期刊名词 | 分区 | ||
Multimedia Tools and Applications | 4 | 2.33 | |
Neural computing and application | 2 | 5.6 | |
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering | 2 | 5.763 | |
SIAM journal on scientific computing | 2 | 1.97 | |
Communication in Computational Physics | 3 | 2.6 | |
PLoS One(公共科学图书馆) | 3 | ||
Frontiers in Physics | 3 | 2.638 | |
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering | 3 | 2.161 | |
Nonlinear Dynamics | 1 | 5.022 | |
Applied Thermal Engineering | 2 | 5.295 |
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Solving Huxley equation using an improved PINN method