c实现 图像dither算法_【图像】抖动算法实现真彩色图片高细节256色降级处理【旧帖,效果不好,勿用】...

[Visual Basic] 纯文本查看 复制代码VERSION 5.00

Begin VB.Form frmMain

Caption = "取得调色板"

ClientHeight = 6465

ClientLeft = 120

ClientTop = 450

ClientWidth = 16440

LinkTopic = "frmMain"

OLEDropMode = 1 'Manual

ScaleHeight = 431

ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel

ScaleWidth = 1096

StartUpPosition = 3 '窗口缺省

Begin VB.PictureBox picDither

Align = 3 'Align Left

BorderStyle = 0 'None

Height = 6465

Left = 0

ScaleHeight = 431

ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel

ScaleWidth = 457

TabIndex = 6

Top = 0

Visible = 0 'False

Width = 6855

Begin VB.HScrollBar HSDither

Height = 255

Left = 1440

Max = 0

TabIndex = 12

TabStop = 0 'False

Top = 3000

Width = 2415


Begin VB.PictureBox picColor4

AutoRedraw = -1 'True

BackColor = &H00000000&

BorderStyle = 0 'None

Height = 495

Left = 1800

ScaleHeight = 33

ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel

ScaleWidth = 33

TabIndex = 11

Top = 0

Visible = 0 'False

Width = 495


Begin VB.PictureBox picColor3

AutoRedraw = -1 'True

BackColor = &H00000000&

BorderStyle = 0 'None

Height = 495

Left = 1200

ScaleHeight = 33

ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel

ScaleWidth = 33

TabIndex = 10

Top = 0

Visible = 0 'False

Width = 495


Begin VB.PictureBox picColor2

AutoRedraw = -1 'True

BackColor = &H00000000&

BorderStyle = 0 'None

Height = 495

Left = 600

ScaleHeight = 33

ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel

ScaleWidth = 33

TabIndex = 9

Top = 0

Visible = 0 'False

Width = 495


Begin VB.PictureBox picColor1

AutoRedraw = -1 'True

BackColor = &H00000000&

BorderStyle = 0 'None

Height = 495

Left = 0

ScaleHeight = 33

ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel

ScaleWidth = 33

TabIndex = 8

Top = 0

Visible = 0 'False

Width = 495


Begin VB.PictureBox picResult

AutoRedraw = -1 'True

BackColor = &H00000000&

BorderStyle = 0 'None

Height = 495

Left = 2400

ScaleHeight = 33

ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel

ScaleWidth = 33

TabIndex = 7

Top = 0

Visible = 0 'False

Width = 495



Begin VB.PictureBox picRightPanel

Align = 4 'Align Right

BorderStyle = 0 'None

Height = 6465

Left = 15345

ScaleHeight = 431

ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel

ScaleWidth = 73

TabIndex = 0

Top = 0

Width = 1095

Begin VB.PictureBox picProgress

BackColor = &H8000000C&

Height = 255

Left = 0

ScaleHeight = 13

ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel

ScaleWidth = 69

TabIndex = 14

Top = 4320

Width = 1095

Begin VB.CommandButton cmdProgress

Enabled = 0 'False

Height = 195

Left = 0

Style = 1 'Graphical

TabIndex = 15

Top = 0

Width = 1035



Begin VB.CheckBox ChRandomPalette

Caption = "产生随机调色板"

Height = 615

Left = 0

Style = 1 'Graphical

TabIndex = 13

Top = 3600

Width = 1095


Begin VB.PictureBox picPal

AutoRedraw = -1 'True

BackColor = &H00000000&

BorderStyle = 0 'None

Height = 1095

Left = 0

ScaleHeight = 73

ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel

ScaleWidth = 73

TabIndex = 5

Top = 2400

Width = 1095


Begin VB.OptionButton OpDitherPic

Caption = "抖动图"

Enabled = 0 'False

Height = 495

Left = 0

Style = 1 'Graphical

TabIndex = 4

Top = 1920

Value = -1 'True

Width = 1095


Begin VB.OptionButton OpSrcPic

Caption = "原图"

Enabled = 0 'False

Height = 495

Left = 0

Style = 1 'Graphical

TabIndex = 3

Top = 1440

Width = 1095


Begin VB.CommandButton cmdDither

Caption = "抖动"

Enabled = 0 'False

Height = 615

Left = 0

TabIndex = 1

Top = 0

Width = 1095



Begin VB.PictureBox picSrcPic

AutoRedraw = -1 'True

AutoSize = -1 'True

BorderStyle = 0 'None

Height = 255

Left = 0

ScaleHeight = 255

ScaleWidth = 135

TabIndex = 2

Top = 0

Visible = 0 'False

Width = 135



Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain"

Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False

Attribute VB_Creatable = False

Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True

Attribute VB_Exposed = False




'版权所有 (C) 2013-2014 技术宅的结界



Option Explicit

Private Const COLORS_MAX As Long = 256

Private Const COLORS_BITS As Long = 8

Private Const DIST_MAX As Long = 200000

Private Type RGBQUAD

B As Byte

G As Byte

R As Byte

X As Byte

End Type

Private Type BITMAPINFO24

biSize As Long

biWidth As Long

biHeight As Long

biPlanes As Integer

biBitCount As Integer

biCompression As Long

biSizeImage As Long

biXPelsPerMeter As Long

biYPelsPerMeter As Long

biClrUsed As Long

biClrImportant As Long

End Type


biSize As Long

biWidth As Long

biHeight As Long

biPlanes As Integer

biBitCount As Integer

biCompression As Long

biSizeImage As Long

biXPelsPerMeter As Long

biYPelsPerMeter As Long

biClrUsed As Long

biClrImportant As Long


End Type

Private Declare Function CreateOctreePaletteFromHBITMAP Lib "..\Octree.dll" (ByVal hDC&, ByVal hBitmap&, ByVal Width&, ByVal Height&, ByVal MaxColors&, ByVal ColorBits&, P As RGBQUAD) As Long

Private Declare Function GetBitmapPitch Lib "..\Octree.dll" (ByVal BitCount As Integer, ByVal Width As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetDIBits Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal aHDC As Long, ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal nStartScan As Long, ByVal nNumScans As Long, lpBits As Any, lpBI As BITMAPINFO24, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function SetDIBits Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal aHDC As Long, ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal nStartScan As Long, ByVal nNumScans As Long, lpBits As Any, lpBI As BITMAPINFOPAL, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long

Private Const DIB_RGB_COLORS = 0 ' color table in RGBs

Private Const DIB_PAL_COLORS = 1 ' color table in palette indices



Dim PW&, PH&

Dim LM() As Byte

Dim QuitLoop As Boolean

Dim SrcPixels() As Byte

Dim Values1() As Byte

Dim Values2() As Byte

Dim Values3() As Byte

Dim Values4() As Byte

Dim Vec1R() As Long, Vec1G() As Long, Vec1B() As Long

Dim Vec2R() As Long, Vec2G() As Long, Vec2B() As Long

Dim Vec3R() As Long, Vec3G() As Long, Vec3B() As Long

Dim Vec4R() As Long, Vec4G() As Long, Vec4B() As Long

Private Const MaxDist As Double = 64

Private Const MaxDistSq As Double = MaxDist * MaxDist

Private Const RefreshInterval As Single = 0.1

Dim ProgWidth As Single

Sub DrawProgress(ByVal Prog As Double)

cmdProgress.Left = (Prog - 1) * ProgWidth


End Sub

Private Sub cmdDither_Click()

Dim DestPixels() As Byte

Dim Pitch1 As Long, Pitch2 As Long

Dim X&, Y&

Dim I&, LStart1&

Dim L&, LStart2&

Dim K&, DistanceSq As Long, NewDistSq As Long

Dim RDiff As Long, GDiff As Long, BDiff As Long

Dim Tm!, NTm!

cmdDither.Enabled = False

picDither.Visible = True

picDither.Visible = True


Pitch1 = GetBitmapPitch(24, PW)

Pitch2 = GetBitmapPitch(8, PW)

Erase Values1, Values2, Values3, Values4, SrcPixels

Erase Vec1R, Vec1G, Vec1B

Erase Vec2R, Vec2G, Vec2B

Erase Vec3R, Vec3G, Vec3B

Erase Vec4R, Vec4G, Vec4B

ReDim SrcPixels(Pitch1 * PH - 1)

ReDim DestPixels(Pitch2 * PH - 1)

ReDim Values1(UBound(DestPixels))

ReDim Values2(UBound(DestPixels))

ReDim Values3(UBound(DestPixels))

ReDim Values4(UBound(DestPixels))

ReDim Vec1R(UBound(DestPixels)), Vec1G(UBound(DestPixels)), Vec1B(UBound(DestPixels))

ReDim Vec2R(UBound(DestPixels)), Vec2G(UBound(DestPixels)), Vec2B(UBound(DestPixels))

ReDim Vec3R(UBound(DestPixels)), Vec3G(UBound(DestPixels)), Vec3B(UBound(DestPixels))

ReDim Vec4R(UBound(DestPixels)), Vec4G(UBound(DestPixels)), Vec4B(UBound(DestPixels))

GetDIBits picSrcPic.hDC, picSrcPic.Image.Handle, 0, PH, SrcPixels(0), BMIF24, DIB_RGB_COLORS




LStart1 = 0

LStart2 = 0

picColor1.Visible = True

For Y = 0 To PH - 1

I = LStart1

L = LStart2

For X = 0 To PW - 1

DistanceSq = 255& * 255 * 3

For K = 0 To 255

RDiff = CLng(BMIFPAL.Palette(K).R) - SrcPixels(I + 2)

GDiff = CLng(BMIFPAL.Palette(K).G) - SrcPixels(I + 1)

BDiff = CLng(BMIFPAL.Palette(K).B) - SrcPixels(I + 0)

NewDistSq = RDiff * RDiff + GDiff * GDiff + BDiff * BDiff

If NewDistSq < DistanceSq And NewDistSq <= MaxDistSq Then

Vec1R(L) = RDiff

Vec1G(L) = GDiff

Vec1B(L) = BDiff

Values1(L) = K

DestPixels(L) = K

DistanceSq = NewDistSq

End If


I = I + 3

L = L + 1


NTm = Timer

If NTm - Tm >= RefreshInterval Then

Tm = NTm

SetDIBits picColor1.hDC, picColor1.Image.Handle, 0, PH, DestPixels(0), BMIFPAL, DIB_RGB_COLORS

picColor1.PaintPicture picSrcPic.Image, 0, 0, PW, PH - Y, 0, 0, PW, PH - Y

DrawProgress Y / (PH - 1)



If QuitLoop Then Exit For

End If

LStart1 = LStart1 + Pitch1

LStart2 = LStart2 + Pitch2


SetDIBits picColor1.hDC, picColor1.Image.Handle, 0, PH, DestPixels(0), BMIFPAL, DIB_RGB_COLORS

DrawProgress 1





LStart1 = 0

LStart2 = 0

picColor2.Visible = True

For Y = 0 To PH - 1

I = LStart1

L = LStart2

For X = 0 To PW - 1

DistanceSq = 255& * 255 * 3

Values2(L) = Values1(L)

For K = 0 To 255

RDiff = CLng(BMIFPAL.Palette(K).R) - SrcPixels(I + 2)

GDiff = CLng(BMIFPAL.Palette(K).G) - SrcPixels(I + 1)

BDiff = CLng(BMIFPAL.Palette(K).B) - SrcPixels(I + 0)

If RDiff * Vec1R(L) + GDiff * Vec1G(L) + BDiff * Vec1B(L) < 0 Then

NewDistSq = RDiff * RDiff + GDiff * GDiff + BDiff * BDiff

If NewDistSq < DistanceSq And NewDistSq <= MaxDistSq Then

Vec2R(L) = RDiff

Vec2G(L) = GDiff

Vec2B(L) = BDiff

Values2(L) = K

DestPixels(L) = K

DistanceSq = NewDistSq

End If

End If


I = I + 3

L = L + 1


NTm = Timer

If NTm - Tm >= RefreshInterval Then

Tm = NTm

SetDIBits picColor2.hDC, picColor2.Image.Handle, 0, PH, DestPixels(0), BMIFPAL, DIB_RGB_COLORS

DrawProgress Y / (PH - 1)



If QuitLoop Then Exit For

End If

LStart1 = LStart1 + Pitch1

LStart2 = LStart2 + Pitch2


SetDIBits picColor2.hDC, picColor2.Image.Handle, 0, PH, DestPixels(0), BMIFPAL, DIB_RGB_COLORS

DrawProgress 1





LStart1 = 0

LStart2 = 0

picColor3.Visible = True

For Y = 0 To PH - 1

I = LStart1

L = LStart2

For X = 0 To PW - 1

DistanceSq = 255& * 255 * 3

Values3(L) = Values2(L)

For K = 0 To 255

RDiff = CLng(BMIFPAL.Palette(K).R) - SrcPixels(I + 2)

GDiff = CLng(BMIFPAL.Palette(K).G) - SrcPixels(I + 1)

BDiff = CLng(BMIFPAL.Palette(K).B) - SrcPixels(I + 0)

If RDiff * Vec1R(L) + GDiff * Vec1G(L) + BDiff * Vec1B(L) < 0 And _

RDiff * Vec2R(L) + GDiff * Vec2G(L) + BDiff * Vec2B(L) < 0 Then

NewDistSq = RDiff * RDiff + GDiff * GDiff + BDiff * BDiff

If NewDistSq < DistanceSq And NewDistSq <= MaxDistSq Then

Vec3R(L) = RDiff

Vec3G(L) = GDiff

Vec3B(L) = BDiff

Values3(L) = K

DestPixels(L) = K

DistanceSq = NewDistSq

End If

End If


I = I + 3

L = L + 1


NTm = Timer

If NTm - Tm >= RefreshInterval Then

Tm = NTm

SetDIBits picColor3.hDC, picColor3.Image.Handle, 0, PH, DestPixels(0), BMIFPAL, DIB_RGB_COLORS

DrawProgress Y / (PH - 1)



If QuitLoop Then Exit For

End If

LStart1 = LStart1 + Pitch1

LStart2 = LStart2 + Pitch2


SetDIBits picColor3.hDC, picColor3.Image.Handle, 0, PH, DestPixels(0), BMIFPAL, DIB_RGB_COLORS

DrawProgress 1





LStart1 = 0

LStart2 = 0

picColor4.Visible = True

For Y = 0 To PH - 1

I = LStart1

L = LStart2

For X = 0 To PW - 1

DistanceSq = 255& * 255 * 3

Values4(L) = Values3(L)

For K = 0 To 255

RDiff = CLng(BMIFPAL.Palette(K).R) - SrcPixels(I + 2)

GDiff = CLng(BMIFPAL.Palette(K).G) - SrcPixels(I + 1)

BDiff = CLng(BMIFPAL.Palette(K).B) - SrcPixels(I + 0)

If RDiff * Vec1R(L) + GDiff * Vec1G(L) + BDiff * Vec1B(L) < 0 And _

RDiff * Vec2R(L) + GDiff * Vec2G(L) + BDiff * Vec2B(L) < 0 And _

RDiff * Vec3R(L) + GDiff * Vec3G(L) + BDiff * Vec3B(L) < 0 Then

NewDistSq = RDiff * RDiff + GDiff * GDiff + BDiff * BDiff

If NewDistSq < DistanceSq And NewDistSq <= MaxDistSq Then

Vec4R(L) = RDiff

Vec4G(L) = GDiff

Vec4B(L) = BDiff

Values4(L) = K

DestPixels(L) = K

DistanceSq = NewDistSq

End If

End If


I = I + 3

L = L + 1


NTm = Timer

If NTm - Tm >= RefreshInterval Then

Tm = NTm

SetDIBits picColor4.hDC, picColor4.Image.Handle, 0, PH, DestPixels(0), BMIFPAL, DIB_RGB_COLORS

DrawProgress Y / (PH - 1)



If QuitLoop Then Exit For

End If

LStart1 = LStart1 + Pitch1

LStart2 = LStart2 + Pitch2


SetDIBits picColor4.hDC, picColor4.Image.Handle, 0, PH, DestPixels(0), BMIFPAL, DIB_RGB_COLORS

DrawProgress 1





LStart1 = 0

LStart2 = 0

picResult.Visible = True

Dim DitherValue As Long

For Y = 0 To PH - 1

I = LStart1

L = LStart2

For X = 0 To PW - 1

DitherValue = LM((X And &HF) + (Y And &HF) * &H10)

If Values1(L) = Values2(L) And Values2(L) = Values3(L) And Values3(L) = Values4(L) Then '只有一个颜色

DestPixels(L) = Values1(L)

ElseIf Values1(L) <> Values2(L) And Values2(L) = Values3(L) And Values3(L) = Values4(L) Then '抖动颜色1、2

' Src

' /|~"-,_

' / | ~"-,_

' / | ~"-,_

' / | ~"-,_

' / | ~"-,_


Dim Vec1To2R As Long, Vec1To2G As Long, Vec1To2B As Long

Dim Vec1To2Dist As Double, ProjLen As Double

Vec1To2R = Vec2R(L) - Vec1R(L)

Vec1To2G = Vec2G(L) - Vec1G(L)

Vec1To2B = Vec2B(L) - Vec1B(L)

Vec1To2Dist = Sqr(CDbl(Vec1To2R) * Vec1To2R + CDbl(Vec1To2G) * Vec1To2G + CDbl(Vec1To2B) * Vec1To2B)

ProjLen = (-Vec1R(L) * Vec1To2R - Vec1G(L) * Vec1To2G - Vec1B(L) * Vec1To2B) / Vec1To2Dist

If ProjLen * 255 / Vec1To2Dist <= DitherValue Then DestPixels(L) = Values1(L) Else DestPixels(L) = Values2(L)

ElseIf Values1(L) <> Values2(L) And Values2(L) <> Values3(L) And Values3(L) = Values4(L) Then '抖动颜色1、2、3


'|\ ~"-,_

'| \ ~"-,_

'| P,__ ~"-,_

'| / ~~""--,,__ ~"-,_

'|L ~~""--===,_


Dim Plane123A As Double, Plane123B As Double, Plane123C As Double, Plane123D As Double

Dim Plane123ABCLen As Double

Dim Vec2To3R As Long, Vec2To3G As Long, Vec2To3B As Long

Vec1To2R = Vec2R(L) - Vec1R(L)

Vec1To2G = Vec2G(L) - Vec1G(L)

Vec1To2B = Vec2B(L) - Vec1B(L)

Vec2To3R = Vec3R(L) - Vec2R(L)

Vec2To3G = Vec3G(L) - Vec2G(L)

Vec2To3B = Vec3B(L) - Vec2B(L)

Plane123A = Vec1To2G * Vec2To3B - Vec1To2B * Vec2To3G

Plane123B = Vec1To2B * Vec2To3R - Vec1To2R * Vec2To3B

Plane123C = Vec1To2R * Vec2To3G - Vec1To2G * Vec2To3R

Plane123D = -(Plane123A * BMIFPAL.Palette(Values1(L)).R + Plane123B * BMIFPAL.Palette(Values1(L)).G + Plane123C * BMIFPAL.Palette(Values1(L)).B)

Plane123ABCLen = Sqr(Plane123A * Plane123A + Plane123B * Plane123B + Plane123C * Plane123C)

Plane123A = Plane123A / Plane123ABCLen

Plane123B = Plane123B / Plane123ABCLen

Plane123C = Plane123C / Plane123ABCLen

Plane123D = Plane123D / Plane123ABCLen

Dim PlaneFace23A As Double, PlaneFace23B As Double, PlaneFace23C As Double, PlaneFace23D As Double

Dim PlaneFace23ABCLen As Double

PlaneFace23A = Vec1G(L) * Plane123C - Vec1B(L) * Plane123B

PlaneFace23B = Vec1B(L) * Plane123A - Vec1R(L) * Plane123C

PlaneFace23C = Vec1R(L) * Plane123B - Vec1G(L) * Plane123A

PlaneFace23D = -(PlaneFace23A * SrcPixels(I + 2) + PlaneFace23B * SrcPixels(I + 1) + PlaneFace23C * SrcPixels(I + 0))

PlaneFace23ABCLen = Sqr(PlaneFace23A * PlaneFace23A + PlaneFace23B * PlaneFace23B + PlaneFace23C * PlaneFace23C)

PlaneFace23A = PlaneFace23A / PlaneFace23ABCLen

PlaneFace23B = PlaneFace23B / PlaneFace23ABCLen

PlaneFace23C = PlaneFace23C / PlaneFace23ABCLen

PlaneFace23D = PlaneFace23D / PlaneFace23ABCLen

Dim P2ToPlaneDist As Double, P3ToPlaneDist As Double, PlaneCutPosition As Double

P2ToPlaneDist = Abs(BMIFPAL.Palette(Values2(L)).R * PlaneFace23A + BMIFPAL.Palette(Values2(L)).G * PlaneFace23B + BMIFPAL.Palette(Values2(L)).B * PlaneFace23C + PlaneFace23D)

P3ToPlaneDist = Abs(BMIFPAL.Palette(Values3(L)).R * PlaneFace23A + BMIFPAL.Palette(Values3(L)).G * PlaneFace23B + BMIFPAL.Palette(Values3(L)).B * PlaneFace23C + PlaneFace23D)

PlaneCutPosition = P2ToPlaneDist / (P2ToPlaneDist + P3ToPlaneDist)

If PlaneCutPosition * 255 <= DitherValue Then DestPixels(L) = Values2(L) Else DestPixels(L) = Values3(L)

Dim PointOnPlaneAnd2To3VecR As Double, PointOnPlaneAnd2To3VecG As Double, PointOnPlaneAnd2To3VecB As Double

PointOnPlaneAnd2To3VecR = CDbl(BMIFPAL.Palette(Values2(L)).R) + Vec2To3R * PlaneCutPosition - SrcPixels(I + 2)

PointOnPlaneAnd2To3VecG = CDbl(BMIFPAL.Palette(Values2(L)).G) + Vec2To3G * PlaneCutPosition - SrcPixels(I + 1)

PointOnPlaneAnd2To3VecB = CDbl(BMIFPAL.Palette(Values2(L)).B) + Vec2To3B * PlaneCutPosition - SrcPixels(I + 0)

Dim VecToThatPointR As Double, VecToThatPointG As Double, VecToThatPointB As Double, VecToThatPointLen As Double

VecToThatPointR = PointOnPlaneAnd2To3VecR - Vec1R(L)

VecToThatPointG = PointOnPlaneAnd2To3VecG - Vec1G(L)

VecToThatPointB = PointOnPlaneAnd2To3VecB - Vec1B(L)

VecToThatPointLen = Sqr(VecToThatPointR * VecToThatPointR + VecToThatPointG * VecToThatPointG + VecToThatPointB * VecToThatPointB)

VecToThatPointR = VecToThatPointR / VecToThatPointLen

VecToThatPointG = VecToThatPointG / VecToThatPointLen

VecToThatPointB = VecToThatPointB / VecToThatPointLen

ProjLen = (-Vec1R(L) * VecToThatPointR - Vec1G(L) * VecToThatPointG - Vec1B(L) * VecToThatPointB) / VecToThatPointLen

If ProjLen * 255 <= DitherValue Then DestPixels(L) = Values1(L)

Else '抖动颜色1、2、3、4

Dim Plane12PA As Double, Plane12PB As Double, Plane12PC As Double, Plane12PD As Double, Plane12PABCLen As Double

Dim Plane34PA As Double, Plane34PB As Double, Plane34PC As Double, Plane34PD As Double, Plane34PABCLen As Double

Plane12PA = Vec1G(L) * Vec2B(L) - Vec1B(L) * Vec2G(L)

Plane12PB = Vec1B(L) * Vec2R(L) - Vec1R(L) * Vec2B(L)

Plane12PC = Vec1R(L) * Vec2G(L) - Vec1G(L) * Vec2R(L)

Plane34PA = Vec3G(L) * Vec4B(L) - Vec3B(L) * Vec4G(L)

Plane34PB = Vec3B(L) * Vec4R(L) - Vec3R(L) * Vec4B(L)

Plane34PC = Vec3R(L) * Vec4G(L) - Vec3G(L) * Vec4R(L)

Plane12PD = -(Plane12PA * SrcPixels(I + 2) + Plane12PB * SrcPixels(I + 1) + Plane12PC * SrcPixels(I + 0))

Plane34PD = -(Plane34PA * SrcPixels(I + 2) + Plane34PB * SrcPixels(I + 1) + Plane34PC * SrcPixels(I + 0))

Plane12PABCLen = Sqr(Plane12PA * Plane12PA + Plane12PB * Plane12PB + Plane12PC * Plane12PC)

Plane34PABCLen = Sqr(Plane34PA * Plane34PA + Plane34PB * Plane34PB + Plane34PC * Plane34PC)

Plane12PA = Plane12PA / Plane12PABCLen

Plane12PB = Plane12PB / Plane12PABCLen

Plane12PC = Plane12PC / Plane12PABCLen

Plane12PD = Plane12PD / Plane12PABCLen

Plane34PA = Plane34PA / Plane34PABCLen

Plane34PB = Plane34PB / Plane34PABCLen

Plane34PC = Plane34PC / Plane34PABCLen

Plane34PD = Plane34PD / Plane34PABCLen

Dim Distance1ToP34 As Double, Distance2ToP34 As Double

Dim Distance3ToP12 As Double, Distance4ToP12 As Double

Distance1ToP34 = Abs(Vec1R(L) * Plane34PA + Vec1G(L) * Plane34PB + Vec1B(L) * Plane34PC + Plane34PD)

Distance2ToP34 = Abs(Vec2R(L) * Plane34PA + Vec2G(L) * Plane34PB + Vec2B(L) * Plane34PC + Plane34PD)

Distance3ToP12 = Abs(Vec3R(L) * Plane12PA + Vec3G(L) * Plane12PB + Vec3B(L) * Plane12PC + Plane12PD)

Distance4ToP12 = Abs(Vec4R(L) * Plane12PA + Vec4G(L) * Plane12PB + Vec4B(L) * Plane12PC + Plane12PD)

Dim P12Cut34 As Double, P34Cut12 As Double

P12Cut34 = Distance3ToP12 + (Distance3ToP12 + Distance4ToP12)

P34Cut12 = Distance1ToP34 + (Distance1ToP34 + Distance2ToP34)

Dim Value12 As Byte, Value34 As Byte

If P12Cut34 * 255 <= DitherValue Then Value34 = Values3(L) Else Value34 = Values4(L)

If P34Cut12 * 255 <= DitherValue Then Value12 = Values1(L) Else Value12 = Values2(L)

Vec1To2R = Vec2R(L) - Vec1R(L)

Vec1To2G = Vec2G(L) - Vec1G(L)

Vec1To2B = Vec2B(L) - Vec1B(L)

Dim Vec3To4R As Long, Vec3To4G As Long, Vec3To4B As Long

Vec3To4R = Vec4R(L) - Vec3R(L)

Vec3To4G = Vec4G(L) - Vec3G(L)

Vec3To4B = Vec4B(L) - Vec3B(L)

Dim CutPoint1R As Double, CutPoint1G As Double, CutPoint1B As Double

Dim CutPoint2R As Double, CutPoint2G As Double, CutPoint2B As Double

CutPoint1R = Vec1R(L) + Vec1To2R * P34Cut12

CutPoint1G = Vec1G(L) + Vec1To2G * P34Cut12

CutPoint1B = Vec1B(L) + Vec1To2B * P34Cut12

CutPoint2R = Vec3R(L) + Vec3To4R * P12Cut34

CutPoint2G = Vec3G(L) + Vec3To4G * P12Cut34

CutPoint2B = Vec3B(L) + Vec3To4B * P12Cut34

Dim Dist12 As Double, Dist34 As Double

Dist12 = Sqr(CutPoint1R * CutPoint1R + CutPoint1G * CutPoint1G + CutPoint1B * CutPoint1B)

Dist34 = Sqr(CutPoint2R * CutPoint2R + CutPoint2G * CutPoint2G + CutPoint2B * CutPoint2B)

If Dist12 * 255 / (Dist12 + Dist34) <= DitherValue Then DestPixels(L) = Value12 Else DestPixels(L) = Value34

End If

I = I + 3

L = L + 1


NTm = Timer

If NTm - Tm >= RefreshInterval Then

Tm = NTm

SetDIBits picResult.hDC, picResult.Image.Handle, 0, PH, DestPixels(0), BMIFPAL, DIB_RGB_COLORS

DrawProgress Y / (PH - 1)



If QuitLoop Then Exit For

End If

LStart1 = LStart1 + Pitch1

LStart2 = LStart2 + Pitch2


SetDIBits picResult.hDC, picResult.Image.Handle, 0, PH, DestPixels(0), BMIFPAL, DIB_RGB_COLORS

DrawProgress 1


cmdDither.Enabled = False

OpSrcPic.Enabled = True

OpDitherPic.Enabled = True

OpDitherPic.Value = True

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

With BMIF24

.biSize = 40

.biPlanes = 1

.biBitCount = 24

End With


.biSize = 40

.biPlanes = 1

.biBitCount = COLORS_BITS

.biClrUsed = COLORS_MAX

.biClrImportant = COLORS_MAX

End With

LM = LoadResData(101, "LIGHTMATRIX")

Randomize Timer

ProgWidth = picProgress.ScaleWidth

End Sub

Function Lerp(ByVal V1 As Long, ByVal V2 As Long, ByVal Val_0_255 As Long) As Long

Lerp = V1 + (V2 - V1) * Val_0_255 \ 255

End Function

Private Sub Form_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

On Local Error GoTo eHandlr

Picture = LoadPicture(Data.Files(1))

PW = ScaleX(Picture.Width, vbHimetric, vbPixels)

PH = ScaleY(Picture.Height, vbHimetric, vbPixels)

picSrcPic.Move 0, 0, PW, PH

picSrcPic.PaintPicture Picture, 0, 0






picColor1.Visible = False

picColor2.Visible = False

picColor3.Visible = False

picColor4.Visible = False

picResult.Visible = False

picColor1.Move PW * 0, 0, PW, PH

picColor2.Move PW * 1, 0, PW, PH

picColor3.Move PW * 2, 0, PW, PH

picColor4.Move PW * 3, 0, PW, PH

picResult.Move PW * 4, 0, PW, PH



BMIF24.biWidth = PW

BMIF24.biHeight = PH

BMIFPAL.biWidth = PW

BMIFPAL.biHeight = PH

DrawProgress 0

If ChRandomPalette.Value Then

Dim I&

For I = 0 To UBound(BMIFPAL.Palette)

BMIFPAL.Palette(I).R = Rnd * 255

BMIFPAL.Palette(I).G = Rnd * 255

BMIFPAL.Palette(I).B = Rnd * 255



If CreateOctreePaletteFromHBITMAP(hDC, Picture.Handle, PW, PH, COLORS_MAX, COLORS_BITS, BMIFPAL.Palette(0)) = 0 Then

MsgBox "生成调色板失败。", vbExclamation

End If

End If


cmdDither.Enabled = True

OpSrcPic.Enabled = False

OpDitherPic.Enabled = False

OpSrcPic.Value = True

Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "出错"

End Sub

Sub DrawPal()

Dim X&, Y&

Dim DrX&, DrY&

Dim I&

For Y = 0 To 15

DrX = 0

For X = 0 To 15

picPal.Line (DrX, DrY)-(DrX + 4, DrY + 4), RGB(BMIFPAL.Palette(I).R, BMIFPAL.Palette(I).G, BMIFPAL.Palette(I).B), BF

I = I + 1

If I >= COLORS_MAX Then Exit Sub

DrX = DrX + 5


DrY = DrY + 5


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()

On Error Resume Next

picDither.Width = picRightPanel.Left

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

QuitLoop = True


End Sub

Private Sub HSDither_Change()

On Error Resume Next

Dim LeftBegin As Long

LeftBegin = -HSDither.Value

picColor1.Left = LeftBegin + PW * 0

picColor2.Left = LeftBegin + PW * 1

picColor3.Left = LeftBegin + PW * 2

picColor4.Left = LeftBegin + PW * 3

picResult.Left = LeftBegin + PW * 4

End Sub

Private Sub HSDither_Scroll()


End Sub

Private Sub OpDitherPic_Click()

picSrcPic.Visible = False

picDither.Visible = True

End Sub

Private Sub OpSrcPic_Click()

picSrcPic.Visible = True

picDither.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub picDither_Resize()

On Error Resume Next

Dim PP1W As Long, PP1H As Long, HSMax As Long

PP1W = picDither.ScaleWidth

PP1H = picDither.ScaleHeight

HSDither.Move 0, PP1H - 17, PP1W, 17

HSMax = PW * 5 - PP1W

If HSMax > 0 Then

HSDither.Max = HSMax

HSDither.LargeChange = PP1W

HSDither.Visible = True


HSDither.Value = 0

HSDither.Visible = False

End If

End Sub
