
论文:Revisiting Gray Pixel for Statistical Illumination Estimation

import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.io as scio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import struct

from PIL import Image
from scipy import ndimage
import cv2

eps = 1e-9

def deriv_gauss(img, sigma):
    Gaussoff = 0.000001
    pw = np.array(range(50)).astype(np.int32)
    ssq = sigma ** 2
    width = np.sum(np.exp(-(pw * pw) / (2 * ssq)) > Gaussoff) - 1

    xx = np.arange(2 * width + 1) - width
    yy = np.arange(2 * width + 1) - width
    x, y = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)

    dg2d = -x * np.exp(-(x * x + y * y) / (2 * ssq)) / (np.pi * ssq)

    dg2d = np.array(dg2d)

    ax = ndimage.convolve(img, dg2d, mode='nearest')
    ay = ndimage.convolve(img, dg2d.T, mode='nearest')
    mag = np.sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay)

    return mag

def normr(data):
    data1 = data / np.sqrt(np.sum(data * data, 1)).reshape(-1, 1)
    return data1

def normc(data):
    data1 = data / np.sqrt(np.sum(data * data, 0)).reshape(-1, 1)
    return data1

def cal_angle(light, ref):
    light = np.reshape(light, (-1, 3))
    ref = np.reshape(ref, (-1, 3))

    cos_angle = np.sum(light * ref, axis=1) / (
            np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(light, 2), 1)) * np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(ref, 2), 1)))

    angle = np.arccos(cos_angle)
    angle = angle * 180 / np.pi
    return angle

def cal_gray_index_with_angle(img, method, scale):

    :param img: input color-biased image
    :param method: the method to calculate IIM, option = {'edge', 'std'}
    :param scale: filter scale
    :return: gray index map
    rr, cc, dd = img.shape
    img[img == 0] = eps
    data = []
    t = np.ones([rr, cc])

    if method == 'edge':
        sigma = scale
        for i in range(dd):
            mm = deriv_gauss(np.log(img[:, :, i]), sigma)
            t = np.logical_and(t, mm < eps) # prevent low contrast region
        print('error method input !')

    data = np.array(data).T # n * 3
    data[data == 0] = eps

    data_normed = normr(data)
    gt = normr(np.ones_like(data_normed))
    cos_ang = np.clip(np.sum(data_normed*gt, axis=1), 0, 0.9999)
    angular_error = np.arccos(cos_ang)

    Greyidx_angular = np.reshape(angular_error, (rr, cc))
    Greyidx = Greyidx_angular / (np.max(Greyidx_angular) + eps)

    Greyidx_angular[t] = np.max(Greyidx_angular)
    Greyidx[t] = np.max(Greyidx)

    # filter
    siz = 7
    hh = np.ones([siz, siz]) / (siz*siz)
    Greyidx = ndimage.convolve(Greyidx, hh, mode='nearest')
    Greyidx_angular = ndimage.convolve(Greyidx_angular, hh, mode='nearest')

    return Greyidx, Greyidx_angular
def gray_detect_angle_meanshift(img, numGPs, mask, K, kernel, is_angular_ranking):
def detect_gray_with_angle(im, mask, gt):

    Npre = 1

    bandwidth = 0.1

    h, w, n = im.shape
    numGPs = int(np.floor(h*w*Npre // 100))

    mask saturated and dark pixels
    mask[np.max(im, axis=2) >= 0.95] = 1
    mask[np.sum(im, axis=2) <= 8/255.0] = 1

    scale = 0.5
    gray_idx_norm, gray_idx_angle = cal_gray_index_with_angle(im, 'edge', scale)

    # sel
    gray_idx_angle[mask] = np.max(gray_idx_angle)
    # cal angle
    angle_sorted = np.sort(gray_idx_angle.copy().reshape(-1))
    angle_thr = angle_sorted[numGPs]

    mask_sel = gray_idx_angle < angle_thr
    print('dd :', numGPs, angle_thr, gray_idx_angle.min,gray_idx_angle.max, mask_sel.shape, np.sum(mask_sel))
    im_selected = im[mask_sel]

    ill = np.sum(im_selected, axis=0).reshape(-1, n)
    ill = ill / np.sqrt(np.sum(ill * ill, 1)).reshape(-1, 1)

    im_choose = im * mask_sel[..., None]
    ill2 = np.sum(im_choose, axis=(0, 1)).reshape(-1, n)
    ill2 = ill2 / np.sqrt(np.sum(ill2 * ill2, 1)).reshape(-1, 1)
    print(numGPs, angle_thr, im_selected.shape, 'est ill: ', ill, ill2)

    an1 = cal_angle(ill, gt)
    an2 = cal_angle(ill2, gt)

    show_fig = 0
    if show_fig:
        gray_idx_norm_3ch = np.tile(gray_idx_norm[..., None], (1, 1, 3))
        im_choose_BGR = im_choose[:, :, ::-1]
        second_row = np.hstack((gray_idx_norm_3ch, im_choose_BGR))

        im_BGR = im[:, :, ::-1]
        # im_mask = im_BGR * mask[..., None]

        wb_gain = np.max(ill2) / ill2
        im_wb = im * wb_gain
        im_BGR_wb = im_wb[:, :, ::-1]

        res1 = np.hstack((im_BGR, im_BGR_wb))

        res = np.vstack((res1, second_row))

        cv2.namedWindow('im', 0)
        cv2.imshow('im', res)
    return ill2, an2

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # single pic
    filename = r'G:\ffcc-master_20201108\ffcc-master\data\shi_gehler\preprocessed\GehlerShi\000129.png'
    imbgr = cv2.imread(filename)
    im = imbgr[:, :, ::-1]
    im = im / 255
    gt_file = filename[:-4] + '.txt'
    ill_gt = np.loadtxt(gt_file)

    h, w, n = im.shape
    mask = np.zeros((h, w)).astype(bool)
    ill, angle = detect_gray_with_angle(im, mask, ill_gt)
    ill = ill.reshape(-1)
    print(ill, angle)
    print(ill[1] / ill)

    # dir
    ills = []
    angles = []
    dir = r'G:\ffcc-master_20201108\ffcc-master\data\shi_gehler\preprocessed\GehlerShi'

    filesets = os.listdir(dir)
    for file in filesets:
        if file.endswith('.png'):
            filename = os.path.join(dir, file)

            im = cv2.imread(filename)
            im = im[:, :, ::-1] / 255
            file_gt = filename[:-4] + '.txt'
            gt = np.loadtxt(file_gt)
            mask = np.zeros((h, w)).astype(bool)
            ill, angle = detect_gray_with_angle(im, mask, gt)
            print(ill, gt, angle)
    angles = np.array(angles)
    np.savetxt('wb_detect_gray_with_angle.txt', angles, delimiter=' ', fmt='%.7f')
    print(angles, np.mean(angles))
