC programming language was developed by John Kemeny, Mary Keller, and Thomas Kurtz, and was introduced to the public on May 1, 1964. 最初的BASIC编程语言是由John Kemeny、Mary Keller和Thomas Kurtz开发的,并于1964年5月1日向公众介绍。
1965 Simula is considered the first ever object-oriented programming language, developed around 1965 by Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard. Simula被认为是第一个面向对象的编程语言,由Ole Johan Dahl和Kristen Nygaard于1965年左右开发。
1966 Martin Richards developed the BCPL programming language in 1966, which became popular due to its portability. Martin Richards于1966年开发了BCPL编程语言,由于其可移植性而广受欢迎。
1966 The MUMPS programming language was developed by Neil Pappalardo at Massachusetts General Hospital in 1966. MUMPS编程语言是1966年由马萨诸塞州总医院的Neil Pappalardo开发的。
1967 Known for its graphics capabilities, Logo was created by Seymour Papert in 1967. Logo以其图形功能而闻名,由Seymour Papert于1967年创建。
1971 Pascal was developed in 1971 by Niklaus Wirth. Pascal由Niklaus Wirth于1971年开发。
1972 Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan developed the C programming language at Bell Labs in 1972. 丹尼斯·里奇(Dennis Ritchie)和布莱恩·科尼根(Brian Kernighan)于1972年在贝尔实验室(Bell Labs)开发了C编程语言。
1972 The Prolog programming language was developed by Alain Colmerauer and colleagues in 1972 at the University of Marseilles. Prolog编程语言是由Alain Colmerauer及其同事于1972年在马赛大学开发的。
1972 Smalltalk was the second ever object-oriented programming language and the first true IDE, developed by Alan Kay and others at Xerox PARC in 1972. Smalltalk是第二种面向对象编程语言,也是第一种真正的IDE,由Alan Kay和其他人于1972年在施乐PARC开发。
1974 SQL is a database programming language and was developed by Edgar Codd in 1974 and is still important in the programming language world. SQL是一种数据库编程语言,由Edgar Codd于1974年开发,在编程语言世界中仍然很重要。
1975 A variation of LISP, the Scheme programming language was created in 1975 by Guy Steele and Gerry Sussman at MIT's Artificial Intelligence lab. Scheme编程语言是LISP的一个变体,于1975年由麻省理工学院人工智能实验室的Guy Steele和Gerry Sussman创建。
1975 The Altair BASIC programming language was developed by Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and Monte Davidoff, and was made available for use on January 2, 1975. It was used to create programs for Altair computers. Altair BASIC编程语言由比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)、保罗·艾伦(Paul Allen)和蒙特·大卫杜夫(Monte Davidoff)开发,并于1975年1月2日提供使用。它用于为Altair计算机创建程序。
1979 Development of the C++ programming language was started in 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup. Originally called "C with classes," C++ is one of the most widely-used programming languages. C++编程语言的开发是由Bjarne Stroustrup于1979年开始的。C++最初被称为“带类的C”,是使用最广泛的编程语言之一。
1979 Oracle released the first commercial version of SQL in 1979. Oracle于1979年发布了第一个商业版本的SQL。
1979 The Department of Defense developed the Ada programming language, originally named DoD-1, and named it after Ada Lovelace in May 1979. 国防部开发了Ada编程语言,最初命名为DoD-1,1979年5月以Ada Lovelace命名。
1984 FoxPro is a programming language for developing database applications and was released by Fox Software in 1984. FoxPro是一种用于开发数据库应用程序的编程语言,由Fox Software于1984年发布。
1984 Cleve Moler started developing the MATLAB programming language in the late 1970s, and it was released to the public, with the MATLAB software package, in 1984. Cleve Moler于20世纪70年代末开始开发MATLAB编程语言,并于1984年与MATLAB软件包一起向公众发布。
1987 The open source programming language Perl that was developed by Larry Wall was introduced in 1987. It is commonly used in creating CGI scripts and programming web applications. 由Larry Wall开发的开放源码编程语言Perl于1987年推出。它通常用于创建CGI脚本和编程web应用程序。
1988 Developed in the mid-1980s by Brad Cox and Tom Love, the Objective-C programming language was officially licensed by NeXT in 1988. Objective-C编程语言由Brad Cox和Tom Love于20世纪80年代中期开发,1988年由NeXT正式授权。
1990 Tim Berners-Lee developed the HTML markup language in 1990. HTML is one of the most popular and widely-used programming languages in the world. Tim Berners Lee于1990年开发了HTML标记语言。HTML是世界上最流行、使用最广泛的编程语言之一。
1990 Haskell, a general-purpose programming language, was introduced in 1990. Haskell是一种通用编程语言,于1990年推出。
1990 Engineers at Apple developed the Dylan programming language in the early 1990s. Dylan was designed to resemble the syntax of the ALGOL programming language. 20世纪90年代初,苹果公司的工程师开发了Dylan编程语言。Dylan的设计类似于ALGOL编程语言的语法。
1991 Development of Python was started in 1989 by Guido van Rossum and released to the public in 1991. Python的开发由Guido van Rossum于1989年开始,并于1991年向公众发布。
1991 Visual Basic was developed by Alan Cooper and released in May 1991. Visual Basic由Alan Cooper开发,于1991年5月发布。
1993 Lua was created in 1993 by engineers at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Lua于1993年由巴西里约热内卢天主教大学的工程师创建。
1993 R is a programming language created by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka and introduced in 1993. R是由Robert Genterman和Ross Ihaka创建的编程语言,于1993年引入。
1994 The concept of CSS was started by Håkon Wium Lie in 1994. W3C introduced the specification for CSS in 1996. CSS的概念是由Hákon Wium Lie于1994年提出的。W3C于1996年引入了CSS规范。
1995 Java was developed by James Gosling and other developers at Sun Microsystems, and was first introduced to the public in 1995. Java是由James Gosling和Sun Microsystems的其他开发人员开发的,并于1995年首次向公众介绍。
1995 The object-oriented programming language Ruby developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto was first released in 1995. 由松本由纪弘开发的面向对象编程语言Ruby于1995年首次发布。
1995 The experimental, multi-paradigm Curry programming language was introduced by Michael Hanus, Herbert Kuchen, and Juan Jose Moreno-Navarro in 1995. 实验性的多范式Curry编程语言是由Michael Hanus、Herbert Kuchen和Juan Jose Moreno Navarro于1995年推出的。
1995 Racket is a general purpose programming language developed by Matthias Felleisen in 1995. Racket是Matthias Felleisen于1995年开发的通用编程语言。
1995 A server-side interpreted scripting language, PHP was developed by Rasmus Lerdorf starting in 1994 and released on June 8, 1995. PHP是一种服务器端解释脚本语言,由Rasmus Lerdorf于1994年开始开发,并于1995年6月8日发布。
1995 Originally named LiveScript when released in November 1995, JavaScript was developed by Brendan Eich and renamed as such in December 1995. JavaScript最初命名为LiveScript,于1995年11月发布,由Brendan Eich开发,并于1995年12月重命名。
1996 Introduced in 1996, OCaml is an object-oriented version of the Caml programming language. OCaml于1996年推出,是Caml编程语言的面向对象版本。
1998 XML is a markup language, with the specification for XML being developed by W3C and recommended on February 10, 1998. XML是一种标记语言,其XML规范由W3C开发,并于1998年2月10日推荐。
1999 Development of the D programming language started in December 1999. D is a higher level language compared to C++. D编程语言的开发始于1999年12月。与C++相比,D是一种更高级的语言。
2000 Based on C++ and Java, the C# programming language was developed by Microsoft and introduced in June 2000. C# became an ISO standard in 2003. 基于C++和Java的C#编程语言由Microsoft开发,并于2000年6月引入。C#于2003年成为ISO标准。
2003 The object-oriented programming language Scala was introduced in 2003. 面向对象的编程语言Scala于2003年推出。
2005 Don Syme developed the F# programming language and Microsoft first introduced it in 2005. Don Syme开发了F#编程语言,Microsoft于2005年首次引入该语言。
2007 The Go programming language was developed at Google starting in 2007. It was completed and introduced to the public in 2009. Go编程语言于2007年开始在谷歌开发。2009年完成并向公众介绍。
2007 Rich Hickey developed the Clojure programming language and released the first version in 2007. Rich Hickey开发了Clojure编程语言,并于2007年发布了第一个版本。
2008 Introduced in 2008, Nim is a programming language used to develop software requiring strict limits on how system memory is used. Nim于2008年推出,是一种编程语言,用于开发需要严格限制系统内存使用方式的软件。
2008 The object-oriented programming language Reia was introduced in 2008. 面向对象编程语言Reia于2008年推出。
2010 The multi-paradigm CoffeeScript programming language, capable of being compiled into JavaScript, was officially released in 2010. 多范式的CoffeeScript编程语言能够编译成JavaScript,于2010年正式发布。
2011 Google developed the open source web-based Dart programming language, introducing it to the public in October 2011. 谷歌开发了开源的基于web的Dart编程语言,并于2011年10月向公众介绍。
2012 Julia was developed by Jeff Bezanson, Alan Edelman, Stefan Karpinski, and Viral B. Shah and released in 2012. It is a high-level programming language used for scientific computing. Julia由Jeff Bezanson、Alan Edelman、Stefan Karpinski和Viral B.Shah开发,于2012年发布。它是用于科学计算的高级编程语言。
2014 Babel is a general-purpose programming language developed in 2014 and used to create programs for conserving battery life and system resources on devices. Babel是2014年开发的通用编程语言,用于创建节省设备电池寿命和系统资源的程序。
2014 Created by Apple and released on June 2, 2014, the Swift programming language helps create programs and apps for iOS, macOS, the Apple Watch, and AppleTV. 由苹果创建并于2014年6月2日发布的Swift编程语言有助于为iOS、macOS、Apple Watch和AppleTV创建程序和应用程序。
2015 Graydon Hoare started development of the Rust programming language around 2010. After contributions from hundreds of people, it was officially released as version 1.0.0 alpha by Mozilla research on January 9, 2015. Graydon Hoare于2010年左右开始开发Rust编程语言。在数百人的贡献下,Mozilla研究中心于2015年1月9日正式发布了1.0.0 alpha版本。
