UE4蓝图节点文档翻译【目录】--- AI

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官网地址 AI
汉化 人工智能


  • 根目录

    • Actions(可操作节点)
    • Categories(分类)


节点名 原文及汉化者备注(中文备注内容是汉化者的个人理解,仅供临时参考!须以英文原文为标准)
AI MoveTo Simple order for Pawn with AIController to move to a specific location
让AI移动到某处 用AI控制器将角色移动到特定位置
ClearFocus Clears Focus, will also clear FocalPoint as a result Target is AIController
清除焦点 清除AI控制器的聚焦点
Get AIController The way it works exactly is if the actor passed in is a pawn, then the function retrieves pawn’s controller cast to AIController. Otherwise the function returns actor cast to AIController. Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library
获得AI控制器 获得AI角色的控制器的控制权力
Get Avoidance Velocity for Component Calculate avoidance velocity for component (avoids collisions with the supplied component) Target is Avoidance Manager
获取构件的回避速度 计算组件的回避速度
Get Blackboard Get Blackboard Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library
获得黑板 对AI蓝图数据库获取黑板
Get Current Path Returns a copy of navigation path given controller is currently using. The result being a copy means you won’t be able to influence agent’s pathfollowing by manipulating received path Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library
获取当前路径 返回给定控制器当前使用的导航路径的副本
Get Focal Point Retrieve the final position that controller should be looking at. Target is AIController
获得焦点 检索控制器应该查看的最终位置
Get Focal Point on Actor Retrieve the focal point this controller should focus to on given actor. Target is AIController
获得角色焦点 检索该控制器应该聚焦在给定角色上的焦点
Get Focus Actor Get the focused actor. Target is AIController
获得焦点角色 获得这个焦点位置的角色
Get New Avoidance UID Get appropriate UID for use when reporting to this function or requesting RVO assistance. Target is Avoidance Manager
获取新的回避UID 在向此函数报告或请求RVO帮助时,使用适当的UID
Get Object Count Get the number of avoidance objects currently in the manager. Target is Avoidance Manager
获取对象计数 获取当前管理器中的回避对象数量
Is Valid AIDirection Is Valid AIDirection Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library
AI的有效方向 有效的AI方向
Is Valid AILocation Is Valid AILocation Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library
AI的有效定位 有效的AI定位
Is Valid AIRotation Is Valid AIRotation Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library
AI的有效角度 有效的AI角度
Make Noise Trigger a noise caused by a given Pawn, at a given location. Note that the NoiseInstigator Pawn MUST have a PawnNoiseEmitterComponent for the noise to be detected by a PawnSensingComponent. Senders of MakeNoise should have an Instigator if they are not pawns, or pass a NoiseInstigator.Target is Actor
制造噪声 在给定位置触发给定角色引起噪声
Pawn Make Noise Inform AIControllers that you’ve made a noise they might hear (they are sent a HearNoise message if they have bHearNoises==true) The instigator of this sound is the pawn which is used to call MakeNoise. Target is Pawn
让Pawn制造噪声 告知AI控制器你发出了他们可能听到的噪声
Register Movement Component Register with the given avoidance manager. Target is Avoidance Manager
登记移动组件 与给定的回避管理者进行登记
Run Behavior Tree Starts executing behavior tree. Target is AIController
运行行为树 开始执行行为树
Say Exec command to broadcast a string to all players Target is Game Mode
广播/交流 执行对所有玩家目标广播字符串的命令
Send AIMessage Send AIMessage Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library
发送AI消息 发送人工智能消息
SetFocalPoint Set the position that controller should be looking at. Target is AIController
设置焦点 设置控制器应该查看的位置
SetFocus Set Focus for actor, will set FocalPoint as a result. Target is AIController
设定焦点 从指定类型中大量生成AI角色
Spawn AIFrom Class Spawn AIFrom Class Target is AIBlueprint Helper Library
从类当中大量生成AI 从指定类型中大量生成AI角色
Use Blackboard Makes AI use the specified Blackboard asset & creates a Blackboard Component if one does not already exist. Target is AIController
使用黑板 让AI使用黑板


节点名 备注
Behavior Tree Behavior Tree
Components Components
Debug Debug
Logic Logic
Navigation Navigation
Pawn Actions Pawn Actions
Perception Perception
Tasks Tasks

你可能感兴趣的:(UE4蓝图节点文档翻译【目录】--- AI)