





 * 本项目的通用条件查询对象 包含cret所有页面的条件作为属性 今后可能继续增加属性
 *   @author fw
public class CretCondition extends CommonCondition{
	private Integer id;//xx编号
	private String dept;//部门
	private String job;//岗位
	private String checkName;//单据经办人
	private String costType;//报销单类型
	private Integer state;//单据状态 
	private Date startDate;//起始时间
	private Date endDate;//结束时间
	private Date[] dateRange;//日期范围





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<condition-cfg common-condition-class="com.lovo.cett.model.condition.CretCondition">
  <!-- 为需要组合条件查询的模型编写的配置文件 默认相对目录为src 可以有多个 -->
  <mapping resource="config/condition/stuffcost-condition-mapping.xml"/>
   <mapping resource="config/condition/tourcost-condition-mapping.xml"/>
  <!-- 配置common-condition-class中的属性和运算符号的对应关系 -->
    <!-- 默认按模型的id属性降序排列 如果不需要排序的话 可以写一个空的<order-by/>-->
    <order-by defaultProperty="id" defaultOrder="desc">
      <!-- 配置通用条件对象中的orderByDate属性为动态排序字段 -->




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<condition-mapping mapping-class="com.lovo.cett.model.cost.StuffCost" >

	<!-- 动态设置模型类中抓取策略 暂时只能动态设置join/select/auto
	 auto表示不改变抓取策略 即使用hbm文件中配置的抓取策略 可以配置多个-->
    <model-fetch property="stuffCostItems" fetch="select"/>
    <!-- 关联CretCondition通用条件对象和StuffCost对象的属性 -->	





 * 测试
 * @author fw
public class TestConditionFinderImpl extends BaseSpringTest {
	private ConditionFinder conditionFinder;
	private PageBean<StuffCost> pb;
	private CretCondition cc;
	static final int NOW_PAGE=1;//当前第1页
	static final int PAGE_SIZE=3;//每页显示3条
	static final int TOTAL_COUNT=7;
	protected void onSetUp() throws Exception {
		/**以下条件代表:查询 经办人like fw/状态等于1/日期为昨天到今天/申请金额为100至200 
		 * 的材料报销单 结果按日期降序
		 * 每页显示3条 显示第1页
		 *  */
		pb = new PageBean<StuffCost>(NOW_PAGE,PAGE_SIZE);
		cc = new CretCondition();
		Date endDate = new Date();
		Date startDate = new Date();
		cc.setDateRange(new Date[]{startDate,endDate});
		cc.setMoneyRange(new Double[]{Double.parseDouble("100"),Double.parseDouble("200")});





Hibernate: select count(*) as y0_ from t_cost this_ where this_.c_type='sc' and this_.c_name like ? and this_.c_state=? and this_.c_date between ? and ? and this_.c_requestMoney between ? and ?
Hibernate: select * from ( select this_.c_id as c1_2_0_, this_.c_costdept as c3_2_0_, this_.c_date as c4_2_0_, this_.c_dept as c5_2_0_, this_.c_financeSanctionMopney as c6_2_0_, this_.c_flowchoice as c7_2_0_, this_.c_job as c8_2_0_, this_.c_loanmoney as c9_2_0_, this_.c_loanperson as c10_2_0_, this_.c_name as c11_2_0_, this_.c_remark as c12_2_0_, this_.c_requestMoney as c13_2_0_, this_.c_tourProject as c14_2_0_, this_.c_state as c15_2_0_ from t_cost this_ where this_.c_type='sc' and this_.c_name like ? and this_.c_state=? and this_.c_date between ? and ? and this_.c_requestMoney between ? and ? order by this_.c_date desc, this_.c_id desc ) where rownum <= ?


