"""Dataset Features Related Utils"""
from .normalize import normalize
from .generate_polynomials import generate_polynomials
from .generate_sinusoids import generate_sinusoids
from .prepare_for_training import prepare_for_training
"""Add polynomial features to the features set"""
import numpy as np
from .normalize import normalize
def generate_polynomials(dataset, polynomial_degree, normalize_data=False):
"""Extends data set with polynomial features of certain degree.
Returns a new feature array with more features, comprising of
x1, x2, x1^2, x2^2, x1*x2, x1*x2^2, etc.
:param dataset: dataset that we want to generate polynomials for.
:param polynomial_degree: the max power of new features.
:param normalize_data: flag that indicates whether polynomials need to normalized or not.
# Split features on two halves.
features_split = np.array_split(dataset, 2, axis=1)
dataset_1 = features_split[0]
dataset_2 = features_split[1]
# Extract sets parameters.
(num_examples_1, num_features_1) = dataset_1.shape
(num_examples_2, num_features_2) = dataset_2.shape
# Check if two sets have equal amount of rows.
if num_examples_1 != num_examples_2:
raise ValueError('Can not generate polynomials for two sets with different number of rows')
# Check if at list one set has features.
if num_features_1 == 0 and num_features_2 == 0:
raise ValueError('Can not generate polynomials for two sets with no columns')
# Replace empty set with non-empty one.
if num_features_1 == 0:
dataset_1 = dataset_2
elif num_features_2 == 0:
dataset_2 = dataset_1
# Make sure that sets have the same number of features in order to be able to multiply them.
num_features = num_features_1 if num_features_1 < num_examples_2 else num_features_2
dataset_1 = dataset_1[:, :num_features]
dataset_2 = dataset_2[:, :num_features]
# Create polynomials matrix.
polynomials = np.empty((num_examples_1, 0))
# Generate polynomial features of specified degree.
for i in range(1, polynomial_degree + 1):
for j in range(i + 1):
polynomial_feature = (dataset_1 ** (i - j)) * (dataset_2 ** j)
polynomials = np.concatenate((polynomials, polynomial_feature), axis=1)
# Normalize polynomials if needed.
if normalize_data:
polynomials = normalize(polynomials)[0]
# Return generated polynomial features.
return polynomials
"""Add sinusoid features to the features set"""
import numpy as np
def generate_sinusoids(dataset, sinusoid_degree):
"""Extends data set with sinusoid features.
Returns a new feature array with more features, comprising of
:param dataset: data set.
:param sinusoid_degree: multiplier for sinusoid parameter multiplications
# Create sinusoids matrix.
num_examples = dataset.shape[0]
sinusoids = np.empty((num_examples, 0))
# Generate sinusoid features of specified degree.
for degree in range(1, sinusoid_degree + 1):
sinusoid_features = np.sin(degree * dataset)
sinusoids = np.concatenate((sinusoids, sinusoid_features), axis=1)
# Return generated sinusoidal features.
return sinusoids
"""Normalize features"""
import numpy as np
def normalize(features):
"""Normalize features.
Normalizes input features X. Returns a normalized version of X where the mean value of
each feature is 0 and deviation is close to 1.
:param features: set of features.
:return: normalized set of features.
# Copy original array to prevent it from changes.
features_normalized = np.copy(features).astype(float)
# Get average values for each feature (column) in X.
features_mean = np.mean(features, 0)
# Calculate the standard deviation for each feature.
features_deviation = np.std(features, 0)
# Subtract mean values from each feature (column) of every example (row)
# to make all features be spread around zero.
if features.shape[0] > 1:
features_normalized -= features_mean
# Normalize each feature values so that all features are close to [-1:1] boundaries.
# Also prevent division by zero error.
features_deviation[features_deviation == 0] = 1
features_normalized /= features_deviation
return features_normalized, features_mean, features_deviation
"""Prepares the dataset for training"""
import numpy as np
from .normalize import normalize
from .generate_sinusoids import generate_sinusoids
from .generate_polynomials import generate_polynomials
def prepare_for_training(data, polynomial_degree=0, sinusoid_degree=0, normalize_data=True):
"""Prepares data set for training on prediction"""
# Calculate the number of examples.
num_examples = data.shape[0]
# Prevent original data from being modified.
data_processed = np.copy(data)
# Normalize data set.
features_mean = 0
features_deviation = 0
data_normalized = data_processed
if normalize_data:
) = normalize(data_processed)
# Replace processed data with normalized processed data.
# We need to have normalized data below while we will adding polynomials and sinusoids.
data_processed = data_normalized
# Add sinusoidal features to the dataset.
if sinusoid_degree > 0:
sinusoids = generate_sinusoids(data_normalized, sinusoid_degree)
data_processed = np.concatenate((data_processed, sinusoids), axis=1)
# Add polynomial features to data set.
if polynomial_degree > 0:
polynomials = generate_polynomials(data_normalized, polynomial_degree, normalize_data)
data_processed = np.concatenate((data_processed, polynomials), axis=1)
# Add a column of ones to X.
data_processed = np.hstack((np.ones((num_examples, 1)), data_processed))
return data_processed, features_mean, features_deviation
def __init__(self, data, labels, layers, normalize_data=False):
data_processed = prepare_for_training(data, normalize_data = normalize_data)[0]
self.data = data_processed
self.labels = labels
self.layers = layers # 28*28*1=784 25(隐层可以改) 10(最后输出结果)
self.normalize_data = normalize_data
self.thetas = MultilayerPerceptron.thetas_init(layers)
def sigmoid(z):
"""Sigmoid 函数"""
return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-np.asarray(z)))
def sigmoid_gradient(z):
"""计算Sigmoid 函数的梯度"""
g = np.zeros_like(z)
# ====================== 你的代码 ======================
# 计算Sigmoid 函数的梯度g的值
dz = MultilayerPerceptron.sigmoid(z)
g = dz * (1 - dz)
# =======================================================
return g
def thetas_unroll(thetas):
num_thetas = len(thetas)
unrolled_theta = np.array([])
for num_thetas_index in range(num_thetas):
unrolled_theta = np.hstack((unrolled_theta, thetas[num_thetas_index].flatten()))
return unrolled_theta
def thetas_roll(unrolled_thetas, layers):
num_layers = len(layers)
thetas = {}
unrolled_shift = 0
for index in range(num_layers - 1):
in_count = int(layers[index])
out_count = int(layers[index+1])
theta_width = in_count + 1
theta_height = out_count
theta_volume = theta_width * theta_height
start_index = unrolled_shift
end_index = unrolled_shift + theta_volume
layer_theta_unrolled = unrolled_thetas[start_index: end_index]
thetas[index] = layer_theta_unrolled.reshape((theta_height, theta_width))
unrolled_shift += theta_volume
return thetas
def thetas_init(layers):
num_layers = len(layers)
thetas = {}
for layer_index in range(num_layers - 1):
执行两次,得到两组参数矩阵:25*785 10*26
in_count = int(layers[layer_index])
out_count = int(layers[layer_index + 1])
# print(type(in_count))
# 这里考虑偏置项,偏置的个数和输出的结果是一致的
randomTheta = np.random.rand(out_count, in_count + 1) * 0.05 # 随机初始化 值尽量小点
# print(randomTheta)
thetas[layer_index] = randomTheta
return thetas
def cost_function(data, labels, thetas, layers):
num_layers = len(layers)
num_examples = data.shape[0]
num_labels = layers[-1]
# 正向传播
predictions = MultilayerPerceptron.feedforward_propagation(data, thetas, layers)
# 制作标签,每个样本对应的都是one-hot
bitwise_labels = np.zeros((num_examples, num_labels))
for example_index in range(num_examples):
bitwise_labels[example_index][labels[example_index][0]] = 1
# 这里有很大很大的疑问
bit_set_cost = np.sum(np.log(predictions[bitwise_labels == 1])) # 预测正确的
bit_not_set_cost = np.sum(np.log(1 - predictions[bitwise_labels == 1])) # 我感觉自己是正确的
cost = (-1 / num_examples) * (bit_set_cost + bit_not_set_cost)
return cost
def feedforward_propagation(data, thetas, layers):
num_layers = len(layers)
num_examples = data.shape[0]
in_layer_activation = data
for index in range(num_layers - 1):
theta = thetas[index]
out_layer_activation = MultilayerPerceptron.sigmoid(np.dot(in_layer_activation, theta.T)) # 1700*785 785*25
# 正常计算完是num_examples * 25 需要多加一列 变成num_examples * 26
out_layer_activation = np.hstack((np.ones((num_examples, 1)), out_layer_activation))
in_layer_activation = out_layer_activation
# 去除偏置项
return in_layer_activation[:, 1:]
def back_propagation(data, labels, thetas, layers):
num_layers = len(layers)
num_examples = data.shape[0]
num_features = data.shape[1]
num_label_types = layers[-1]
deltas = {}
# 初始化操作
for index in range(num_layers - 1):
in_count = layers[index]
out_count = layers[index + 1]
# 这一步很难理解,但是实际上生成的是三层神经网络中间产生两次的中间矩阵
# 第一个是 25 * 785 第二个是 10 * 26
deltas[index] = np.zeros((out_count, in_count + 1))
for example_index in range(num_examples):
layer_inputs = {}
layer_activations = {}
layer_activation = data[example_index, :].reshape((num_features, 1)) # 785*1 初始元素
layer_activations[0] = layer_activation
# 逐层计算
for index in range(num_layers - 1):
layer_theta = thetas[index] # 25*785 10*26
# 与前向传播不同的是 这里与theta相乘的不是完整数据集 而是每个样本单独转置后的结果 785*1
layer_input = MultilayerPerceptron.sigmoid(np.dot(layer_theta, layer_activation))
layer_activation = np.vstack((np.array([[1]]), layer_input))
layer_inputs[index + 1] = layer_input # 后一层计算结果
layer_activations[index + 1] = layer_activation # 后一层经过多加了一列的结果
# !!!!!!!!!!!!
output_layer_activation = layer_activation[1:, :]
delta = {}
# 标签处理
bitwise_label = np.zeros((num_label_types, 1))
bitwise_label[labels[example_index][0]] = 1
# 计算输出层和真实值之间的差异
delta[num_layers - 1] = output_layer_activation - bitwise_label # 10*1
# 循环遍历 L L-1 L-2...2 这里直接套视频里的公式即可
for index in range(num_layers - 2, 0, -1):
layer_theta = thetas[index]
next_delta = delta[index + 1]
layer_input = layer_inputs[index]
layer_input = np.vstack((np.array([[1]]), layer_input))
# 按照公式推
delta[index] = np.dot(layer_theta.T, next_delta) * MultilayerPerceptron.sigmoid_gradient(layer_input)
# 过滤掉偏置参数
delta[index] = delta[index][1:, :]
for index in range(num_layers - 1):
layer_delta = np.dot(delta[index+1], layer_activations[index].T)
# 第一次是 25*785 第二次是10*26
deltas[index] = deltas[index] + layer_delta
for index in range(num_layers - 1):
deltas[index] /= num_examples
return deltas
def gradient_step(data, labels, optimized_theta, layers):
theta = MultilayerPerceptron.thetas_roll(optimized_theta, layers)
thetas_rolled_gradients = MultilayerPerceptron.back_propagation(data, labels, theta, layers)
thetas_unrolled_gradients = MultilayerPerceptron.thetas_unroll(thetas_rolled_gradients)
return thetas_unrolled_gradients
def gradient_descent(data, labels, unrolled_theta, layers, max_iter, alpha):
optimized_theta = unrolled_theta # 最终theta结果
cost_history = []
for index in range(max_iter):
# 这里记得要及时更新theta
cost = MultilayerPerceptron.cost_function(data, labels, MultilayerPerceptron.thetas_roll(optimized_theta, layers), layers)
# cost = MultilayerPerceptron.cost_function(data, labels, MultilayerPerceptron.thetas_roll(unrolled_theta, layers), layers)
# 得到最终梯度结果 进行参数更新操作
theta_gradient = MultilayerPerceptron.gradient_step(data, labels, optimized_theta, layers)
# 更新操作
optimized_theta -= alpha * theta_gradient
return optimized_theta, cost_history
def train(self, max_iter = 1000, alpha = 0.1):
unrolled_theta = MultilayerPerceptron.thetas_unroll(self.thetas)
optimized_theta, cost_history = MultilayerPerceptron.gradient_descent(self.data, self.labels, unrolled_theta, self.layers, max_iter, alpha)
self.thetas = MultilayerPerceptron.thetas_roll(optimized_theta, self.layers)
return self.thetas, cost_history
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mping
import math
from ANN.MultilayerPerceptron import MultilayerPerceptron
data = pd.read_csv('data/mnist_csv/mnist_train.csv')
data2 = pd.read_csv('data/mnist_csv/mnist_test.csv')
# numbers_to_display = 25 # 一次展示25个图
# num_cell = math.ceil(math.sqrt(numbers_to_display))
# plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
# for index in range(numbers_to_display):
# digit = data[index: index+1].values
# # print(digit.shape)
# digit_label = digit[0][0]
# digit_pixels = digit[0][1:]
# img_size = int(math.sqrt(digit_pixels.shape[0]))
# frame = digit_pixels.reshape((img_size, img_size)) # 点点转为矩阵
# plt.subplot(num_cell, num_cell, index + 1)
# plt.imshow(frame, cmap='Greys')
# plt.title(digit_label)
# plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.5) # 调整每个子图外边距
# plt.show()
train_data = data.sample(frac=0.1)
test_data = data2.sample(frac=0.1)
train_data = train_data.values
test_data = test_data.values
x_train = train_data[:, 1:]
y_train = train_data[:, [0]]
x_test = test_data[:, 1:]
y_test = test_data[:, [0]]
layers = [784, 25, 10]
normalize_data = True
max_iter = 300
alpha = 0.1
multilayer_perceptron = MultilayerPerceptron(x_train, y_train, layers, normalize_data)
thetas, costs = multilayer_perceptron.train(max_iter, alpha)
plt.plot(range(len(costs)), costs)
y_train_predictions = multilayer_perceptron.predict(x_train)
y_test_predictions = multilayer_perceptron.predict(x_test)
train_p = np.sum(y_train_predictions == y_train)/y_train.shape[0] * 100
test_p = np.sum(y_test_predictions == y_test)/y_test.shape[0] * 100
print("训练准确率:", train_p)
print("测试准确率:", test_p)
训练准确率: 73.8
测试准确率: 74.2
import numpy as np
import os
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ANN.MultilayerPerceptron import MultilayerPerceptron
def imgval(example):#定义将图片转化为矩阵的方法
for i in range(0,example.width):#循环图片的每一行
for j in range(0,example.height):#循环图片的每一列
# values=np.array(values)#返回成numpy数组形式
return values
def readimg(path):
returndict = {}
# os.walk是通过深度优先遍历 home是每次遍历的文件夹 files是读取每个子文件夹的文件
for home, dirs, files in os.walk(path): # 读取该文件夹下所有的子文件夹
for filename in files: # 读取各个子文件夹下的图片
im=Image.open(os.path.join(home, filename)) # 定义该图片路径
if namelist[1]=="left":#给图片打上目标值标签
elif namelist[1]=="right":
elif namelist[1]=="up":
elif namelist[1]=="straight":
# 我们这里把图片和标签拼接
return returndict#返回图片字典
把所有图片转化为矩阵 标签转化为列表
def picTwoXY(Imgs):
x_train = []
y_train = []
for img in Imgs:
return x_train, y_train
trainimgsrc='data/faces' # 定义训练集文件夹
testimgsrc='data/test' # 定义测试集文件夹
trainImgs = readimg(trainimgsrc)
testImgs = readimg(testimgsrc)
x_train, y_train = picTwoXY(trainImgs.values())
x_test, y_test = picTwoXY(testImgs.values())
x_train = np.array(x_train)
y_train = np.array(y_train)
x_test = np.array(x_test)
y_test = np.array(y_test)
layers = [960, 25, 4]
normalize_data = True
max_iter = 300
alpha = 0.1
multilayer_perceptron = MultilayerPerceptron(x_train, y_train, layers, normalize_data)
thetas, costs = multilayer_perceptron.train(max_iter, alpha)
plt.plot(range(len(costs)), costs)
y_train_predictions = multilayer_perceptron.predict(x_train)
y_test_predictions = multilayer_perceptron.predict(x_test)
train_p = np.sum(y_train_predictions == y_train)/y_train.shape[0] * 100
test_p = np.sum(y_test_predictions == y_test)/y_test.shape[0] * 100
print("训练准确率:", train_p)
print("测试准确率:", test_p)