第二章:图像处理之空域图像增强Spatial domain image enhancement


• Spatial domain image enhancement

– Intensity transformation functions • Inverse or Image Negatives

• Brightening, e.g., log
• Darkening, e.g., nth power
• Power-law transformation • Intensity normalization

– Histogram Equalization • Contrast stretching

• Contrast compressing
• Global vs local
• Spatial domain image enhancement

– Image operations

• Addition, subtraction, multiplication, AND,
OR, Not, etc.

– Image averaging, effect to noise – Filtering using a mask

– Low-pass spatial filtering

– Median spatial filtering

– High-pass spatial filtering


1.强度变换函数Intensity transformation functions • Inverse or Image Negatives

1.1 Basic Gray Level Transforms: Inverse or Image Negatives

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比如256级的灰度图(0~255)如果灰度为0,那么反转对应255,也就是256-1-0 = 255


1.2 brightning and darkening

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1.3 幂律变换Power‐Law Transformations

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0 < gamma < 1, 斜率前期变化越快,也就是说特别黑的地方会很白,原来很白的地方变化不大。整体变白
gamma > 1, 斜率后期变化越快,也就是说特别白的地方会很黑,原来很白的地方变化不大。整体变黑。


gamma 越大越黑

1.4 Intensity normalization 强度归一化

2.Histogram Equalization直方图均值化

2.1 Contrast Stretching 拉伸

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假设r1 r2分别是原图中灰度最小最大值,也就是最黑最白点。把他们直接归为0和L-1,如下图:

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2.2 Contrast compressing

反之,若要对比度变小:第二章:图像处理之空域图像增强Spatial domain image enhancement_第6张图片

2.3 Global vs local

Local Enhancement

– Each pixel is processed based on information of the entire image
– Often enhances global details

– Each pixel is processed based on information of a small area/sub‐image

Local Histogram Equalization

calculate histogram using neighborhood of m ∗ m m *m mm about (x,y)第二章:图像处理之空域图像增强Spatial domain image enhancement_第7张图片

3. Image Operations

3.1 加减乘除,和或非异或

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3.2 • Subtraction or Absolute Difference

– Very useful for determining the difference between two images
– Used for “detection”


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3.3 Addition can blend two images

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3.4 逻辑操作
  1. 取反
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  2. 取交集,也就是共同有的部分第二章:图像处理之空域图像增强Spatial domain image enhancement_第13张图片

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3.5 图像平均 Image Averaging 可以去噪




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4.1 Filtering using a mask


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4.2 Low‐pass spatial filtering低通空间滤波

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4.2.1 平均滤波器——mask越大越糊

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4.3 Median spatial filtering 中值空间滤波器
  1. 非线性
  2. 查找窗口的中值
  3. 保留边缘
  4. 消除脉冲噪声避免过度平滑

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• Often referred to as “de‐speckle operation”(是一种不断的去斑点操作)
• It converges(最终聚合)
– That is, if you perform it over and over for many times, eventually the image will not change.

4.4 High-pass spatial filtering 高通空间滤波器

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