How to perform SaveAs on WTPart using API in Windchill PDMLink 10.0

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How to perform SaveAs on WTPart using API in Windchill PDMLink 10.0
How to perform SaveAs on WTPart using API
Windchill PDMLink 10.0
  • Following API can be used:
wt.enterprise.EnterpriseService. newMultiObjectCopy(RevisionControlled[] originalObjects)
wt.enterprise.EnterpriseService. saveMultiObjectCopy(CopyObjectInfo[] copyInformation)
  • Refer Example below:
RevisionControlled [] originals = new RevisionControlled [1];
CopyObjectInfo [] copyInfoArray = null;

originals[0] = part;
copyInfoArray = EnterpriseHelper.service.newMultiObjectCopy(originals);
WTPart copy = (WTPart) copyInfoArray [0].getCopy();
copy.setName(part.getName() + "_copy");
copy.setNumber(part.getNumber() + "_copy");
try {
    copyInfoArray =
} catch (Exception e) {
