留学生都知道Essay一般分为Introduction,Main Body和Conclusion这三个部分,Introduction说明了文章的整体内容,但本身并没有提出任何论点;Conclusion通常简要地概括了正文的要点,并建议进一步研究给出一些或结论性的想法;只有Main Body是Essay中最大的一部分,也是Essay中唯一一个真正提出论点的地方。所以写好Essay Main Body势在必行,那么如何写好Main Body呢?
As foreign students know,Essay is generally divided into three parts:Introduction,Main Body and Conclusion.Introduction explains the overall content of the article,but it does not put forward any arguments;The Conclusion usually briefly summarizes the main points of the text,and suggests further research to give some or conclusive ideas;Only the Main Body is the largest part of Essay and the only place in Essay where an argument is really put forward.So it is imperative to write Essay Main Body well.How to write Main Body well?
1.编写Essay的Main Body大纲
1.Compile the main body outline of Essay
虽然在Essay整体动笔之前,我们就已经建议过同学们编写Essay大纲了。但是整体的Essay大纲可能在每个部分并不是那么的细致。这里建议同学们在Main Body的部分也详细的编写一个大纲。具体可以参考下面的图表。根据这个大纲,同学们也就能大致整理出自己Main Body的思路和每部分的内容了。
Although before Essay started writing,we had suggested that students write an outline of Essay.However,the overall Essay outline may not be so detailed in each part.It is suggested that students write an outline in detail in the Main Body.Please refer to the following chart for details.According to this outline,students can also roughly sort out their ideas of Main Body and the contents of each part.
2.Make your own Essay notes
When you are writing a chapter,if you have a plan elsewhere in Essay,take time to add some content to your outline,or write down your organizational philosophy.
If you have a clear concept of what you want to say,try to write down these concepts with all the basic elements of the topic sentence,if possible.This will help you remember what you were thinking when you finished what you were doing.
3.Add a subtitle
一个好的小标题不仅可以很大程度上的帮助你梳理自己的逻辑,确保不写错每部分的内容,而且可以给你的阅卷老师一个清晰的大纲你每部分写了什么。在写作完成后,你还可以根据你的小标题检查你的Main Body部分,以确保你的段落涵盖了相关的主题内容。
A good subtitle can not only help you sort out your own logic to a great extent and ensure that you do not write wrong in each part,but also give your marking teacher a clear outline of what you have written in each part.After writing,you can also check your Main Body section according to your subheading to ensure that your paragraphs cover the relevant topics.
4.Read through your topic sentences
当你完成Essay的草稿,可以把所有的Main Body段落分开单独压缩成一个主题句,然后将所有的主题句串起来。把这些主题句与你开始时的计划大纲相比较,看看你写的内容是否与之前的计划有偏差。
When you finish Essay's draft,you can separate all Main Body paragraphs into a topic sentence,and then string all the topic sentences together.Compare these topic sentences with the outline of your plan at the beginning to see if the content you wrote deviates from the previous plan.
If there is no deviation and the overall idea of the article is clear,then you can start the first duplication check.If you find that your draft is slightly different from the order of the outline you set before,don't panic,because you should be able to adjust the content according to these topic sentences without losing the overall direction of Essay.
5.Mark paragraph differences
注意那些似乎包含相同内容的段落。每个段落之间的差异需要明确的清楚。在Main Body的部分,切记每个段落应该讨论不同的东西。如果两个段落是关于同一个主题的,他们必须以稍微不同的方式或者不同的侧重点来表达这个主题。
Notice the paragraphs that appear to contain the same content.The differences between each paragraph need to be clear.In the Main Body section,remember that each paragraph should discuss different things.If two paragraphs are about the same topic,they must express the topic in slightly different ways or with different emphasis.
6.Use cohesive words
最后一点,我们要叮嘱大家的是切记检查Main Body段落之间的平滑过渡。中文的写作中,我们常常强调写作的起承转合,这在英文学术性Essay写作中同样重要。
Finally,we would like to remind you to check the smooth transition between paragraphs of the Main Body.In Chinese writing,we often emphasize the continuity of writing,which is equally important in English academic Essay writing.
如果你在写完草稿之后,或者在草稿的中途,发现你的段落之间没有任何关联的话,一定要从新审视自己的Main Body部分。在每个Main Body段落加上Firstly,Secondly是不错的想法,同学们也可以用更高级的In addition,whats more来代替。By the same token是出于同样原因;由此类推的意思。For example(更正式和常用)/for instance在文中可以表示例如、譬如。除此之外,内容转折的时候也可用下表中的However,although等衔接词语。
If you find that your paragraphs are not related to each other after writing the draft or in the middle of the draft,you must review your Main Body again.It is a good idea to add First and Second to each Main Body paragraph.Students can also use more advanced In addition,what more.By the same token;The meaning of analogy.For example(more formal and commonly used)/for instance can be expressed in the text.In addition,the following cohesive words such as"hower"and"alter hough"can also be used when the content turns.