#define Fosc 11059200 //crystal,10MHz~25MHz #define Fcclk (Fosc * 4) //系统频率,必须为Fosc的整数倍(1~32),且<=60MHZ #define Fcco (Fcclk * 4) //CCO频率,必须为Fcclk的2、4、8、16倍,范围为156MHz~320MHz #define Fpclk (Fcclk / 4) * 1 //VPB时钟频率,只能为(Fcclk / 4)的1、2、4倍 //------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: setting initialztion of target board // Params: void // Note: setting clock.. //------------------------------------------------------------- void TargetResetInit(void) { //setting system clock PLLCON = 1; #if ((Fpclk / (Fcclk / 4)) == 1) VPBDIV = 0; #endif #if ((Fpclk / (Fcclk / 4)) == 2) VPBDIV = 2; #endif #if ((Fpclk / (Fcclk / 4)) == 4) VPBDIV = 1; #endif #if ((Fcco / Fcclk) == 2) PLLCFG = ((Fcclk / Fosc) - 1) | (0 << 5); #endif #if ((Fcco / Fcclk) == 4) PLLCFG = ((Fcclk / Fosc) - 1) | (1 << 5); #endif #if ((Fcco / Fcclk) == 8) PLLCFG = ((Fcclk / Fosc) - 1) | (2 << 5); #endif #if ((Fcco / Fcclk) == 16) PLLCFG = ((Fcclk / Fosc) - 1) | (3 << 5); #endif PLLFEED = 0xaa; PLLFEED = 0x55; while((PLLSTAT & (1 << 10)) == 0); PLLCON = 3; PLLFEED = 0xaa; PLLFEED = 0x55; }
现在设置P00为输出,P01为输入。PINSEL0[1:0]=01; PINSEL0[3:2]=01;有PINSEL0 |= 0x5;
The UART0 Divisor Latch is part of the UART0 Baud Rate Generator and holds the value used to divide the VPB clock (pclk) in
order to produce the baud rate clock, which must be 16x the desired(要求的) baud rate. The U0DLL and U0DLM registers together form
a 16 bit divisor where U0DLL contains the lower 8 bits of the divisor and U0DLM contains the higher 8 bits of the divisor. A ‘h0000
value is treated like a ‘h0001 value as division by zero is not allowed.The Divisor Latch Access Bit (DLAB) in U0LCR must be
one in order to access the UART0 Divisor Latches.
计算公式:PCLK = 16 * ( U0DLM(High) + U0DLL(low) ) * BRD
#define UARTO_BRD 9600 void uart0_init(void); void uart0_sendbyte(unsigned char data); unsigned char uart0_rcvbyte(void); void uart0_sendstring(unsigned char* data); //tet function void uart0_test(void); /*************************************************/ /以上是.h文件定义内容 /*************************************************/ /* * xiaoyang @2111.3.30 * complete UART0 driver for LPC2124 */ #include "global.h" #include "serial.h" #include "config.h" /* * low level UART driver * * xiaoyang @2011.30 */ extern void DelayNS(unsigned int dly); //------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: init for UART0 // Params: void // Return: // Note: //------------------------------------------------------------- void uart0_init(void) { unsigned short fdiv; PINSEL0 = (PINSEL0 & 0xfffffff0) | 0x05;//select pins of UART0 U0LCR = 0x83; //8 data transport,1 stop bit,no checking fdiv = (Fpclk / 16) / UARTO_BRD; U0DLL = fdiv % 256; //low bits of div U0DLM = fdiv / 256; //high bits of div U0LCR = 0x03; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: send byte var UART0 // Params: void // Return: // Note: //------------------------------------------------------------- void uart0_sendbyte(unsigned char data) { U0THR = data; //wait for last byte sent over while( (U0LSR & 0x40) == 0 ){ ; } DelayNS(100); } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: recieve byte from UART0 // Params: void // Return: the byte riceived from uart0 // Note: //------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned char uart0_rcvbyte(void) { unsigned char ch; while((U0LSR & 0x1) == 0){ ; //if buffer if empty,wait } ch = (unsigned char)U0RBR; return ch; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: send string via UART0 // Params: string pointer // Return: void // Note: for a string, you must end with '\0' //------------------------------------------------------------- void uart0_sendstring(unsigned char* data) { while(*data != '\0') { uart0_sendbyte(*data); data++; } return; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: uart0 testing UART0 // Params: void // Return: void // Note: //------------------------------------------------------------- void uart0_test(void) { char ch; //test uart funtion uart0_sendbyte('A'); uart0_sendbyte('B'); uart0_sendbyte('C'); uart0_sendbyte('\n'); ch = uart0_rcvbyte(); uart0_sendbyte('\r'); uart0_sendbyte(ch); uart0_sendstring("\nok,uart testing over.\r\n"); }