尺度不变特征转换(Scale-invariant feature transform或SIFT)是一种电脑视觉的算法用来侦测与描述影像中的局部性特征,它在空间尺度中寻找极值点,并提取出其位置、尺度、旋转不变量,此算法由 David Lowe在1999年所发表,2004年完善总结。
加拿大University of British Columbia 大学计算机科学系教授 David G. Lowe发表于2004年Int Journal of Computer Vision,2(60):91-110的那篇标题为“Distivtive Image Features from Scale -Invariant Keypoints" 的论文。作者在其学术网站上发表的Matlab程序代码(注意,这个程序代码的初始版本是 D. Alvaro and J.J. Guerrero, 来自Universidad de Zaragoza。)
1.sift.m 检测特征点+构建特征点描述子
% [image, descriptors, locs] = sift(imageFile)
% This function reads an image and returns its SIFT keypoints.
% Input parameters:
% imageFile: the file name for the image.
% Returned:
% image: the image array in double format
% descriptors: a K-by-128 matrix, where each row gives an invariant
% descriptor for one of the K keypoints. The descriptor is a vector
% of 128 values normalized to unit length.
% locs: K-by-4 matrix, in which each row has the 4 values for a
% keypoint location (row, column, scale, orientation). The
% orientation is in the range [-PI, PI] radians.
% Credits: Thanks for initial version of this program to D. Alvaro and
% J.J. Guerrero, Universidad de Zaragoza (modified by D. Lowe)
function [image, descriptors, locs] = sift(imageFile)
% Load image
image = imread(imageFile);
% If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, you can uncomment the following
% lines to allow input of color images, which will be converted to grayscale.
% if isrgb(image)
% image = rgb2gray(image);
% end
[rows, cols] = size(image);
% Convert into PGM imagefile, readable by "keypoints" executable
f = fopen('tmp.pgm', 'w');
if f == -1
error('Could not create file tmp.pgm.');
fprintf(f, 'P5\n%d\n%d\n255\n', cols, rows);
fwrite(f, image', 'uint8');
% Call keypoints executable
if isunix
command = '!./sift ';
command = '!siftWin32 ';
command = [command ' tmp.key' ];
% Open tmp.key and check its header
g = fopen('tmp.key', 'r');
if g == -1
error('Could not open file tmp.key.');
[header, count] = fscanf(g, '%d %d', [1 2]);
if count ~= 2
error('Invalid keypoint file beginning.');
num = header(1);
len = header(2);
if len ~= 128
error('Keypoint descriptor length invalid (should be 128).');
% Creates the two output matrices (use known size for efficiency)
locs = double(zeros(num, 4));
descriptors = double(zeros(num, 128));
% Parse tmp.key
for i = 1:num
[vector, count] = fscanf(g, '%f %f %f %f', [1 4]); %row col scale ori
if count ~= 4
error('Invalid keypoint file format');
locs(i, :) = vector(1, :);
[descrip, count] = fscanf(g, '%d', [1 len]);
if (count ~= 128)
error('Invalid keypoint file value.');
% Normalize each input vector to unit length
descrip = descrip / sqrt(sum(descrip.^2));
descriptors(i, :) = descrip(1, :);
2.showkeys.m 绘制带有特征点的图像
% showkeys(image, locs)
% This function displays an image with SIFT keypoints overlayed.
% Input parameters:
% image: the file name for the image (grayscale)
% locs: matrix in which each row gives a keypoint location (row,
% column, scale, orientation)
function showkeys(image, locs)
disp('Drawing SIFT keypoints ...');
% Draw image with keypoints
figure('Position', [50 50 size(image,2) size(image,1)]);
hold on;
imsize = size(image);
for i = 1: size(locs,1)
% Draw an arrow, each line transformed according to keypoint parameters.
TransformLine(imsize, locs(i,:), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
TransformLine(imsize, locs(i,:), 0.85, 0.1, 1.0, 0.0);
TransformLine(imsize, locs(i,:), 0.85, -0.1, 1.0, 0.0);
hold off;
% ------ Subroutine: TransformLine -------
% Draw the given line in the image, but first translate, rotate, and
% scale according to the keypoint parameters.
% Parameters:
% Arrays:
% imsize = [rows columns] of image
% keypoint = [subpixel_row subpixel_column scale orientation]
% Scalars:
% x1, y1; begining of vector
% x2, y2; ending of vector
function TransformLine(imsize, keypoint, x1, y1, x2, y2)
% The scaling of the unit length arrow is set to approximately the radius
% of the region used to compute the keypoint descriptor.
len = 6 * keypoint(3);
% Rotate the keypoints by 'ori' = keypoint(4)
s = sin(keypoint(4));
c = cos(keypoint(4));
% Apply transform
r1 = keypoint(1) - len * (c * y1 + s * x1);
c1 = keypoint(2) + len * (- s * y1 + c * x1);
r2 = keypoint(1) - len * (c * y2 + s * x2);
c2 = keypoint(2) + len * (- s * y2 + c * x2);
line([c1 c2], [r1 r2], 'Color', 'c');
3.appendimages.m 绘制两幅图像经过特征匹配后的一幅图像
% im = appendimages(image1, image2)
% Return a new image that appends the two images side-by-side.
function im = appendimages(image1, image2)
% Select the image with the fewest rows and fill in enough empty rows
% to make it the same height as the other image.
rows1 = size(image1,1);
rows2 = size(image2,1);
if (rows1 < rows2)
image1(rows2,1) = 0;
image2(rows1,1) = 0;
% Now append both images side-by-side.
im = [image1 image2];
4.match.m 读取两幅图像,分别提取它们的关键点并进行匹配
% num = match(image1, image2)
% This function reads two images, finds their SIFT features, and
% displays lines connecting the matched keypoints. A match is accepted
% only if its distance is less than distRatio times the distance to the
% second closest match.
% It returns the number of matches displayed.
% Example: match('scene.pgm','book.pgm');
function num = match(image1, image2)
% Find SIFT keypoints for each image
[im1, des1, loc1] = sift(image1);
[im2, des2, loc2] = sift(image2);
% For efficiency in Matlab, it is cheaper to compute dot products between
% unit vectors rather than Euclidean distances. Note that the ratio of
% angles (acos of dot products of unit vectors) is a close approximation
% to the ratio of Euclidean distances for small angles.
% distRatio: Only keep matches in which the ratio of vector angles from the
% nearest to second nearest neighbor is less than distRatio.
distRatio = 0.6;
% For each descriptor in the first image, select its match to second image.
des2t = des2'; % Precompute matrix transpose
for i = 1 : size(des1,1)
dotprods = des1(i,:) * des2t; % Computes vector of dot products
[vals,indx] = sort(acos(dotprods)); % Take inverse cosine and sort results
% Check if nearest neighbor has angle less than distRatio times 2nd.
if (vals(1) < distRatio * vals(2))
match(i) = indx(1);
match(i) = 0;
% Create a new image showing the two images side by side.
im3 = appendimages(im1,im2);
% Show a figure with lines joining the accepted matches.
figure('Position', [100 100 size(im3,2) size(im3,1)]);
hold on;
cols1 = size(im1,2);
for i = 1: size(des1,1)
if (match(i) > 0)
line([loc1(i,2) loc2(match(i),2)+cols1], ...
[loc1(i,1) loc2(match(i),1)], 'Color', 'c');
hold off;
num = sum(match > 0);
fprintf('Found %d matches.\n', num);
1 match.m
功能:该函数读入两幅(灰度)图像,找出各自的 SIFT 特征, 并显示两连接两幅图像中被匹配的特征点(关键特征点(the matched keypoints)直线(将对应特征点进行连接)。判断匹配的准则是匹配距离小于distRatio倍于下一个最近匹配的距离( A match is accepted only if its distance is less than distRatio times the distance to the second closest match.
该程序返回显示的匹配对的数量。( It returns the number of matches displayed.)
调用实例: match(‘desk.jpg’,‘book.jpg’);
( 测试一个含有一本书的桌面的图像和一本书的图像之间特征匹配)
(2)参数distRatio 为控制匹配点数量的系数,这里取 0.6,该参数决定了匹配点的数量,在Match.m文件中调整该参数,获得最合适的匹配点数量。
具体原理详见David G. Lowe发表于2004年Int Journal of Computer Vision,2(60):91-110的那篇标题为“Distivtive Image Features from Scale -Invariant Keypoints" 的论文
功能:该函数读入灰度图像,返回SIFT 特征关键点( SIFT keypoints.)
调用方式:[image, descriptors, locs] = sift(imageFile)
输入参数:imageFile: 图像文件名
返回参数:image: 是具有double format格式的图像矩阵,descriptors: 一个 K-by-128的矩阵x, 其中每行是针对找到的K个关键特征点(the K keypoints)的不变量描述子,这个描述子(descriptor)是一个拥有128个数值并归一化为单位长度向量;locs: 是K-by-4 矩阵, 其中的每一行具有四个数值,表示关键点位置信息 (在图像中的行坐标,列坐标(row, column) ,注意,一般图像的左上角为坐标原点);尺度scale,高斯尺度空间的参数,其中该参数也决定了frame(结构)确定的图像disk的大小;最后一个参数是方向orientation),方向参数的范围是[-PI, PI] 单位为弧度。