GitHub - Python-World/python-mini-projects: A collection of simple python mini projects to enhance your python skills
GitHub - tanshuimaohenquejiao/WeGongYi: 公益培训报名小程序,提供给文化馆,图书馆,文体中心,青少年活动中心,少年宫等社会公益机构进行公益培训活动报名登记的小工具,前后端代码完整,主要功能包括公告通知,课堂风采,报名列表,报名登记,采用腾讯提供的小程序云开发解决方案,无须服务器和域名。
GitHub - peterlamar/python-cp-cheatsheet: Python3 interview prep cheatsheet and examples
GitHub - krahets/LeetCode-Book: 《剑指 Offer》 Python, Java, C++ 解题代码,LeetBook《图解算法数据结构》配套代码仓。
GitHub - lixi5338619/magical_spider: 神奇的蜘蛛,一个几乎适用于所有web端站点的采集方案
GitHub - peterlamar/python-cp-cheatsheet: Python3 interview prep cheatsheet and examples
GitHub - online-ml/river-torch
GitHub - KevinMusgrave/pytorch-metric-learning: The easiest way to use deep metric learning in your application. Modular, flexible, and extensible. Written in PyTorch.
PyTorch Metric Learning
GitHub - relogX/system-design-questions: Problem statements on System Design and Software Architecture as part of Arpit's System Design Masterclass
Leetcode-Style 面试、行为面试
GitHub - fterh/leetcode-curation-topical: Tech interview prep list
ICLR 2023 Conference | OpenReview
GitHub - yhygao/CBIM-Medical-Image-Segmentation
GitHub - microsoft/computervision-recipes: Best Practices, code samples, and documentation for Computer Vision.
GitHub - yolofeng/CVPR2022-Autonomous-Driving
GitHub - PengtaoJiang/Awesome-Weakly-Supervised-Semantic-Segmentation-Papers: Recent weakly supervised semantic segmentation paper
GitHub - GuansongPang/SOTA-Deep-Anomaly-Detection: List of implementation of SOTA deep anomaly detection methods
ADBench: Anomaly Detection Benchmark
GitHub - Minqi824/ADBench: Official Implement of "ADBench: Anomaly Detection Benchmark".
GitHub - iscyy/yoloair: YOLOv7, YOLOv5, YOLOv4, Transformer, YOLOX, YOLOR, YOLOv3 and Improved-YOLOv5... Support to improve backbone, head, loss, IoU, NMS and other modules
GitHub - xmu-xiaoma666/External-Attention-pytorch: Pytorch implementation of various Attention Mechanisms, MLP, Re-parameter, Convolution, which is helpful to further understand papers.⭐⭐⭐
GitHub - GuanRunwei/Awesome-Vision-Transformer-Collection: Variants of Vision Transformer and its downstream tasks
GitHub - lahoud/3d-vision-transformers: A list of 3D computer vision papers with Transformers
GitHub - WenjieDu/PyPOTS: A python toolbox/library for data mining on partially-observed time series, supporting tasks of forecasting/imputation/classification/clustering on incomplete multivariate time series with missing values. (google.com)
GitHub - QingZhong1996/Awesome-Video-Instance-Segmentation-Papers
GitHub - xuyu0010/awesome-video-domain-adaptation: A comprehensive collection of awesome research and other items about video domain adaptation
GitHub - Little-Podi/Collaborative_Perception: This repository is a paper digest of recent advances in collaborative / cooperative / multi-agent perception for V2I / V2V / V2X autonomous driving scenario.
GitHub - Xiefan-Guo/Awesome-Visual-Diffusion-Models: A collection of resources and papers on Visual Diffusion Models.
A Survey on Generative Diffusion Model
[2209.02646] A Survey on Generative Diffusion Model (arxiv.org)
GitHub - chq1155/A-Survey-on-Generative-Diffusion-Model
Diffusion Models: A Comprehensive Survey of Methods and Applications
GitHub - YangLing0818/Diffusion-Models-Papers-Survey-Taxonomy: Diffusion model papers, survey, and taxonomy
GitHub - awesome-stable-diffusion/awesome-stable-diffusion: Curated list of awesome resources for the Stable Diffusion AI Model.
awesome-fluid-dynamics | A curated list of repositories related to fluid dynamics.
GitHub - ryanzhumich/Contrastive-Learning-NLP-Papers: Paper List for Contrastive Learning for Natural Language Processing
GitHub - SunQingYun1996/Graph-Reinforcement-Learning-Papers: A curated list of graph reinforcement learning papers.
GitHub - fuyw/RepL4RL: Representation Learning for RL
GitHub - ChandlerBang/awesome-graph-transformer: Papers about graph transformers.
GitHub - chwan1016/awesome-gnn-systems: A list of awesome GNN systems.
GitHub - yzy1996/English-Writing: Enhance Your English Writing
GitHub - OpenMindClub/awesome-scholarly-productivity
GitHub - zhanglj37/Tutorial-on-PhD-Application: Tutorial on PhD Application
GitHub - JunweiLiang/awesome_lists: Awesome Lists for Tenure-Track Assistant Professors and PhD students. (助理教授/博士生生存指南)
GitHub - liuchong/awesome-roadmaps: A curated list of roadmaps.
GitHub - mli/paper-reading: 深度学习经典、新论文逐段精读
GitHub - GokuMohandas/testing-ml: Learn how to create reliable ML systems by testing code, data and models.
Testing Machine Learning Systems: Code, Data and Models - Made With ML
GitHub - wangruohui/OpenMMLabCourse: OpenMMLab course index and materials
GitHub - bipinKrishnan/ml-recipe-book: A book containing step by step instructions to train deep learning models for a variety of tasks
GitHub - louisnino/RLcode
你有一份强化学习线路图,请查收。(原题:看我如何一文从马可洛夫怼到DPPO) - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
GitHub - s3prl/s3prl: Self-Supervised Speech/Sound Pre-training and Representation Learning Toolkit
S3PRL 0.4.5 documentation
GitHub - A-make/awesome-control-theory: Awesome resources for learning control theory
GitHub - acl-org/ethics-reading-list: A list of ethics related resources for researchers and practitioners of Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics
GitHub - LambdaLabsML/examples: Deep Learning Examples
GitHub - yandexdataschool/deep_vision_and_graphics: Course about deep learning for computer vision and graphics co-developed by YSDA and Skoltech.
GitHub - jpwahle/d3-dataset: The official repository for the LREC'22 paper "D3: A Massive Dataset of Scholarly Metadata for Analyzing the State of Computer Science Research"
Math 318 Dept of Math, Univ of Washington
Course Materials | Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems
GitHub - tamlhp/awesome-machine-unlearning: Awesome Machine Unlearning (A Survey of Machine Unlearning)
GitHub - SelfishGene/visual_taste_approximator: Visual Taste Approximator (VTA) is a very simple tool that helps anyone create an automatic replica of themselves that can approximate their own personal visual taste
tsai | tsai (timeseriesai.github.io)
GitHub - microsoft/SynapseML: Simple and Distributed Machine Learning
SynapseML | SynapseML
GitHub - Geethen/geeml
MLOPs 课程 的一部分,旨在构建数据分析和机器学习应用的数据堆栈.
GitHub - GokuMohandas/data-engineering: Construct a modern data stack and orchestration the workflows to create high quality data for analytics and ML applications.
Data Stack for Machine Learning - Made With ML
Orchestration for Machine Learning - Made With ML
ADL4CV | 慕尼黑工大 · 计算机视觉深度学习进阶课 (showmeai.tech)
【双语字幕+资料下载】慕尼黑工大 ADL4CV | 计算机视觉深度学习进阶课 (2020·全10讲)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
GitHub - MarcSkovMadsen/awesome-panel-lightning
GitHub - PKU-TANGENT/nlp-tutorial: NLP新手入门教程
The Mathematical Engineering of Deep Learning
Course 2022 - Full Stack Deep Learning
CS294 | Berkeley伯克利 · 深度无监督学习课程 (showmeai.tech)
【双语字幕+资料下载】伯克利CS294 | 深度无监督学习(2020最新·全12讲)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
GitHub - jasonmanesis/Satellite-Imagery-Datasets-Containing-Ships: A list of radar and optical satellite datasets for ship detection, classification, semantic segmentation and instance segmentation tasks.
GitHub - 摄影测量/摄影测量指南:摄影测量指南
GitHub - elisemercury/AutoClean: Python package for automated data preprocessing & cleaning.
GitHub - open-mmlab/mmyolo: OpenMMLab YOLO series toolbox and benchmark
Welcome to MMYOLO’s documentation! — MMYOLO 0.1.1 documentation
GitHub - eryajf/HowToStartOpenSource: ⚗️ GitHub开源项目维护协作指南
HowToStartOpenSource (eryajf.github.io)
GitHub - prius/leetcode-anki: Anki cards generator for Leetcode
GitHub - maxhumber/redframes: [re]ctangular[d]ata[frames]
GitHub - WenjieDu/PyPOTS: A python toolbox/library for data mining on partially-observed time series, supporting tasks of forecasting/imputation/classification/clustering on incomplete multivariate time series with missing values.
GitHub - sloganking/codevis: Turns your code into one large image
GitHub - SelfishGene/visual_taste_approximator: Visual Taste Approximator (VTA) is a very simple tool that helps anyone create an automatic replica of themselves that can approximate their own personal visual taste
GitHub - facebook/memlab: A framework for finding JavaScript memory leaks and analyzing heap snapshots
GitHub - fidelity/selective: Selective: Feature Selection Library
GitHub - azimuttapp/azimutt: An Entity Relationship diagram (ERD) visualization tool, with various filters and inputs to help understand your database schema
Azimutt - Database explorer and analyzer
GitHub - bitmakerla/estela: estela, an elastic web scraping cluster Overview - estela Documentation
GitHub - apache/incubator-streampark: StreamPark, Make stream processing easier! easy-to-use streaming application development framework and operation platform
GitHub - ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit: WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181/SRT server and client framework based on C++11
GitHub - Jittor/JSeg: JSeg is a Semantic segmentation toolbox based on MMSegmentation and Jittor
KXY Technologies
OCRmyPDF documentation — ocrmypdf 14.0.1.dev5+g110c75cb documentation
GitHub - openxrlab/xrlocalization: OpenXRLab Visual Localization Toolbox and Server
GitHub - alteryx/compose: A machine learning tool for automated prediction engineering. It allows you to easily structure prediction problems and generate labels for supervised learning.
What is Compose? — Compose 0.9.0 documentation
GitHub - openxrlab/xrnerf: OpenXRLab Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) Toolbox and Benchmark
GitHub - hasherezade/pe-bear: Portable Executable reversing tool with a friendly GUI
PE-bear | hasherezade's 1001 nights (wordpress.com)
GitHub - salesforce/LAVIS: LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence