Galin Iliev [Galcho] Blog! - Rule "Previous releases of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008" failed


Rule "Previous releases of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008" failed

I downloaded MS SQL Server 2008 Dev Edition this morning and was eager to install new SQL Server Management Studio with IntelliSense support. Unfortunately I hit a showstopper:


The message says: "Rule "Previous releases of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008" failed", "A previous release of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 is installed on this computer. Upgrade Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to the SP1 before installing SQL Server 2008". (for search engines:) )

I noted that prior starting I was asked to install following:

  • .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (does this mean it has been released?!)
  • Windows Installer 4.5 - wow! That's new too. I missed that one...

As VS 2008 SP1 is still on beta I don't want to install it on my primary dev box. I am looking for alternative solution... I hope I will find one :)


After some research I found that:

  1. There is no workaround for this yet!
  2. The only good workaround would be to wait for VS 2008 SP1 :). I really don't want to dig into MSI database with Orca.
  3. And of course there are other guys with same issue:
    1. SQL Server 2008 RTM Requires/Installs ...
    2. Visual Studio 2008 SP1 may be required for SQL Server 2008 installations
    3. SQL Server 2008 On The Horizon

MSDN Subscrpition says it cleary :(

SQL Server 2008 RTM Available for Download

English downloads are available now and additional languages will be added on a daily basis. Visual Studio 2008 users will need to download and install Service Pack 1 which will be available here after August 11, 2008.

So we wait...

Update 2: If you ran out of patience you can try one trick:

rename the following registry key:


This was found on Guy Barrette blog. More especially on comment by Daniel. As Daniel says:

No guarantees, but SQL 2008 will install and run.

Maybe it is better to wait :)

Update 3: The wait is over :). VS 2008 SP1 is here!

Galin Iliev [Galcho] Blog! - Rule "Previous releases of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008" failed
