

        Mitchell [1] 定义偏置为选择一种泛化方法的基础,而不是与观察到的训练实例严格一致。而文献 [2] [3] 认为,偏置是所有共同影响假设选择的因素的集合,这些因素包括假设空间的定义和概念空间搜索算法的定义。简而言之,给定训练数据集的情况下,通过添加额外的限制条件或标准去帮助模型更好地拟合训练集,同时还促使模型在未知样本数据集上也有很好的预测能力(即泛化能力),那么这些额外的限制条件或标准就是偏置。


        对于任意一个高效的机器学习算法而言,偏置是至关重要的。以下两个原因说明了为什么机器学习算法需要偏置。一方面,文献 [1] 和文献 [4] 指出,无偏置的机器学习任务实际上是不存在的。另一方面,文献 [5] 指出,用于训练模型的样本数据集本身就存在偏置,但是我们无法消除这些偏置。从有偏置的数据中学习得到的模型会导致不公平或者不准确的预测。所以,我们需要归纳偏置,以提高模型的泛化能力。


        实际上,归纳偏置的方法非常繁多,不仅仅是有监督学习,无监督学习,强化学习也有很多。这里暂且介绍有监督学习的偏置,并且这些偏置,我相信在机器学习领域里面,你们都非常熟悉。有监督学习的归纳偏置包括正则化 [6] 、正则化 [7] 、Dropout [8] 、最大条件独立性 [9] 、最小交叉验证误差 [10] 、最大间隔 [11] 、最近邻 [12] 等。


  1. Mitchell, Tom M. The need for biases in learning generalizations. New Jersey: Department of Computer Science, Laboratory for Computer Science Research, Rutgers Univ., 1980.
  2. Utgoff, Paul E. "Shift of bias for inductive concept learning." Machine learning: An artificial intelligence approach 2 (1986): 107-148.
  3. Utgoff, Paul E. Machine learning of inductive bias. Vol. 15. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.
  4. Hildebrandt, Mireille. "Privacy as protection of the incomputable self: From agnostic to agonistic machine learning." Theoretical Inquiries in Law 20.1 (2019): 83-121.
  5. Mehrabi, Ninareh, et al. "A survey on bias and fairness in machine learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.09635 (2019).
  6. Tikhonov, Andrey N., and Vasiliy Y. Arsenin. "Solutions of ill-posed problems." New York 1 (1977): 30.
  7. Combettes, Patrick L., and Valérie R. Wajs. "Signal recovery by proximal forward-backward splitting." Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 4.4 (2005): 1168-1200.
  8. Srivastava, Nitish, et al. "Dropout: a simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting." The journal of machine learning research 15.1 (2014): 1929-1958.
  9. Rish, Irina. "An empirical study of the naive Bayes classifier." IJCAI 2001 workshop on empirical methods in artificial intelligence. Vol. 3. No. 22. 2001.
  10. Moore, Andrew W., and Mary S. Lee. "Efficient algorithms for minimizing cross validation error." Machine Learning Proceedings 1994. Morgan Kaufmann, 1994. 190-198.
  11. Cortes, Corinna, and Vladimir Vapnik. "Support-vector networks." Machine learning 20.3 (1995): 273-297.
  12. Cover, Thomas, and Peter Hart. "Nearest neighbor pattern classification." IEEE transactions on information theory 13.1 (1967): 21-27.
