假设输入图像大小为 ,注意提及图像都是 形式。
Convlutional Layers
这里的卷积层就是一个普通的CNN网络,用于提取输入图像的Convolutional feature maps,即将大小为 的图像转换为 大小的卷积特征矩阵,网络细节请参考本文给出的实现代码。
Recurrent Layers
由于CNN输出的Feature map是大小,所以对于RNN最大时间长度 (即有25个时间输入)。
Transcription Layers
对于Recurrent Layers,如果使用常见的Softmax cross-entropy loss,则每一列输出都需要对应一个字符元素。那么训练时候每张样本图片都需要标记出每个字符在图片中的位置,再通过CNN感受野对齐到Feature map的每一列获取该列输出对应的Label才能进行训练,如图9。
整个CRNN的流程如图。先通过CNN提取文本图片的Feature map,然后将每一个channel作为 的时间序列输入到LSTM中。
一文读懂CRNN+CTC文字识别 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
import cv2
from math import *
import numpy as np
from detect.ctpn_predict import get_det_boxes
from recognize.crnn_recognizer import PytorchOcr
recognizer = PytorchOcr()
def dis(image):
cv2.imshow('image', image)
def sort_box(box):
box = sorted(box, key=lambda x: sum([x[1], x[3], x[5], x[7]]))
return box
def dumpRotateImage(img, degree, pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4):
height, width = img.shape[:2]
heightNew = int(width * fabs(sin(radians(degree))) + height * fabs(cos(radians(degree))))
widthNew = int(height * fabs(sin(radians(degree))) + width * fabs(cos(radians(degree))))
matRotation = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((width // 2, height // 2), degree, 1)
matRotation[0, 2] += (widthNew - width) // 2
matRotation[1, 2] += (heightNew - height) // 2
imgRotation = cv2.warpAffine(img, matRotation, (widthNew, heightNew), borderValue=(255, 255, 255))
pt1 = list(pt1)
pt3 = list(pt3)
[[pt1[0]], [pt1[1]]] = np.dot(matRotation, np.array([[pt1[0]], [pt1[1]], [1]]))
[[pt3[0]], [pt3[1]]] = np.dot(matRotation, np.array([[pt3[0]], [pt3[1]], [1]]))
ydim, xdim = imgRotation.shape[:2]
imgOut = imgRotation[max(1, int(pt1[1])): min(ydim - 1, int(pt3[1])),
max(1, int(pt1[0])): min(xdim - 1, int(pt3[0]))]
return imgOut
def charRec(img, text_recs, adjust=False):
results = {}
xDim, yDim = img.shape[1], img.shape[0]
for index, rec in enumerate(text_recs):
xlength = int((rec[6] - rec[0]) * 0.1)
ylength = int((rec[7] - rec[1]) * 0.2)
if adjust:
pt1 = (max(1, rec[0] - xlength), max(1, rec[1] - ylength))
pt2 = (rec[2], rec[3])
pt3 = (min(rec[6] + xlength, xDim - 2), min(yDim - 2, rec[7] + ylength))
pt4 = (rec[4], rec[5])
pt1 = (max(1, rec[0]), max(1, rec[1]))
pt2 = (rec[2], rec[3])
pt3 = (min(rec[6], xDim - 2), min(yDim - 2, rec[7]))
pt4 = (rec[4], rec[5])
degree = degrees(atan2(pt2[1] - pt1[1], pt2[0] - pt1[0])) # 图像倾斜角度
partImg = dumpRotateImage(img, degree, pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4)
# dis(partImg)
if partImg.shape[0] < 1 or partImg.shape[1] < 1 or partImg.shape[0] > partImg.shape[1]: # 过滤异常图片
text = recognizer.recognize(partImg)
if len(text) > 0:
results[index] = [rec]
results[index].append(text) # 识别文字
return results
def ocr(image):
# detect
text_recs, img_framed, image = get_det_boxes(image)
text_recs = sort_box(text_recs)
result = charRec(image, text_recs)
return result, img_framed
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