
An agile project is in its fifth of eight iterations. After the last iteration of planning, the team was informed that a new competitor had appeared in the market and it was necessary to move faster to ensure that market share was not missed. What should a project manager do?

  •  A :将竞争对手的功能添加到产品待办事项列表里,以改进产品。 Add competitor features to the product backlog to improve the product.

  •  B : 帮助团队找到一种新的方法来尽快推出产品。 Help the team find a new way to launch products as quickly as possible.

  •  C :要求团队提高速度,尽快推出产品。 Ask the team to increase speed and get the product out as quickly as possible.

  •  D :要求发起人在团队中加入更多的人。 Ask the sponsor to add more people to the team.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


An organization is transitioning to agile and a project has been chosen as a pilot. The assigned project manager only has experience using predictive approaches, but the project manager is now required to use agile approaches with the help of an agile coach. During the retrospective of the fifth sprint, the project team complains that many obstacles exist with the organization that are creating project delays and rework. What should the project manager do in this situation?

  •  A :在每日站会上进行根本原因分析。Perform a root cause analysis during the standup meetings.

  •  B :创建一个专门的冲刺,与团队一起解决这些障碍。Create a dedicated sprint to solve the obstacles with the team.

  •  C :在每日站会上讨论如何消除障碍。Include impediment resolutions during daily standup meetings.

  •  D : 促进合作,帮助团队消除障碍。Promote collaboration to help remove the obstacles for the team.

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


The marketing team is transitioning to using hybrid approaches for their projects. The marketing director is not knowledgeable about hybrid methodologies, and the project manager needs the director's support as the marketing director is a key stakeholder. What should the project manager do to obtain the support?

  •  A : 向营销总监提供关于混合方法的指导。 Mentor the marketing director on hybrid approaches.

  •  B :培训营销团队并让总监了解情况。 Train the marketing team and keep the director informed.

  •  C :要求营销团队的成员对总监进行指导。 Ask the marketing team members to coach the director.

  •  D :要求营销总监参加日常会议。 Ask the marketing director to participate in daily meetings.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:《敏捷实践指南》P37- 考虑这些仆人式领导的职责。在仆人式领导的职责里面其中有一点是教育相关方,使其了解为什么要敏捷以及如何敏捷。因此对于场景当中相关方不了解混合方法的情况,项目经理应该向营销总监提供关于混合方法的指导。选项B,题目只提到营销总监不了解,所以没有必要通过培训整个团队的方式来让总监了解;选项C,这是项目经理的责任;选项D,站会更多的是帮助营销总监了解项目的进度;

While managing a project,the project manager has just noticed that the last several monthly invoices have been challenged by the client when they were clearly defined.The actual invoice payments received have also been late and were outside of the contracted payment schedule.Recent invoices have only been partially paid. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :将未付款的情况增加到问题日志中,并对付款情况持续跟踪。 Add nonpayment to the issue log and keep tracking payments.

  •  B : 与客户举行会议,以解决该问题。 Hold a meeting with the client to address the issue.

  •  C :审查过往项目,了解与付款相关的经验教训。 Review past projects for payment-related lessons learned.

  •  D :安排与项目团队开会,并更新采购管理计划。 Conduct a meeting with the project team to update the procurement management plan.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


During the execution of a project,the project manager notices that only one team member has one of the technical skills needed to build the product.The project manager is afraid this might have a future impact on the quality and schedule,because most of the upcoming activities will require at least three people with this specific skill. What two actions should the project manager take to prevent the team from being unqualified?(Choose two)

  •  A :将该新技能教给整个团队。 Teach the entire team the new skill.

  •  B : 鼓励团队成员结对工作,并进行知识共享。 Encourage working in pairs and knowledge sharing.

  •  C :增加需要此类能力的活动预计所需时间。 Increase the time estimates on the activities that require such abilities.

  •  D : 与外部培训师一起开展培训活动。 Facilitate a training event with an external trainer.

  •  E :将相关活动从路线图中剔除。 Exclude the activities from the roadmap.

正确答案:B,D 你的答案:A,D


A new project manager learns the work assigned to the team has already been decomposed to its lowest level.The project manager reviews the work and feels some additional,useful information is missing. What should the project manager review?

  •  A :需求跟踪矩阵。 The requirements traceability matrix.

  •  B :项目章程和范围说明书。 The project charter and scope statement.

  •  C : WBS词典。 The WBS dictionary.

  •  D :业务需求文档(BRD)。 The business requirement documents.(BRD)

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


The product team is progressing with a prototyping approach to deliver a multiyear business initiative.A few user stories are taking longer to be delivered. What should the project manager do?

  •  A : 在回顾会议上确定风险和解决方法。 Determine the risks and identify a resolution during the retrospective meeting.

  •  B :确定跨职能部门依赖关系,并规划在下一个迭代中应用一个探针。 Determine cross-dependencies and plan a spike in the next sprint.

  •  C :在提供项目更新期间,将该延误的情况告知相关方。 Inform stakeholders about the delay during project updates.

  •  D :发现沟通管理计划中的不足并相应地解决它们。 Discover the gaps in the communications management plan and address them accordingly.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


70. A marketing team is planning for a multiyear initiative that will include a lot of cross-functional stakeholders.The project manager has been assigned and is now in the project planning phase. What item(s)should the project manager develop first?

  •  A :商业论证和范围文档。 A business case and scope document.

  •  B :产品待办事项列表和拟交付功能确认文件。 A product backlog and identification of the features to be delivered.

  •  C :包含己知风险的风险管理计划。 A risk management plan to incorporate known risks.

  •  D : 满足团队需要的沟通管理计划。 A communications management plan that addresses the team's needs.

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


A high-performing team member's performance has been consistently increasing over the past year,leaving other peers behind.The project manager has been reluctant to publicly recognize the team member's contributions for fear of discouraging others.The project manager is also concerned that the team member may leave if not rewarded for the contributions made. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :将该高绩效团队成员晋升到更高的职位。 Promote the higher performing team member to a higher position.

  •  B :提醒该高绩效团队成员聚焦于普奖,而非个人奖励。 Remind the high-performing team member to focus on shared rewards rather than individual rewards.

  •  C : 请该高绩效团队成员指导其他团队成员。 Request the high-performing team member to mentor the other team Members.

  •  D :私下奖励该高绩效团队成员,以避免破坏团队团结。 Reward the high-performing team member privately to avoid team disruption.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


The project team follows a hybrid framework for its delivery.During the execution of a project,the team learns of a new compliance requirement that has to be delivered before any other requirements. How should the project manager address this situation?

  •  A : 与合规团队成员开展协作,审查并优先交付该需求。 Collaborate with the compliance team member to review and prioritize the requirement's delivery.

  •  B :将合规负责人纳入相关方名单,并等待举行下一次状态会议。 Include the compliance lead in the stakeholders list and wait for the next status meeting.

  •  C :将该新的合规需求增至待办事项列表,因为技术团队无法腾出人手开展相关工作。 Add the new compliance requirement to the backlog as the technical team does not have any capacity.

  •  D :让该团队将该合规需求纳入当前冲刺并交付该需求。 Ask the team to include the compliance requirement in the current.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


During the execution of a project within an operations function,the project manager encounters scope changes and a delay in the delivery of critical tasks.How should the project manager address this situation?

  •  A : 提出变更请求,以修改范围并调整时间表。 Initiate the change request to modify the scope and adjust the timelines.

  •  B :召集团队会议,以决定是否应该作出这些变更。 Call for a team meeting to decide if the changes should be included.

  •  C :在每周项目报告中,将这些顾虑告知项目管理办公室(PM0)。 Communicate the concerns to the project management office (PMO) during the weekly project reports.

  •  D :进行影响分析,并将成果提交给指导委员会,以待其审批。 Conduct an impact analysis and present the results to the steering committee for approval.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

