-- Check for working CXX compiler: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND
CMake Error: your CXX compiler: "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND" was not found. Please set CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to a valid compiler path or name.
sudo apt-get install g++
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.6/Modules/FindKDE4.cmake:84 (MESSAGE):
ERROR: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake not found in
sudo apt-get install kdelibs5-dev
3、解决unresolved inclusion*****的一个步骤
It turns out my problem can be solved by tweaking the options in "Project properties->C/C++ general->Indexer" panel. Please refer to the figure.
First, I checked the "Enable project specific settings". And then, in the indexer options, I checked "Index unused headers as C++ files" and "Index source and header files opened in editor". Finally, I clicked "apply" and "OK" and after a while, all the "bugs" and "unresolved xxx" disappeared.
I'm not sure whether what I did is necessary or sufficient. Also, it always takes some time for the indexer to take effect after I checked or unchecked some options, so I don't have time to find out necessary and sufficient options to solve the problem.
4、linux 系统 Eclipse 安装Python
首先安装Eclipse和Python Ubuntu自带的Python软件,如果没有可以去官方下载。然后 安装到Eclipse 中 打开Eclipse 中的Help-->Install New Software -->出现的窗口中,点击Work with 后的add按钮 进行添加安装程序 在Add Repository 中,name可以自己任意取名,location: http://pydev.org/updates (我自己试验成功的地址)最后等待安装完成。
安装完Python后,还要配置,如果不进行配置,会提示Project interpreter not specified ,所以要进行配置打开Window,点击Preferences,展开左边的Pydev,点击Interpreter-Python,选择右边的New,Interpreter Name随便命名为Python,Interpreter Executable栏点击Browse...,找到/usr/bin/python,然后OK