
How to make a presentation?

Part One ---- Beginning

I’ am Chery. Today I’m going to give a short presentation on…

My name is Chery, it’s my pleasure to stand here and make a short presentation on…

I’m Chery, The topic of my presentation is …

I’m Chery, Today I will be giving a short presentation on …

Part Two ---- Overview

My presentation is in three parts.

My presentation is divided into three main sections.

Firstly, Secondly, Finally

take a look at

talk about

focus on

tell you something about the background

give you some facts and figures

fill you on the history of

concentrate on

Part Three ---- Asking Question

Please feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions.

There will time for question at the end of the presentation.

I’d be grateful if you could ask me questions at the end of the presentation.

Part Four ---- Main Body

Let’s look at

Here are some facts about

Here are some of the reasons for

Several factors contribute to

It has merits as well certain drawbacks. Let’s consider the

Let’s look at the pros and cons of

There are several types of

Let’s compare A with B

Here is an interesting graph / picture / piece of information

I’d like you to focus on this graph / table / image

Part Five ---- Moving From one point to another

Let’s move on to…

I 'd like to turn to…

That’s all I have to say about …

Now I’d like to look at

This leads me to my next point

Now, I’ll focus on

Let’s look at another aspect of

Now Let’s consider another aspect

Let’s come to the next point.

Part Six ---- Thanking and inviting questions

Thank you for listening , and now if there are any questions, I ’ d be pleased to answer them.

That brings me to the end of my presentation. Thank you or your attention. I’ll be glad to answer any questions you might have.

Would anyone like to ask questions?

Does anyone have any questions?

If any one has any questions, I’ll be glad to answer them.

Part Seven ---- Handing Question

Does this answer your question?

Do you follow what I’m saying?

I hope this explains the situation to you.

I hope that was what you wanted to hear.

was my answer clear enough?

Have I clarified your doubt?

Part Eight ---- Admit your shortcoming

That’s a very good question. However, We don’t have much information about that and I can not give you an accurate answer.

That’s a very good question, However I’m not very sure about the answer. Would anyone in the audience like to answer the question?

It doesn’t matter / Never Mind

Part Nine ---- Language for visuals

This graph shows you

Take a look at this

If you look at this, you will see

I would like you to look at this

This chart illustrates the figures

This graph gives you a breakdown of

As you can see

This clearly shows

From this we can understand

This area of the chart is interesting

Part Ten ---- summarizing

This brings me to the end of my presentation. I’ve talk about …

Well, That’s about it for now. We’ve talk about…

Here are the key points of today’s talk

Let us sum up the main ideas,

To summarize,

Part Eleven ---- Ending

That brings us to the end of the presentation. Thank you for listening.
