
In the event of successful completion of the project, the project team likes to interact and exchange project execution stories. What phase is the project team in?

  •  A :震荡阶段 Oscillation phase

  •  B :调整阶段 Adjustment phase

  •  C :成熟阶段 Performing phase

  •  D : 规范阶段 Specification phase

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P338 章节:9.4 塔克曼阶梯理论: · 形成阶段 · 震荡阶段 · 规范阶段 · 成熟阶段 · 解散阶段 交流项目执行的故事,属于学习相互信任的阶段,因此属于规范。



The project manager is developing the resources management plan for a key project that involves different culture resources in different countries. Which of the following will help the project manager deal with this situation?

  •  A :团队建设活动 Team building activities

  •  B : 事业环境因素 Business environment factors

  •  C :人际关系技能 Interpersonal skills

  •  D :虚拟团队 Virtual team

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P315 章节: 事业环境因素 组织文化和结构; · 设施和资源的地理分布; · 现有资源的能力和可用性; · 市场条件。 只有B是规划资源管理的输入或工具。



A project manager notices that one team member seems increasingly unhappy during team meetings. The team member is not making progress on a key work package, and this lack of progress is now impacting the critical path. The team member feels that they are not in the correct role within the project team. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :让团队成员相信他们的能力,提醒他们被选中是有原因的。 Reassure the team member about their abilities by reminding them that they were chosen for a reason.

  •  B : 与团队成员会面,基于他们的优势而讨论他们可以如何做出贡献。 Meet with the team member to discuss where they can contribute, based on their strengths.

  •  C :让团队成员接受有针对性的培训,以获得他们所指定角色所需的技能。 Enroll the team member in targeted training to acquire the needed skills for their assigned role.

  •  D :安排与团队成员的每周触点,以讨论可能影响他们工作的障碍。 Schedule weekly touchpoints with the team member to discuss barriers that may impact their work.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P346 章节:9.5 管理团队:项目经理应该向团队成员分配富有挑战性的任务,对优秀绩效进行表彰。项目经理应留意团队成员是否有意愿和能力完成工作,然后相应地调整管理和领导力方式。相对那些已展现出能力和有经验的团队成员,技术能力较低的团队成员更需要强化监督。 排除法 A:提醒意义不大;B:帮助其找到角色;C:非技能问题 D:非障碍问题



4. 由于一台设备设计规格中的某一项被忽略了而导致项目延期,而赶制此项需要更长的交货期。为避免这种情况的发生,项目经理在项目规划期间应完成下列哪一项?
A project is delayed because one item in the equipment specification has been ignored. It will require a longer lead time to catch up. To avoid this situation, the project manager should have done which of the following in project planning?

  •  A :制定应急计划 prepare a contingency plan

  •  B :选择更为可靠的供应商 select a more reliable supplier

  •  C : 在识别风险过程上花费更多的努力 spend more efforts on the process of risk identification

  •  D :确保该项不在关键路径上 ensure that the item is a not on the critical path

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P411 章节: 质量管理计划:质量管理计划可能列出了受不确定性或模糊性影响的一些领域,或者关键假设可能引发风险的一些领域。 为了避免,要选择在更早的一些过程。风险识别不足会导致绩效偏差。




A project manager look at the project’s risk and constrains and then organizes a brainstorming session with senior staff to understand the current processes. The project manager speaks with department managers regarding business impacts ,and reviews risks and constraints. Consulting with a solution architect in the information technology department ,the project manager asks for inputs and assessments. What tool and technique is the project manager using?

  •  A :风险登记册模板 Risk register template

  •  B : 专家判断 Expert judgment

  •  C :组织过程资产 Organizational process assets

  •  D :外部分析 External analysis

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P414 章节: 专家判断:应考虑了解类似项目或业务领域的个人或小组的专业意见。项目经理应该选择相关专家,邀请他们根据以往经验和专业知识来考虑单个项目风险的方方面面,以及整体项目风险的各种来源。 咨询专家后得出进一步的工作方向,是典型的专家判断。



The agile project team members are all working in an open office space arrangement. There are many conversations happening concurrently throughout the day. Which of the following is the best option for the project manager?

  •  A : 安排频繁的团队检查点并以透明的方式发布项目工件 Schedule frequent team checkpoints and post project artifacts in a transparent fashion

  •  B :要求团队成员将谈话推迟到正式会议时间 Request team members to hold off their conversations until formal meeting times

  •  C :记录对话并发布在共享知识库中 Record the conversations and post them in a shared repository

  •  D :将下午指定为安静的工作时间 Designate afternoons as quiet work times

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P12 章节:2.3 精益和看板方法 敏捷、精益和看板方法共同的重点在于交付价值、尊重人、减少浪费、透明化、适应变更以及持续改善等方面。 敏捷团队使用信息发射源来确保工作的透明化。



One project is designed to design new government agency services, and all of its deliverables have been accepted.The design activity produced a lot of confidential documents. What should project managers do as part of the closing process?

  •  A :将文件添加到公司知识库以供将来参考 Add the document to the corporate knowledge base repository for future reference

  •  B : 参阅合同中有关处理机密材料的政策 Refer to the contract's policy on handing confidential material

  •  C :从项目管理办公室(PMO)获得有关如何销毁机密材料的指示 Obtain instructions from the project management office(PMO)on how to destroy confidential material

  •  D :按照PMO保留政策归档项目文件 Archive the project document per the PMO retention policy

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P128 章节: 组织过程资产更新:项目经理应该回顾以往的阶段文件,确认范围过程(见 5.5 节)所产生的客户验收文件,以及合同协议(如果有的话),以确保在达到全部项目要求之后才正式关闭项目。 机密文件的处理,需要审查合同中的要求,以确保正式关闭项目。



8. 一家咨询公司主张,由于项目经理要求的报告不包含在原始范围内,所以会产生额外费用,项目经理应该怎么做?
A consulting firm claims that because the report required by the project manager is not included in the original scope, additional costs will be incurred. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :报告发起人并审查项目范围,工作说明书和项目管理计划 Report it to the sponsor and review project scope, statement of work(SOW) and project management plan

  •  B :接受该主张,然后更新范围,工作说明书和工作分解结构 Accept the claim, and then update the scope, statement of work(SOW)and work breakdown structure (WBS)

  •  C : 审查采购管理计划,查询合同报告和合同 Review the procurement management plan and query the contract report and contract

  •  D :与该咨询公司开会,协商需要完成的额外工作,并提出变更请求 Meet with the consulting company to negotiate additional work that needs to be completed and make a change request

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P489 章节: 协议可包括(但不限于): · 采购工作说明书或主要的可交付成果; · 进度计划、里程碑,或进度计划中规定的日期; · 绩效报告; · 定价和支付条款; · 检查、质量和验收标准; 范围有歧义,查看合同中对可交付成果的定义。



Key stakeholders on a shout-deadline project want to avoid quality control. The project manager knows that a minimum level of quality must be provided. What tool or technique should the project manager use?

  •  A :标杆对照 Benchmarking

  •  B :统计抽样 Statistical sampling

  •  C :实验设计 Design of experiments

  •  D : 成本效益分析 Cost-benefit analysis

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P282 章节: 成本效益分析:成本效益分析可帮助项目经理确定规划的质量活动是否有效利用了成本。 相关方不想在控制质量上花钱,有可能导致大的返工或召回成本,要使用成本效益分析说服相关方。


You have just been assigned to an upcoming agile project. As part of pre-project work, you review all of the organization's policies and procedures regarding compliance. You realize that only some of them may be applicable to your project. What should you do first?

  •  A :将项目管理方法从敏捷切换到传统 Switch the project management approach from agile to traditional

  •  B :将所有合规政策和程序纳入实施战略 Incorporate all compliance policies and procedures in the implementation strategy

  •  C :确保合规活动包含在项目进度基准中 Ensure compliance activities are included in the project schedule baseline

  •  D : 对合规性分类进行分类以确定项目资源的支出 Classify the compliance categories to determine the expenditure of project resources

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P35 章节: 消除组织障碍:仆人式领导还应该关注其他冗长的过程,这些过程往往造成瓶颈问题,阻碍团队或组织的敏捷性。可能需要处理的过程或部门的例子包括,财务部门、变更控制委员会或审计部门。 合规性一般都会成为敏捷项目的障碍,因此要消除这些障碍,只做必要的工作。


A project manager is developing the quality management plan. To solve quality-related problems, the company wants to use the seven basic quality tools in the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle. What tool should be included?

  •  A :实验设计 Design of experiments

  •  B :成本效益分析 Cost-benefit analysis

  •  C :标杆对照 Benchmarking

  •  D : 因果图 Cause-and-effect diagrams

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P293 章节: 因果图:因果图,又称“鱼骨图”、“why-why分析图”和“石川图”,将问题陈述的原因分解为离散的分支,有助于识别问题的主要原因或根本原因。 寻找根本原因的,就选因果图、石川图、鱼骨图。



A design team was assigned to develop a new technology. To allow the company to comply with new government regulations, what should be used to collect product design attributes?

  •  A :控制图 Control chart

  •  B :需求跟踪矩阵 Requirements traceability matrix

  •  C :工作分解结构(WBS) Work breakdown structure (WBS)

  •  D :亲和图 Affinity diagram

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P149 章节: 需求跟踪矩阵:应在需求跟踪矩阵中记录每个需求的相关属性,这些属性有助于明确每个需求的关键信息。 请注意题目问的是收集产品设计属性,不是收集需求,因此D不对。


The project manager schedules an iteration review and learns that a few key stakeholders do not approve of how a feature has been developed. What should the project manager do first in order to address this issue?

  •  A :邀请项目团队成员参加头脑风暴会议,以确定适当的应对策略。 Invite project team members to a brainstorming session to identify an appropriate response.

  •  B : 只有在评估这些相关方关心的原因之后才能解决这个问题。 Address the issue only after evaluating why these stakeholders are concerned.

  •  C :通过列出对情况的赞成和反对来确定冲突的影响。 Determine the impact of the conflict by listing the pros and cons of the situation.

  •  D :要求项目发起人作为中立方与那些不满意的相关方进行谈判。 Ask the project sponsor to act as a neutral party in negotiation with those stakeholders who are dissatisfied.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P527 章节: 冲突管理:项目经理应提供协助,促成满意的解决方案,采用直接和合作的方式,尽早并且通常在私下处理冲突。 要先分析原因,再讨论措施,因此先B再A。


The project manager is developing the final project plan. During the process of reviewing the historical data of previous projects, he or she found that the stakeholders were not satisfied with most of the final reports of the project. How can the project manager prevent this from happening again?

  •  A : 制定相关方参与计划 Develop stakeholder management plan

  •  B :与相关方协助处理冲突解决 Assist stakeholders in conflict resolution

  •  C :头脑风暴寻找更好的报告方法 Conduct brainstorming for better reporting methods

  •  D :修改相关方参与计划 Revise stakeholder management plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P522 章节: 相关方参与计划:是项目管理计划的组成部分。它确定用于促进相关方有效参与决策和执行的策略和行动。相关方参与计划可包括(但不限于)调动个人或相关方参与的特定策略或方法。 之前大部分相关方不满意是因为没制定相关方参与计划,因此本项目要制定。


While executing a project that is lagging behind the schedule, the project manager must try a new device. A local organization that will be affected by the project required an immediate stop of the project because there was no opportunity for them to approve the project. To avoid this problem, what should the project manager do in advance?

  •  A :使用冲突管理技术 Use conflict management technology

  •  B :获得所有相关方签署和批准项目章程 Get all stakeholders to sign and approve the project charter

  •  C :使用谈判和影响技巧和技能 Use negotiation and influence skills

  •  D : 实施相关方参与计划 Implement stakeholder engagement plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P522 章节: 相关方参与计划:是项目管理计划的组成部分。它确定用于促进相关方有效参与决策和执行的策略和行动。相关方参与计划可包括(但不限于)调动个人或相关方参与的特定策略或方法。 相关方的参与策略在相关方参与计划里,问事先做什么,找计划。


16.你正在管理一个项目团队,该团队最新新增来自另一个国家的成员。他们的角色已经被概述为初步的团队章程。然而,你已经注意到团队中相当缺乏对文化差异的接受,这导致了频繁的冲突。 以下哪一种技巧可以在这种情况下帮助你?(选择三个)
You are managing a project team that has recently been expanded by new team members working remotely from another country. Their roles have been outlined to form a preliminary team charter. Nevertheless, you have noticed a considerable lack of acceptance of cultural differences in the team, resulting in frequent conflicts. Which of the following techniques could help you in this situation? (Choose three)

  •  A : 焦点小组 Focus groups

  •  B :角色定义 Role definition

  •  C : 基本规则 Ground rules

  •  D :能力测试 Ability tests

  •  E : 会议 Meetings

正确答案:A,C,E 你的答案:B,C,D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P336 章节:9.4 建设团队:建设团队是提高工作能力,促进团队成员互动,改善团队整体氛围,以提高项目绩效的 过程。 本过程的主要作用是,改进团队协作、增强人际关系技能、激励员工、减少摩擦以及提升整体项目绩效。 B和D非PMBOK中的正式工具。


A project involves team members from all over the world and has generated many different opinions. The new project manager increases productivity by successfully assisting teamwork and problem solving. What tool or technology should the project manager use?

  •  A : 冲突管理 Conflict management

  •  B :沟通模型 Communication model

  •  C :整体决策技术 Overall decision-making techniques

  •  D :虚拟团队 Virtual team

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P349 章节: 合作/解决问题: 综合考虑不同的观点和意见,采用合作的态度和开放式对话引导各方达成共识和承诺,这种方法可以带来双赢局面。


A project manager wants to communicate project objectives to the team, gain their commitment,and explain the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder.What should the project manager do to accomplish this?

  •  A :开展团队建设活动 Conduct team-building activities

  •  B : 召开团队开工大会 Hold a team kick-off meeting

  •  C :制定基本规则,并告知团队,让团队了解期望 Set ground roles for circulation to the team so that expectations are understood

  •  D :要求团队查阅项目管理计划,以了解项目 Ask the team to review the project management plan to gain an understanding of the project

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P86 章节: Kick-off 会议:项目开工会议通常意味着规划阶段结束和执行阶段开始,旨在传达项目目标、获得团队对项目的承诺,以及阐明每个相关方的角色和职责。 开工会议,完成自上而下的传达与自下而上的承诺。


Unexpected technical problems require the addition of three new project resources. The existing project team was performing well, but now falls behind schedule since critical information not being shared by the new resources. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :指示所有团队成员查看沟通管理计划。 Direct all team members to refer to the communications management plan.

  •  B :与新资源开会,说明基本规则并要求妥协。 Meet with the new resources to explain the ground rules, and request a compromise.

  •  C :要求职能经理指示新团队成员遵循相关方管理计划。 Ask the functional managers to instruct the new team members to follow the stakeholder management plan.

  •  D : 开展团队建设活动,鼓励人际关系纽带 Conduct team building activities to encourage interpersonal bonds.

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P341 章节: 团队建设:团队建设是通过举办各种活动,强化团队的社交关系,打造积极合作的工作环境。 不与新团队成员分享信息,说明工作关系还没到位。


After six iterations, significant variations have occurred to project scope and schedule. These are due to the customer's technology regulations and security policies, which are regularly reviewed. The project manager wants to suggest a new approach to the next iteration to avoid possible delays. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A : 对每个改进项目的重要性进行排序,然后实施上次回顾中确定的行动。 Rank the importance of each improvement item, then implement actions identified during the last retrospective.

  •  B :进行成本效益分析,以帮助预测下一阶段通过使用新技术可能实现的利润。 Engage in a cost-benefit analysis that can help predict the profits that could be realized through the use of new technology for the next phase.

  •  C :研究在类似项目中取得成功的新技术趋势和管理工具。 Research new technology trends and management tools that have been successful on similar projects.

  •  D :使用待办事项列表的细化会议,并将客户的变更请求包括在讨论中。 Use a backlog refinement meeting and include the customer's change requests in the discussion.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P51 章节:5.2.1 回顾 来自团队的一位促进者引导团队通过一个活动对所有改进事项的重要性进行排序。完成对改进事项的排序后,团队为下一次迭代选择合适的数量。


21.某天晚上下班的时候,由于司机休假,你们公司的 CEO 不得不自己开车。但是他怎么也找不到出楼的路,加上他本来已经比较疲惫了,所以他感到非常恼火。第二天就找人要改善本楼的出入系统,以方便大家进出。而你正是这个出入系统的项目经理,你决定用流程图来做什么事情?
After a long and frustrating day, your company CEO found himself circling the attendant’s booth at the adjacent parking garage in a futile attempt to find his way out of the building (his limousine driver had taken the day off). He approached the building manager the next day and said he would have his staff design an improved system for vehicle egress and ingress. You are the project manager for this project. What did you decide to do with the flowchart?

  •  A : 帮助分析问题是如何出现的 Help analyze how problems occur

  •  B :表明任务之间的依赖关系 Show dependencies between tasks

  •  C :说明一个流程的结果 Show the results of a process

  •  D :预测未来成果 Forecast future outcomes

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P293 章节: 流程图 见 节。流程图展示了引发缺陷的一系列步骤。


22.一个组织建立了一个控制型项目管理办公室 (PMO)。PMO 的首要任务是更新组织中的项目合规性准则。PMO 可以强制执行以下哪一项?(选择三个)
An organization has established a controlling project management office (PMO). The first task of the PMO is to update the guidelines for project compliance in the organization. Which of the following could the PMO enforce? (Choose three)

  •  A : 特定项目管理方法的使用 Use of particular project management methodologies

  •  B : 采用特定的模板、表单和工具 Adoption of specific templates, forms, and tools

  •  C :遵守当地卫生法规 Adherence to local health regulations

  •  D : 与治理框架保持一致 Conformance to governance frameworks

  •  E :项目管理办公室指派的项目经理 Assignment of project managers by the PMO

  •  F :发放管理储备 Release of management reserves

正确答案:A,B,D 你的答案:A,B,E

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P48 章节: 项目管理办公室:控制型PMO不仅提供支持,而且通过各种手段要求项目服从 · 采用项目管理框架或方法论 · 使用特定的模板、格式、工具 · 服从治理



During a meeting, the product owner restated the product vision, described the target user groups, the business goals, and main features to be delivered by the agile project in its upcoming releases. Then, to visually depict these features, the product owner created the product roadmap. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the meeting?

  •  A : 在项目相关方之间建立共享的项目愿景 Establish a shared project vision among the project stakeholders

  •  B :为每个即将发布的版本创建产品待办事项列表 Create the product backlog for each one of the upcoming releases

  •  C :在项目相关方之间建立共享发布愿景 Establish a shared release vision among the project stakeholders

  •  D :确定项目范围、进度、成本、质量和资源 Determine the project scope, schedule, cost, quality, and resources

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P49 章节:5.1 敏捷项目章程 · 我们为什么要做这个项目?这是项目愿景。 · 谁会从中受益?如何受益?这可能是项目愿景和/或项目目标的一部分。 · 对此项目而言,达到哪些条件才意味着项目完成?这些是项目的发布标准。 · 我们将怎样合作?这说明预期的工作流。 这题注意项目愿景的作用


A Project Manager from a traditional project management organization is assigned to an ongoing project. Recently, the organization has started to use agile methodologies in its projects. The Project Manager hears that some team members feel like key subject matter expertise is missing and there is insufficient collaboration within the team. How should the Project Manager respond to these team members' concerns?

  •  A :聘请第三方专家来填补知识空白 Employ third-party specialists to fill the knowledge gap

  •  B :通过请求向发起人添加额外资源 Add additional resources via a request to the sponsor

  •  C : 添加跨职能的内部资源 Add cross-functional internal resources

  •  D :在可能的情况下,修改甘特图到看板面板 Where possible, modify Gantt charts to Kanban boards

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P42 章节:4.3.3 通才型专家:敏捷团队是跨职能的,但其人员往往不会一开始就做到这样。不过,许多成功的敏捷团队都由通才型专家组成,他们也称为 T 型人才。 这意味着这些团队成员在具备一项擅长的专业化技能的同时,还拥有多种技能的工作经验,而不是单一的专业化。 T型、通才型、跨职能型人才是敏捷团队成员的重要特点。


The project sponsor wants to reduce the quality assurance time to shorten the schedule. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :减少质量保证时间 Reduce quality assurance time

  •  B : 执行质量成本(CoQ)分析 Execute Cost of Quality (CoQ) analysis

  •  C :告诉发起人项目管理计划中关于质量保证(QA)的部分 Tell the sponsor about the quality assurance (QA) part in the project management plan

  •  D :与质量保证团队一起进行时间估算 Estimate time with the quality assurance team

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P282 章节: 质量成本: · 预防成本。预防特定项目的产品、可交付成果或服务质量低劣所带来的相关成本。 · 评估成本。评估、测量、审计和测试特定项目的产品、可交付成果或服务所带来的相关成本。 · 失败成本(内部/外部)。因产品、可交付成果或服务与相关方需求或期望不一致而导致的相关成本。 减少质量保证时间,需要进行质量成本分析。


Midway into an iteration, an agile team faces a minor technical issue. One of the team members recalls that the agile coach is an expert in the field from her past experience as a senior developer. The team requests that the coach help resolve the issue. What should the agile coach do first?

  •  A : 让团队解决问题 Let the team resolve the issue

  •  B :帮助团队解决问题 Help the team resolve the issue

  •  C :为团队解决问题 Resolve the issue for the team

  •  D :咨询产品负责人 Consult with the product owner

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P35 章节: 仆人式领导的促进作用:促进者将帮助每个人各尽所能地思考和工作。促进者鼓励团队参与、理解,并对团队输出共同承担责任。促进者帮助团队创建可接受的解决方案。 问题比较小,让团队自己解决,可以促进他们的技术能力和协作能力。


In the execution of the project, a stakeholder required a team member to perform emergency tasks that were unrelated to the project. The team member executed the request, resulting in delays in project-related activities. The project manager learned this at a status report meeting. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :要求该团队成员加班去弥补损失的时间 Ask the team member to work overtime to make up for the loss

  •  B :通知相关方预期交付期限无法满足 Notify the stakeholder that the expected delivery deadline cannot be met

  •  C :强调遵循沟通管理计划的重要性 Emphasize the importance of following the communication management plan

  •  D : 建议重新规划项目活动 Recommend to re-plan project activities

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P229 章节: 变更请求:通过分析进度偏差,审查进展报告、绩效测量结果和项目范围或进度调整情况,可能会对进度基准、范围基准和/或项目管理计划的其他组成部分提出变更请求。应该通过实施整体变更控制过程(见 4.6 节)对变更请求进行审查和处理。预防措施可包括推荐的变更,以消除或降低不利进度偏差的发生概率。 进度已经延迟,需要提出变更请求,重新规划活动


A project charter has been approved, and the project manager has just completed the Identify Stakeholders process. Before project planning begins, what should the project manager do?

  •  A :进行相关方分析 Conduct stakeholder analysis

  •  B :召开项目启动会议 Hold a project kick-off meeting

  •  C : 向主要相关方通知已批准项目章程 Inform the key stakeholders of the approved project charter

  •  D :执行规划相关方参与过程 Perform the Plan Stakeholder Engagement process

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P80 章节: 会议:在本过程中,与关键相关方举行会议的目的是识别项目目标、成功标准、主要可交付成果、高层级需求、总体里程碑和其他概述信息。 排除法:A、相关分析已经完成 B、在规划后开工会议 D、规划的第一步不是这个过程


It comes to the attention of the project manager that some of the vendors do not receive project communications, although the project management plan has specific instructions as to how project information should be shared with vendors. What might be the most likely reason that has caused this issue?

  •  A :忽略将供应商包括在项目沟通登记册中 Neglecting to include vendors in the project communications register

  •  B :没有问题;供应商不应接收项目沟通 There is no issue; vendors are not supposed to receive project communications

  •  C :忘记执行制定项目管理计划过程 Forgetting to perform the Develop Project Management Plan process

  •  D : 未能在识别相关方过程中审查协议 Failing to review the agreements as part of the Identify Stakeholders process

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P510 章节: 协议:协议的各方都是项目相关方,还可涉及其他相关方。 A错误在于没有“沟通登记册”这个概念。



30. 相关方称一个可交付成果中遗漏一项功能,之前的任何讨论中都没有提及该项功能,也不在验收标准中,然而相关方却坚称这项功能是必须的,可以充分利用该可交付成果。项目经理应该怎么做?
Stakeholders claimed that a function was missed in the deliverables, but this function was not mentioned in any of the previous discussions or was not in the acceptance criteria. However, stakeholders insisted that this function was necessary and the deliverables could be fully utilized. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :实施该可交付成果并为遗漏的功能提交变更请求 Implement the deliverables and submit a change request for the missing function

  •  B :实施该可交付成果并开始遗漏功能的工作 Implement the deliverables and begin to work on the missing function

  •  C : 推迟实施该可交付成果并为遗漏的功能提交变更请求 Postpone the implementation of the deliverables and submit a change request for the missing function

  •  D :推迟实施该可交付成果并开始遗漏功能的工作 Postpone the implementation of the deliverables and begin to work on the missing function

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P166 章节: 变更请求 对已经完成但未通过正式验收的可交付成果及其未通过验收的原因,应该记录在案。可能需要针对这些可交付成果提出变更请求,开展缺陷补救。 客户不验收,只能推迟实施,再提交变更


31.在一个高层管理会议上,定义了组织战略目标。其中一个目标是通过进入本地区内的一个细分市场提高 8%的销售组合。一名项目经理被任命管理这个项目。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
At a senior management meeting, strategic organizational goals are defined. One of the goals is to increase the 8% sales mix by entering a market segment in the local area. A project manager was appointed to manage the project. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A : 执行成本效益分析。 Implementation cost-benefit analysis

  •  B :召开焦点小组会议收集市场调研。 Hold focus group meeting to collect market research

  •  C :执行相关方分析。 Perform related party analysis

  •  D :查阅组织过程资产。 Review organization process assets

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P77 章节: 商业论证:经批准的商业论证或类似文件是最常用于制定项目章程的商业文件。商业论证从商业视角描述必要的信息,并且据此决定项目的期望结果是否值得所需投资。 商业论证包括: 商业需求 成本效益分析


If the Free Float of task B. is 12 days and the Total Float is 24days.Suppose that the very beginning date is postponed for 26 days, what effects would be made for the program's completed date?

  •  A :该任务将不再位于关键路径上 this task would not be located superior to the critical path

  •  B :紧后活动的开始日期将被延后14天 the beginning date of the immediately following schedule activities would be postponed 14 days

  •  C : 项目的完工日期将会延后2天 the completed date of the program would be postponed 2 days

  •  D :B和C B&C

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P210 章节: 关键路径法:关键路径法用于在进度模型中估算项目最短工期,确定逻辑网络路径的进度灵活性大小。 题目问题是对完工日期的影响。且B的话,应该是紧后活动的最早开始日期。



The project you are leading is supposed to upgrade the application developed by your company on desktop computers and mobile devices. Last week, a major supplier of electronics unexpectedly released a new mobile device. You realize that your application, with a little bit of modification, can run much faster and more securely on the new device. What should you do next in regards to this opportunity?

  •  A :创建成本预测并将其传达给相关方 Create a cost forecast and communicate it to stakeholders

  •  B : 提交变更请求以修改应用程序 Submit a change request to modify the application

  •  C :考虑到意外工作,更新项目资金要求 Update project funding requirements in consideration for the unexpected work

  •  D :对适当的储备金金额进行偏差分析 Conduct variance analysis for an appropriate reserve amount

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P444 章节: 开拓:如果组织想确保把握住高优先级的机会,就可以选择开拓策略。此策略将特定机会的出现概率提高到100%,确保其肯定出现,从而获得与其相关的收益。 发现了一个机会,通过变更开拓这个机会。


During the pipeline project execution, the pipeline construction contractor proposes using certain higher-grade material without changing the project duration and cost target. After such change is approved, which document should be updated?

  •  A : 采购工作说明书 Purchasing specifications

  •  B :合同工作分解结构 Contract WBS

  •  C :质量管理计划 Quality management plan

  •  D :过程改进计划 Process improvement plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P499 章节: 采购文档更新:采购文档更新可包括用于支持合同的全部进度计划、已提出但未批准的合同变更,以及已批准的变更请求。采购文档还包括由卖方编制的技术文件,以及其他工作绩效信息,例如,可交付成果的状况、卖方绩效报告和担保、财务文件(包括发票和支付记录),以及与合同相关的检查结果。 采购工作说明书中包含了质量要求和规格。后面做为采购文档需要更新。


35.一项目经理刚刚为一 387,000 美元的工程项目编制完风险应对计划。他下一步很可能怎么做?
A project manager has just finished the risk response plan for a U.S. $387,000 engineering project. Which of the following should he probably do NEXT?

  •  A :确定项目总体的风险级别 Determine the overall risk rating of the project.

  •  B :开始分析项目图纸上出现的问题 Begin to analyze the risks that show up in the project drawings.

  •  C : 在项目的工作分解结构中增加工作包 Add work packages to the project work breakdown structure.

  •  D :重估项目风险 Hold a project risk reassessment.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P447 章节: 项目管理计划更新:范围基准。见5.4.3.1节。如果商定的风险应对策略导致了范围变更,且这种变更已经获得批准,那么就要对范围基准做出相应的变更。 所采用的应对措施要更新到范围基准里面去。


36.你是一位scrum master,领导着一个敏捷项目团队,一直在满足每次迭代设定的目标。产品负责人对团队的进展感到满意,并且绩效测量基准没有显示出任何偏差。然而,你会觉得团队中有一个成员的效率比其他成员低。在这种情况下,你最合适的反馈方法是什么?
You are a scrum master leading an agile project team that has been consistently meeting the goals set for each iteration. The product owner is pleased with the team's progress, and the performance measurement baseline shows no deviations. However, you feel that one team member is less productive than the others. What is the most appropriate feedback approach for you to take in this situation?

  •  A : 允许项目团队成员在认为有必要时解决问题 Allow the project team members to address the issue if they deem necessary

  •  B :指导表现不佳的团队成员多工作一小时,以缩小差距 Direct the underperforming team member to work extra hours to bridge the gap

  •  C :在即将到来的迭代回顾中找出团队成员的低生产率 Call out the team member's low productivity at the upcoming iteration retrospective

  •  D :从下次迭代起为团队成员分配最简单的用户故事 From the next iteration onward, assign the team member the easiest user stories

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P35 章节: 仆人式领导的促进作用:促进者将帮助每个人各尽所能地思考和工作。促进者鼓励团队参与、理解,并对团队输出共同承担责任。促进者帮助团队创建可接受的解决方案。 让团队自己解决,可以促进他们的技术能力和协作能力。


Communications are often enhanced when the sender the receiver.

  •  A :信息发送者是信息接收者的下属 The message sender is a subordinate of the message receiver

  •  B :信息发送者使用更多肢体语言 uses more physical movements when talking to

  •  C :信息发送者慢慢的说话 talks slowly to

  •  D : 信息发送者对信息接收者表示关心 shows concern for the perspective of

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P372 章节: 沟通模型: 作为沟通过程的一部分,发送方负责信息的传递,确保信息的清晰性和完整性,并确认信息已被正确理解; 接收方负责确保完整地接收信息,正确地理解信息,并需要告知已收到或作出适当的回应。 发送方要确保对方接收,且信息被正确理解。


Project team members are concerned that an approved change request might expend the scope, delay the timeline, but does not include the additional budget. What should the project manager do?

  •  A : 寻求可选替代方案,在现有预算范围内管理工作 Look for alternatives to manage work within the existing budget

  •  B :要求管理层增加预算 Ask management for a budget increase

  •  C :激励团队面对挑战 Motivate the team to meet the challenge

  •  D :拒绝批准的变更请求 Reject the approved change request

正确答案:A 你的答案:C





A cost engineer was engaged by P&T Construction PLC to provide a cost estimate for the first oil field piping project in China without any detail engineering data. What type of cost estimate approach should the engineer use to provide an initial cost estimate to P&T Construction?

  •  A :近似估算 Approximate estimate

  •  B :量级估算 Order of magnitude estimate

  •  C :限定性估算 Definitive estimate

  •  D :可行性估算 Feasibility estimate

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P240 章节:7.2 粗略量级估算:在启动阶段可得出项目的粗略量级估算(Rough Order of Magnitude ,ROM ),其区间为 −25% 到 +75% ;之后,随着信息越来越详细,确定性估算的区间可缩小至 −5% 到 +10%。


An agile team has been working overtime for the last few iterations. The project manager has decided that from now on the team should maintain a 40-hour workweek. What is the most likely reason behind the project manager's decision?

  •  A :最大化未完成的工作量 To maximize the amount of work not done

  •  B :最小化在进行中的工作量 To minimize the amount of work in progress

  •  C :频繁交付工作软件 To deliver working software frequently

  •  D : 促进可持续发展 To promote sustainable development

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P9 章节:2.2 敏捷的12条原则之8:敏捷过程提倡可持续开发。发起人、开发人员和用户应该都能始终保持步调稳定。


A bank is executing a project to deploy new software throughout the organization.After completing the first phase of the project,the project manager calls a meeting with functional managers from all departments to review project issue and capture lessons learned. What should the project manager use during the meeting to examine project issues and analyze lessons and learned?

  •  A :头脑风暴 Brainstorming

  •  B :因果分析 Cause-and-effect analysis

  •  C :专家判断 Expert judgment

  •  D :散点图 Scatter diagrams

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P126 章节: 专家判断: · 管理控制; · 审计; · 法规与采购; · 法律法规。 这题只有专家判断是收尾过程的工具。


A project manager received a request to send the status report to the additional stakeholders. Which document should the project manager update?

  •  A :项目章程 Project charter

  •  B :变更日志 Change log

  •  C : 沟通管理计划 Communication management plan

  •  D :相关方参与计划 Stakeholder management plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P377 章节: 沟通管理计划:沟通管理计划是项目管理计划的组成部分,描述将如何规划,结构化、执行与监督项目沟通,以提高沟通的有效性。该计划包括如下信息: · 相关方的沟通需求; 凡信息,找沟通


During project implementation, some team members complain that they are unsure about the project’s deliverables. What should the project manager do to ensure that the project team is working according to project scope?

  •  A :审查执行、负责、咨询和知情(RACI)矩阵。 Review the responsible, accountable, consult, and inform (RACI) matrix.

  •  B :更新沟通管理计划,澄清期望。 Update the communications management plan to clarify

  •  C :与团队分享项目章程。 Share the project charter with the team.

  •  D : 将工作分解结构(WBS)分发给团队。 Distribute the work breakdown structure (WBS) to the team.

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P157 章节:5.4 创建WBS:WBS是对项目团队为实现项目目标、创建所需可交付成果而需要实施的全部工作范围的层级分解。WBS 组织并定义了项目的总范围,代表着经批准的当前项目范围说明书中所规定的工作。 WBS规定了所有要做的事情,与范围说明书、WBS词典共同组成了范围基准。


The project manager feels that the project meetings are creating poor results. The offenders are not prepared and the agenda is not being followed. What should the project manager do be change the attitude of the project team?

  •  A :首先开始改变个人行为,更好地为下一个会议做准备 Initiate changes in personal behavior first and prepare the next meetings better

  •  B : 填写一份关于会议文化和会议规矩的备忘录 White a memo about meeting culture and ground rules

  •  C :在下一次会议开始时讨论做好会议准备的重要性 Discuss the importance of good preparation at the beginning of the next meeting

  •  D :开展较少但更为重要的会议 Conduct fewer, but more substantial meetings

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P319 章节: 团队章程:团队章程是为团队创建团队价值观、共识和工作指南的文件。团队章程可能包括(但不限于): · 团队价值观; · 沟通指南; · 决策标准和过程; · 冲突处理过程; · 会议指南; · 团队共识。 团队章程中有会议指南相关的内容。


A project manager is implementing an IT outsourcing project in another country. Customers complained that the remote team did not meet their quality standards. Which document should the project manager check to confirm this?

  •  A :外包公司的质量政策 Outsourcing company's quality policy

  •  B :质量控制测量结果 Quality control measurements

  •  C :采购工作说明书(SOW) Procurement Statement of Work

  •  D : 质量管理计划 Quality management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P286 章节: 质量管理计划: 质量管理计划包括(但不限于)以下组成部分: · 项目采用的质量标准; · 项目的质量目标; · 质量角色与职责; · 需要质量审查的项目可交付成果和过程; 质量标准在质量管理计划里。

