

百度AI Studio中的一个入门项目,增加了自己在实践时的一些注释,对小白来说阅读更顺畅。源码和数据在github上。





每一行数据由 4 个特征值及一个目标值组成。

4 个特征值分别为:萼片长度、萼片宽度、花瓣长度、花瓣宽度

目标值为三种不同类别的鸢尾花,分别为: Iris Setosa、Iris Versicolour、Iris Virginica





import numpy as np

from matplotlib import colors

from sklearn import svm

from sklearn.svm import SVC

from sklearn import model_selection

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import matplotlib as mpl






def iris_type(s):

# print(type(s))

#字符串加个b是指btypes 字节串类型

it = {b'Iris-setosa':0, b'Iris-versicolor':1, b'Iris-virginica':2}

return it[s]


data_path='./' #数据文件的路径

data = np.loadtxt(data_path, #数据文件路径

dtype=float, #数据类型

delimiter=',', #数据分隔符

converters={4:iris_type}) #将第5列使用函数iris_type进行转换

# print(data) #data为二维数组,data.shape=(150, 5)

# print(data.shape)


x, y = np.split(data, #要切分的数组

(4,), #沿轴切分的位置,第5列开始往后为y

axis=1) #1代表纵向分割,按列分割

x = x[:, 0:2]



# print(x)

x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test=model_selection.train_test_split(x, #所要划分的样本特征集

y, #所要划分的样本结果

random_state=1, #随机数种子确保产生的随机数组相同

test_size=0.3) #测试样本占比



C越大,相当于惩罚松弛变量,希望松弛变量接近0,即对误分类的惩罚增大,趋向于对训练集全分对的情况,这样对训练集测试时准确率很高,但泛化能力弱。 C值小,对误分类的惩罚减小,允许容错,将他们当成噪声点,泛化能力较强。


decision_function_shape='ovr'时,为one v rest,即一个类别与其他类别进行划分,

decision_function_shape='ovo'时,为one v one,即将类别两两之间进行划分,用二分类的方法模拟多分类的结果。 ovr是多类情况1和ovo是多类情况2,可以在我个人博客-线性判别函数 上查看详细说明。


def classifier():

#clf = svm.SVC(C=0.8,kernel='rbf', gamma=50,decision_function_shape='ovr')

clf = svm.SVC(C=0.5, #误差项惩罚系数,默认值是1

kernel='linear', #线性核 kenrel="rbf":高斯核

decision_function_shape='ovr') #决策函数

return clf

# 2.定义模型:SVM模型定义

clf = classifier()



array([2., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 1., 2., 1., 0., 2.,

2., 0., 0., 2., 0., 2., 2., 1., 1., 2., 2., 0., 1., 1., 2., 1., 2.,

1., 0., 0., 0., 2., 0., 1., 2., 2., 0., 0., 1., 0., 2., 1., 2., 2.,

1., 2., 2., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0., 2., 2., 2., 0.,

0., 1., 0., 2., 0., 2., 2., 0., 2., 0., 1., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 1.,

0., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 2., 0., 0., 2., 1., 2., 1., 2., 2.,

1., 2., 0.])


def train(clf,x_train,y_train):, #训练集特征向量,fit表示输入数据开始拟合

y_train.ravel()) #训练集目标值 ravel()扁平化,将原来的二维数组转换为一维数组

# 3.训练SVM模型



#**************并判断a b是否相等,计算acc的均值*************

def show_accuracy(a, b, tip):

acc = a.ravel() == b.ravel()

print('%sAccuracy:%.3f' %(tip, np.mean(acc)))

def print_accuracy(clf,x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test):

#分别打印训练集和测试集的准确率 score(x_train,y_train):表示输出x_train,y_train在模型上的准确率

print('trianing prediction:%.3f' %(clf.score(x_train, y_train)))

print('test data prediction:%.3f' %(clf.score(x_test, y_test)))

#原始结果与预测结果进行对比 predict()表示对x_train样本进行预测,返回样本类别

show_accuracy(clf.predict(x_train), y_train, 'traing data')

show_accuracy(clf.predict(x_test), y_test, 'testing data')


print('decision_function:\n', clf.decision_function(x_train))

# 4.模型评估


trianing prediction:0.819

test data prediction:0.778

traing data Accuracy:0.819

testing data Accuracy:0.778


[[-0.5 1.20887337 2.29112663]

[ 2.06328814 -0.0769677 1.01367956]

[ 2.16674973 0.91702835 -0.08377808]

[ 2.11427813 0.99765248 -0.11193061]

[ 0.9925538 2.06392138 -0.05647518]

[ 2.11742969 0.95255534 -0.06998503]

[ 2.05615004 -0.041847 0.98569697]

[-0.31866596 1.02685964 2.29180632]

[-0.27166251 1.09150338 2.18015913]

[-0.37827567 1.14260447 2.2356712 ]

[-0.22150749 1.11104997 2.11045752]

[-0.18331208 2.10066724 1.08264485]

[-0.05444966 0.99927764 2.05517201]

[-0.46977766 1.17853774 2.29123992]

[-0.05760122 2.04437478 1.01322644]

[ 2.1747228 0.93698124 -0.11170404]

[-0.13315707 2.12021384 1.01294323]

[-0.21752096 2.12102642 1.09649454]

[ 2.11427813 0.99765248 -0.11193061]

[ 2.16359817 0.96212549 -0.12572366]

[-0.21038286 1.08590572 2.12447714]

[ 2.21291822 0.9265985 -0.13951672]

[-0.13399204 1.06514025 2.06885179]

[-0.18016052 1.0555701 2.12459042]

[-0.2334671 1.08112064 2.15234646]

[-0.08782356 2.0747104 1.01311315]

[-0.20324476 1.05078502 2.15245974]

[-0.11489433 1.05994888 2.05494545]

[ 2.17787437 -0.1081159 0.93024154]

[-0.23578369 2.18129137 1.05449232]

[-0.20639632 1.09588216 2.11051416]

[-0.21038286 1.08590572 2.12447714]

[-0.02969547 2.11420989 0.91548558]

[-0.12685394 1.03001955 2.09683439]

[-0.09496166 2.1098311 0.98513056]

[ 2.10547008 -0.07737399 0.97190391]

[ 2.11029159 0.98767604 -0.09796763]

[ 2.20411017 -0.14842797 0.9443178 ]

[-0.20324476 1.05078502 2.15245974]

[ 2.19066895 0.97688701 -0.16755596]

[-0.16022784 2.10545232 1.05477553]

[-0.23661866 1.12621778 2.11040088]

[-0.09579663 2.05475752 1.04103911]

[ 2.11344315 -0.05742111 0.94397795]

[ 2.10231852 0.96772315 -0.07004167]

[-0.12203243 2.09506958 1.02696285]

[ 2.11029159 0.98767604 -0.09796763]

[-0.41248455 1.16296364 2.2495209 ]

[-0.16820091 1.08549943 2.08270149]

[-0.42045762 1.14301076 2.27744686]

[-0.24857827 1.09628845 2.15228982]

[-0.27796564 2.18169766 1.09626798]

[-0.09264507 1.00966038 2.08298469]

[-0.25339978 1.03123843 2.22216135]

[-0.05361468 2.05435123 0.99926346]

[ 2.15395516 -0.16797456 1.01401941]

[-0.12203243 2.09506958 1.02696285]

[ 2.06579305 1.08825305 -0.15404611]

[-0.11007283 2.12499891 0.98507392]

[-0.27166251 1.09150338 2.18015913]

[ 2.13652739 0.94736397 -0.08389137]

[-0.29789831 1.13181544 2.16608287]

[ 2.15163856 0.93219616 -0.08383473]

[ 2.1747228 0.93698124 -0.11170404]

[-0.11174277 1.01485174 2.09689103]

[-0.06872585 2.06951904 0.99920682]

[-0.23745364 1.0711442 2.16630944]

[ 2.12141623 0.96253178 -0.08394801]

[ 2.1627632 -0.09294809 0.93018489]

[-0.06557429 1.0244219 2.04115239]

[ 2.16758471 0.97210193 -0.13968664]

[-0.12203243 2.09506958 1.02696285]

[ 2.1293893 0.98248467 -0.11187396]

[-0.21038286 1.08590572 2.12447714]

[ 2.01962457 1.0786829 -0.09830747]

[ 2.18269588 0.95693412 -0.13963 ]

[-0.16106282 1.05037873 2.11068408]

[ 2.20976665 0.97169564 -0.1814623 ]

[-0.03850351 2.03918342 0.9993201 ]

[ 2.17555778 0.99205482 -0.1676126 ]

[-0.11007283 2.12499891 0.98507392]

[-0.07502898 2.15971332 0.91531566]

[ 2.13254086 0.93738753 -0.06992839]

[ 2.09518042 1.00284385 -0.09802427]

[ 1.0045134 2.09385071 -0.09836411]

[ 2.24314055 0.89626288 -0.13940344]

[-0.09579663 2.05475752 1.04103911]

[-0.14910321 1.08030806 2.06879515]

[ 2.13652739 0.94736397 -0.08389137]

[-0.2334671 1.08112064 2.15234646]

[-0.07271239 2.05954259 1.0131698 ]

[-0.2739791 2.1916741 1.082305 ]

[-0.27564905 1.08152693 2.19412211]

[-0.12203243 2.09506958 1.02696285]

[ 2.06013657 -0.03187056 0.97173399]

[ 2.07608272 1.00803521 -0.08411793]

[-0.19443672 2.12581149 1.06862523]

[-0.16421438 2.09547587 1.06873851]

[-0.3440668 1.12224529 2.22182151]

[-0.1180459 2.10504603 1.01299987]

[-0.20240979 1.10585861 2.09655118]

[-0.17617399 1.06554654 2.11062744]

[-0.2477433 2.15136204 1.09638126]

[-0.2334671 1.08112064 2.15234646]

[ 2.11029159 0.98767604 -0.09796763]]



def draw(clf, x):

iris_feature = 'sepal length', 'sepal width', 'petal lenght', 'petal width'

# 开始画图

x1_min, x1_max = x[:, 0].min(), x[:, 0].max() #第0列的范围

x2_min, x2_max = x[:, 1].min(), x[:, 1].max() #第1列的范围

x1, x2 = np.mgrid[x1_min:x1_max:200j, x2_min:x2_max:200j] #生成网格采样点 开始坐标:结束坐标(不包括):步长


grid_test = np.stack((x1.flat, x2.flat), axis=1) #stack():沿着新的轴加入一系列数组,竖着(按列)增加两个数组,grid_test的shape:(40000, 2)

print('grid_test:\n', grid_test)

# 输出样本到决策面的距离

z = clf.decision_function(grid_test)

print('the distance to decision plane:\n', z)

grid_hat = clf.predict(grid_test) # 预测分类值 得到【0,0.。。。2,2,2】

print('grid_hat:\n', grid_hat)

grid_hat = grid_hat.reshape(x1.shape) # reshape grid_hat和x1形状一致




cm_light = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['#A0FFA0', '#FFA0A0', '#A0A0FF'])

cm_dark = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['g', 'b', 'r'])


plt.pcolormesh(x1, x2, grid_hat, cmap=cm_light) # pcolormesh(x,y,z,cmap)这里参数代入

# x1,x2,grid_hat,cmap=cm_light绘制的是背景。


plt.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=np.squeeze(y), edgecolor='k', s=50, cmap=cm_dark) # 样本点

plt.scatter(x_test[:, 0], x_test[:, 1], s=200, facecolor='yellow', zorder=10, marker='+') # 测试点

plt.xlabel(iris_feature[0], fontsize=20)

plt.ylabel(iris_feature[1], fontsize=20)

plt.xlim(x1_min, x1_max)

plt.ylim(x2_min, x2_max)

plt.title('svm in iris data classification', fontsize=30)


# 5.模型使用



[[4.3 2. ]

[4.3 2.0120603]

[4.3 2.0241206]


[7.9 4.3758794]

[7.9 4.3879397]

[7.9 4.4 ]]

the distance to decision plane:

[[ 2.04663576 1.0980928 -0.14472856]

[ 2.04808477 1.09663836 -0.14472313]

[ 2.04953377 1.09518392 -0.1447177 ]


[-0.21454554 0.96016146 2.25438408]

[-0.21309653 0.95870702 2.25438951]

[-0.21164753 0.95725258 2.25439495]]


[0. 0. 0. ... 2. 2. 2.]


个人博客原文:使用SVM对鸢尾花分类 阅读体验更佳。
