

  • 前言
  • 一、遥感类期刊
      • Reference

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2022年6月28日,科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)正式公布了SCI期刊影响因子和JCR分区,下面为今年的遥感类常见期刊的影响因子和JCR分区。




下面是最新更新后汇总的遥感类期刊3年内的2022年影响因子( Impact Factor):

No. Journal Title 2022 IF 2021 IF 2020 IF JCR
1 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 13.925 8.225 13.000 Q1
2 Remote Sensing of Environment 13.850 10.164 9.085 Q1
3 ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 11.774 8.979 7.319 Q1
4 Giscience and Remote Sensing 6.397 6.238 5.965 Q1
5 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 8.125 5.600 5.855 Q1
6 Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 5.787 5.364 5.481 Q1
7 Journal oF Geodesy 4.809 4.260 4.806 Q1
8 International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation xxx 5.933 4.650 Q1
9 Remote Sensing 5.349 4.848 4.509 Q1
10 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 5.343 3.966 3.833 Q1
11 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 4.715 3.784 3.827 Q1
12 Geocarto International 3.450 4.889 3.789 Q1
13 International Journal of Digital Earth 4.606 3.538 3.097 Q1
14 International Journal of Remote Sensing 3.531 3.151 2.976 Q2
15 European Journal of Remote Sensing 3.168 3.647 2.808 Q3
16 Remote Sensing Letters 2.369 2.583 2.298 Q3
17 ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 3.099 2.899 2.239 Q2
18 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 2.242 2.000 2.126 Q4
19 Photogrammetric Record 2.618 2.744 1.867 Q2
20 Navigation-Journal of the Institute of Navigation 2.472 2.080 1.700 Q2
21 Survey Review 1.156 1.745 1.660 Q4
22 Spatial Statistics 2.125 2.060 1.656 Q2
23 Journal of Spatial Science 1.840 1.981 1.405 Q3
24 PFG-Journal of Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science 3.292 1.857 1.395 Q2
25 Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 1.568 1.530 1.360 Q4
26 Marine Geodesy 1.579 1.667 1.322 Q3
27 Radio Science 1.678 1.431 1.305 Q3
28 Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 1.469 1.083 1.265 Q4
29 Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 1.894 1.563 0.997 Q3

注: 如果有什么意见或者纰漏,可以留言或邮箱联系,非常感谢您提供的宝贵意见,并希望该文对您的工作有所帮助。


[1] https://www.iikx.com/sci/
[2] 2021年遥感类SCI期刊JCR分区/中科院分区排名与影响因子汇总
