mysql str_to_date函数_MySQL STR_TO_DATE函数暂时不起作用


I want only time to compare with another time string, so i am using STR_TO_DATE function to convert my time string to date time format

Below statement works fine for me, so i think MySQL don't have any problem

SELECT STR_TO_DATE('26/04/2011', '%d/%m/%Y');

But i don't know why below one is not working for me

SELECT STR_TO_DATE('11:59:59','%h:%i:%s');

Above statement always return NULL when i run in SQL Console of PhpMyAdmin


This is indeed because of the SQL mode NO_ZERO_DATE. You should have seen that when Anand Rockzz linked to the manual, but that link is only half of the explanation. As of MySQL 5.7.4, the setting is deprecated. In your first example, you're setting a date; in the second one, NO_ZERO_DATE causes the return of NULL because you're not specifying a date. Starting with 5.7.8, NO_ZERO_DATE and NO_ZERO_IN_DATE have been included with the default sql_mode value. According to the manual, it appears as if the deprecation and removal has been partially reverted (starting with 5.7.8), so you may be able to explicitly set this in your my.cnf (or per-session).

You should also refer to the manual regarding the NO_ZERO_DATE directive.
