最近搭建springcloud的项目,项目采取了Jwt + spring security 来进行登录验证,Jwt token 锁定用户的失效时间,但是由于 jwt token特性导致token失效时间无法刷新,所以必须新创建一个token令牌,用来代替之前已失效token。
之后为了解决这个问题,结合了redis,将token值保存到redis中,用户操作后刷新redis的有效时间,这样如果jwt token失效了,再检查 redis 中保存token的key是否失效,如果没有失效,那么就重新创建jwt token ,失效了,就重新登录。
public static Claims parseJWT(String jsonWebToken) {
try {
return Jwts.parser().setSigningKey(Base64.getDecoder().decode(getBase64Security())).parseClaimsJws(jsonWebToken).getBody();
} catch (Exception var2) {
return null;
传入过期token,debug调试发现是在DefaultJwtParser的parse(String jwt)方法中返回了ExpiredJwtException 过期异常。部分代码如下
boolean allowSkew = this.allowedClockSkewMillis > 0L;
if (claims != null) {
Date now = this.clock.now();
long nowTime = now.getTime();
Date exp = claims.getExpiration();
String nbfVal;
SimpleDateFormat sdf;
if (exp != null) {
long maxTime = nowTime - this.allowedClockSkewMillis;
Date max = allowSkew ? new Date(maxTime) : now;
if (max.after(exp)) {
sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
String expVal = sdf.format(exp);
nbfVal = sdf.format(now);
long differenceMillis = maxTime - exp.getTime();
String msg = "JWT expired at " + expVal + ". Current time: " + nbfVal + ", a difference of " + differenceMillis + " milliseconds. Allowed clock skew: " + this.allowedClockSkewMillis + " milliseconds.";
throw new ExpiredJwtException((Header)header, claims, msg);
Date nbf = claims.getNotBefore();
if (nbf != null) {
long minTime = nowTime + this.allowedClockSkewMillis;
Date min = allowSkew ? new Date(minTime) : now;
if (min.before(nbf)) {
sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
nbfVal = sdf.format(nbf);
String nowVal = sdf.format(now);
long differenceMillis = nbf.getTime() - minTime;
String msg = "JWT must not be accepted before " + nbfVal + ". Current time: " + nowVal + ", a difference of " + differenceMillis + " milliseconds. Allowed clock skew: " + this.allowedClockSkewMillis + " milliseconds.";
throw new PrematureJwtException((Header)header, claims, msg);
this.validateExpectedClaims((Header)header, claims);
看到结尾的throw new ExpiredJwtException,我相信就找到了问题的关键,原来在在解析token并发现这个token已经过期了,它作出的反应是直接抛异常。
这样也就代表着,抛出的这个异常 ExpiredJwtException 中有一个参数 claims 就是解析后的token,那么本次这个问题也就解决了。
catch ExpiredJwtException 异常后,直接从异常中获取解析的数据即可。
public static Claims parseJWT(String jsonWebToken) {
try {
return Jwts.parser().setSigningKey(Base64.getDecoder().decode(getBase64Security())).parseClaimsJws(jsonWebToken).getBody();
} catch (ExpiredJwtException var2) {
return var2.getClaims();
} catch (Exception var2) {
return null;
public Boolean isTokenExpired(String token) {
Claims claims = parseJWT(token);
Date expiration = claims.getExpiration();
return new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()).after(expiration);