论文下载地址: https://doi.org/10.1145/3366423.3379994
Publish time: 2020
数据集: 正文中的介绍
简要概括创新点: 主要为了看Metric-Learning-based Few-Shot Learning,用地理信息推荐不是自己的领域。
- In this paper, we study the problem of potential new user recommendation in LBSNs. The main contributions of this work are as follows: (本文研究了LBSNs中 潜在的新用户推荐问题 。这项工作的主要贡献如下:)
- We decompose the geographical influence into geographical convenience and dependency. (我们将 地理影响 分解为 地理便利性 和 依赖性)
- The geographical convenience models the relative transportation efforts of a check-in, ( 地理上的便利性 模拟了check-in的 相关交通影响,)
- while the geographical dependency modeling makes our model neighborhood-aware. (而地理依赖 模型使我们的模型具有 邻域意识。)
- We apply meta-learning to location-based recommendation tasks and formulate the problem as metric-learning-based few-shot learning. (我们将 元学习 应用于基于位置的推荐任务,并将该问题描述为 基于度量学习 的 few-shot学习。)
• Information systems Location based services
Customer recommendation; self-attention; few-shot learning
(1) As an increasingly popular application of location-based services, location-based social networks (LBSNs), such as Yelp and Instagram, attract millions of users to share their locations, resulting in a huge amount of user check-ins [25, 40]. (作为一种越来越流行的基于位置的服务应用,基于位置的社交网络(LBSN),如Yelp和Instagram,吸引了数百万用户分享他们的位置,导致大量用户登录[25,40]。)
(2) To compensate for the sparse data, various ancillary information, such as geographical influence, social correlations, and temporal patterns, has been leveraged to improve recommendation performances in different manners [4, 10, 19, 21, 29, 35, 38]. (为了补偿稀疏数据,各种辅助信息(如 地理影响 、 社会关联 和 时间模式 )被用来以不同的方式提高推荐性能[4、10、19、21、29、35、38]。)
(3) In this work, we highlight that both geographical convenience and dependency should be incorporated in order to comprehensively express the geographical influence. (在这项工作中,我们强调,为了全面表达 地理影响,应该将 地理便利性 和 依赖性 结合起来。)
(4) Beyond embracing geographical convenience and dependency to address the data sparsity issue, we also strive to seek more suitable techniques to fully utilize the user check-ins with the goal of improving recommendations in LBSNs. (除了利用地理便利性和依赖性来解决数据稀疏问题外,我们还努力寻求更合适的技术来充分利用用户签入,以改进LBSNs中的建议。)
(5) In this paper, we study the problem of potential new user recommendation in LBSNs. The main contributions of this work are as follows: (本文研究了LBSNs中 潜在的新用户推荐问题 。这项工作的主要贡献如下:)
(1) In this work, user check-ins are represented as a collection of tuples { ( b , u ) } ⊆ B × U \{(b,u)\} \subseteq B \times U {(b,u)}⊆B×U, (在这项工作中,用户check-ins被表示为元组的集合)
(2) As we mentioned in the introduction, few-shot learning can fully utilize the training instances, which could potentially improve the recommendation performance. (正如我们在引言中提到的,few-shot学习能够充分利用训练实例,这可能会提高推荐性能。)
(1) In this section, we explain how to model the recommendation task as few-shot learning and how to incorporate geographical convenience and dependency in detail. (在本节中,我们将详细解释如何将推荐任务建模为 few-shot学习,以及如何结合 地理便利性 和 依赖性 。)
(2) The proposed approach decomposes the recommendation problem into a set of tasks and each task involves the user recommendations with respect to only one business. (该方法将推荐问题分解为一组任务, 每个任务 只涉及一个业务 的用户推荐。)
(3) The framework has two modules, an embedding module and a relation module. (该框架包括两个模块,一个 嵌入模块 和一个 关系模块 )
(4) Given a tuple ( b , u ) (b,u) (b,u), F ( ⋅ ) F(·) F(⋅) encodes four types of features: (给定一个元组 ( b , u ) (b,u) (b,u), F ( ⋅ ) F(⋅) F(⋅) 对四种类型的功能进行编码:)
These four types of features collectively express how likely the user u u u will check in the business b b b. (这四种类型的特性共同表示用户 u u u签入业务 b b b的可能性。)
(5) Figure 4 illustrates the initial embedding construction for a user-business tuple. (图4展示了用户业务元组的 初始嵌入 构造。)
(1) We follow [11] and discuss how to model the geographical convenience of a business b b b for a user u u u based on u u u’s historical check-ins. (我们遵循[11]并讨论如何基于 u u u的历史签入为用户 u u u建模业务 b b b的地理便利性。) ([11]Ruirui Li, Jyunyu Jiang, Chelsea Ju, and Wei Wang. 2019. CORALS: Who are My Potential New Customers? Tapping into the Wisdom of Customers’ Decisions. In WSDM ’19, Melbourne, Australia, February 11-15, 2019.)
(2) Gaussian mixture model [23] is applied to model the convenience. A Gaussian mixture model is a weighted aggregation of M M M component Gaussian densities: (采用 高斯混合模型 [23]进行建模。高斯混合模型是 M M M分量高斯密度的加权聚合:)
(3) Each component density is a 2-variate Gaussian function. Formally, (每个分量密度是一个 二元高斯函数 。正式地)
(4) The complete Gaussian mixture model is parameterized by the mean location vectors, covariance matrices and mixture weights from all mixture components. Φ \Phi Φ is used to denote these parameters. ( 完全高斯混合模型 由所有混合分量的 平均位置向量 、 协方差矩阵 和 混合权重 参数化。)
For a particular customer, given a set of his historical T T T check-ins, represented by T T T location vectors L = { l 1 , . . , l T } L = \{l_1, ..,l_\mathcal{T}\} L={l1,..,lT}, the GMM likelihood is given by: (对于特定的客户,给定一组历史 T T T个签入,由 T T T个位置向量 L = { l 1 , . . , l T } L = \{l_1, ..,l_\mathcal{T}\} L={l1,..,lT}, GMM可能性由下式给出:)
(5) We use the Expectation-Maximization algorithm [2] to estimate the parameters. (我们使用期望最大化算法[2]来估计参数。)
(1) In this section, we show how to encode geographical neighborhood information using graphs and how to model the dependence relationship among businesses using graph convolutional networks [8]. (在本节中,我们将展示如何使用图对 地理邻域信息 进行编码,以及如何使用 图卷积网络 建模企业之间的 依赖关系 [8])
(2) The geographical correlations among businesses are modeled with a graph G = ( V , E ) G = (V, E) G=(V,E), which encodes the geographical proximity. (企业之间的 地理相关性 用一个图 G = ( V , E ) G = (V, E) G=(V,E)建模,该图对 地理邻近性 进行编码。)
(3) Graph convolutional network (GCN) is defined over the proximity graph, which allows us to extract and aggregate neighborhood information for each vertex. A graph convolution is defined as: ( 图卷积网络(GCN) 是在 邻近图 上定义的,它允许我们提取和聚合每个顶点的 邻域信息 。图卷积 定义为:)
(4) In particular, H ( 0 ) = X H^{(0)} = X H(0)=X and H ( β ~ ) = Z H^{(\tilde{β})}= Z H(β~)=Z,
(5) For example, H i 0 H^0_i Hi0 represents the initial features of business i i i. (代表商业 i i i的初始特征。)
(6) Algorithm 1 summarizes the training process. (算法1总结了训练过程)
(1) the query embedding is constructed by incorporating two types of information. (查询嵌入是通过合并两种类型的信息来构建的)
(2) In our case, the self-attention operation takes the query embeddings Q ∈ R c × d Q \in R^{c×d} Q∈Rc×d and the reference embeddings R ∈ R k × d R \in R^{k×d} R∈Rk×d as inputs, converts them to three matrices through linear projections, and feeds them into an attention layer: (在我们的例子中,self-attention操作将查询嵌入 Q ∈ R c × d Q \in R^{c×d} Q∈Rc×d与参考嵌入 R ∈ R k × d R \in R^{k×d} R∈Rk×d作为输入,通过 线性投影 将其转换为三个矩阵,并将其输入到 注意层:)
(1) for the references, we calculate the reference representative R ˉ \bar{R} Rˉ as a weighted sum of each reference, where the weights can be derived from a second attention mechanism.
(2) Equations 6 and 7 summarize the representative calculation.
In this section, we conduct extensive experiments on two real-world datasets to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. (在本节中,我们在两个真实数据集上进行了大量实验,以评估所提出方法的性能)
(1) To compare our approach with others, the following 13 methods are adopted as baselines. (为了与其他方法进行比较,我们采用了以下13种方法作为基线。)
(2) The proposed method, which utilizes SElf-Attention and few-shoT LEarning, is denoted as SEATLE. (该方法利用了自我注意和few-shot学习,被称为SEATLE。)
(3) Recommendation methods without considering geographical influence: (不考虑地理影响的推荐方法:)
(4) Conventional methods with geographical influence involved: (涉及地理影响的常规方法:)
(5) Deep learning methods with geographical influence involved: (涉及地域影响的深度学习方法:)
(1) In this section, we evaluate the performances of SEATLE against the 13 baseline methods.
Mean Average Precision (MAP) is adopted as the evaluation metric, which is also used in [10, 11, 13].
(2) Figure 5 shows the recommendation performances of different methods on the eight cities from the two datasets. Figures from 5a to 5f show the performances based on the six cities in the Yelp dataset, while the last two Figures 5g and 5h show the performances based on the two cities in the Foursquare dataset. (图5显示了两个数据集中八个城市不同方法的推荐性能。5a到5f的图显示了Yelp数据集中六个城市的性能,而最后两个图5g和5h显示了Foursquare数据集中两个城市的性能。)
(2) Among methods which do not consider geographical influence, MMMF, BPRMF, CofiRank, and CLiMF achieve better recommendation performances than WRMF in general. This demonstrates that point-wise methods, such as WRMF, which achieve low prediction errors, do not necessarily have high recommendation accuracy. In other words, directly optimizing the predicted check-ins may not provide the best recommendation lists to businesses. (在不考虑地理影响的方法中,MMMF、BPRMF、FECORANK和GILF一般比WRMF具有更好的推荐性能。这表明,点式方法,如WRMF,可以实现较低的预测误差,不一定具有较高的推荐精度。换句话说,直接优化预测入住可能无法为企业提供最佳推荐列表。)
(3) After leveraging geographical influence, Rank-GeoMF, ASMF, ARMF, GeoMF, CORALS, SAE-NAD, and PACE outperform the five above methods, which do not incorporate any ancillary features. (在利用地理影响后,排名GeoMF、ASMF、ARMF、GeoMF、CORALS、SAE-NAD和PACE优于上述五种方法,它们不包含任何辅助功能。)
(4) Among the deep learning-based methods, SEATLE achieves the best performance. (在基于深度学习的方法中,SEATLE的性能最好。)
The reasons could be explained as follows. (原因可以解释如下。)
In general, SEATLE outperforms all baseline methods in the eight cities over the two datasets. (总的来说,在这两个数据集上,SEATLE的表现优于八个城市的所有基线方法。)
SEATLE models both geographical convenience and dependency, which collaboratively express the power of geographical influence. (SEATLE对地理便利性和依赖性进行了建模,它们共同表达了地理影响力的力量。)
Moreover, SEATLE adopts few-shot learning, designed for learning with limited data, as the framework to fully utilize the sparse training instances. (此外,SEATLE采用了为有限数据学习而设计的少镜头学习作为框架,以充分利用稀疏的训练实例。)
These appropriate designs make SEATLE a good fit for new user recommendations in LBSNs. (这些合适的设计使SEATLE非常适合LBSNs中的新用户推荐。)
(1) In this section, we investigate the effectiveness of geographical convenience and dependency modelings. (在本节中,我们将研究 地理便利性 和 依赖性 建模的有效性。)
(2) Figure 6 shows the MAP performances. (图6显示了MAP性能。)
We observe that when the geographical convenience and dependency features are removed from SEATLE, MAP performance drops correspondingly. (我们观察到,当从SEATLE中删除地理便利性和依赖性特征时,地图性能会相应下降。)
The performance decreases more when eliminating geographical convenience as compared to eliminating geographical dependency. (与消除地理依赖性相比,在消除地理便利性时,性能下降更多。)
This observation applies to all eight cities. (这一观察结果适用于所有八个城市。)
Therefore, we can safely conclude that both geographical convenience and dependency modelings improve the recommendation performance and the geographical convenience contributes more. (因此,我们可以安全地得出结论,地理便利性和依赖性模型都可以提高推荐性能,而地理便利性的贡献更大。)
We further compare SEATLEdist and SEATLE. SEATLEdist models distance-based geographical features, while SEATLE is convenience-based. (我们进一步比较了SEATLEdist和SEATLE。SEATLEdist模型基于距离的地理特征,而SEATLE模型基于便利性。)
We notice that SEATLE outperforms SEATLEdist on all eight cities. (我们注意到SEATLE在所有八个城市的表现都优于SEATLEdist。)
This demonstrates the advantage of convenience-based geographical modeling since it gauge users’ actual transportation efforts more accurately. (这证明了基于便利性的地理建模的优势,因为它可以更准确地衡量用户的实际交通努力。)
(1) To address the check-in sparsity issue, various ancillary information is incorporated when building recommendation models, such as POI popularity, social influence, temporal patterns, textual and visual contents [3, 4, 6, 10, 15, 18, 29, 32, 33, 39, 41, 43]. In this part, we focus on investigating geographical influence oriented works. (为了解决签入稀疏性问题,在构建推荐模型时,加入了各种辅助信息,例如POI受欢迎程度、社会影响、时间模式、文本和视觉内容[3、4、6、10、15、18、29、32、33、39、41、43]。在这一部分中,我们重点考察 地理影响 导向的工作。)
(2) To leverage geographical influence to improve recommendation performances, (为了利用地理影响提高推荐绩效,)
(3) The proposed method, SEATLE, differs from most of the above work. (提出的方法SEATLE不同于上述大多数工作。)
SEATLE models both geographical convenience and dependency. (SEATLE对地理便利性和依赖性进行了建模。)
Moreover, SEATLE employs few-shot learning to fully utilize the training instances and strives to improve recommendations from limited data. (此外,SEATLE使用少量的镜头学习来充分利用训练实例,并努力从有限的数据中提升推荐。)