如果2012世界没有末日,那么就给自己第二个人生。你会不会给自己另一种选择,就如同一次新生。如果你曾经是网页设计师,那么就留下些好的资源素材吧, 给那些第二次人生中的设计师来使用,让他们感知设计的奇妙;如果你曾经是网页设计师,在第二人生的选择里,你留了下来,那么,就请你整理出好的素材给那些 第二次人生中的设计师来使用,让他们更快的触摸到设计的美好。好的设计,好的创意是需要你去发 现的。那些素材和资源表面都是免费的,但是,你需要付出比免费更多的代价才能知道那些设计中所代表着的意境。我不是个好的设计师,我只是个过客,只为留下 些许美好,留下些回忆,然后往自由奔去。2011年网页界面素材大合集,你值得拥有!
Number of Icons: 80
Size(s): 16×16
Format(s): .psd, .png & .csh
Mimi Glyphs →
Number of Icons: 105
Size(s): 48×48
Format(s): .png
WP7 Icons →
Number of Icons: 99
Format(s): .ai
99+ Icons →
Number of Icons: 400+
Format(s): .psd
iconSweets 2 →
Number of Icons: 28
Size(s): 16×16, 32×32 & 64×64
Format(s): .ai
Retro Icon Set →
Number of Icons: 38
Signify Lite →
Number of Icons: 20
Format(s): .eps
Melticons →
Number of Icons: 20
Format(s): .psd
Monochromatic 1 →
Number of Icons: 42
Format(s): .psd
Monochromatic 2 →
Number of Icons: 200
Format(s): .psd
Inventicons (Free Version) →
Number of Icons: 33
Format(s): .psd & .ai
Icon Set →
Number of Icons: 110
Format(s): .psd & .png
Grapigs Mini Web Icons →
Number of Icons: 24
Format(s): .psd
Minimicons 2nd Edition →
Number of Icons: 15
Size(s): 16×16, 24×24, 32×32, 64×64, 128×128, 256×256, 512×512
Format(s): .psd
Tiny Icons →
Number of Icons: 10
Size(s): 32×32
Format(s): .psd & .png.
Mini Designer Icon Set →
Number of Icons: 81
Size(s): 12×12
Format(s): .psd & .gif
Pixim Icon Set →
Number of Icons: 160
Format(s): .psd
160 Tiny Icons →
Number of Icons: 63
Size(s): 12×12
Format(s): .psd
12px Glyphs →
Number of Icons: 20
Size(s): 16×16
Format(s): .png
Cotyledon Mini Icons →
Number of Icons: 226
Size(s): 48×48
Format(s): .psd & .png.
Web Iconset →
Number of Icons: 475
High Quality Icons For Designers →
Number of Icons: 40+
Size(s): 32×32
Format(s): .psd & .png.
Textured Icons →
Number of Icons: 156
Size(s): 24×24
Format(s): .png, .bmp, .tif, .gif & .bmp
Web Development Icon Set →
Number of Icons: 50
Size(s): 256×256
Format(s): .png
Ecommerce Glyphs →
Number of Icons: 20
Size(s): 16×16
Format(s): .psd
Ecommerce Icons →
Number of Icons: 8
Size(s): 128×128
Format(s): .png
E-Commerce Icons →
Number of Icons: 24
Size(s): 48×48 & 400×400
Format(s): .png, .ai & .psd
Kaching →
Number of Icons: 20
Size(s): 64×64
Format(s): .png
Professional E-Commerce Icons Set →
Number of Icons: 457
Size(s): 16×16, 24×24, 32×32, 64×64, 128×128, 256×256, 512×512
Format(s): .psd, .png. & .ai
Credit Card Icons →
Number of Icons: 48
Size(s): 64×64, 48×48 & 32×32
Format(s): .png
Lovicon Payments →
Number of Icons: 17
Size(s): 64×64
Format(s): .png
Payment Method Icons Set →
Number of Icons: 33
Format(s): .png, Omnigraffle & inDesign
Cue – A gesture icon system →
Number of Icons: 15,000
Size(s): 20×20, 30×30, 40×40, 50×50, 60×60, 72×72, 114×114 & 512×512
Format(s): .psd
iPhone Icons →
Number of Icons: 30
iPhone App Icon Kit →
Number of Icons: 48
Format(s): .ai, .eps & .svg
Android Native Icons →
Number of Icons: 60
Format(s): .psd, .png. .ai, .pdf, .eps & .csh
Picons (Free Version) →
Number of Icons: 150
Size(s): 16×16, 24×24, 32×32, 64×64, 128×128, 256×256, 512×512
Format(s): .ai & .eps
JustVector Social Icons →
Number of Icons: 5
Format(s): .psd
Cuticons →
Number of Icons: 13
Size(s): 24×24
Format(s): .png
Renova Icon Set →
Number of Icons: 100+
Format(s): .psd & .png
Stampaxx →
Number of Icons: 15
Size(s): 32×32
Format(s): .png
Mighty Social Icons →
Number of Icons: 50
Size(s): 26×26 & 38×38
Format(s): .psd & .png
Social Media →
Number of Icons: 35
Format(s): .psd
Square Social Icons →
Number of Icons: 65
Size(s): 32×32
Format(s): .psd & .png
DDIcons →
Number of Icons: 204
Format(s): .psd & .png
Google Plus Interface Icons →