Moss/Sharepoint 为特定用户组设置特定视图以及可见视图,自定义列表新建页,修改页和显示页(无代码法)


首先,在你希望设置权限的Custom List 或 Document Library所在页面中,编辑该页面,并添加相同的webpart,这样在这个页面中就有两个相同的webpart出现了;
接着,为这两个不同的webpart配置不同的视图,并且在Modify Shared WebPart中输入Target Audience,即你希望哪个用户组可以看到该视图;
最后,用SharePoint Designer打开该页面,并分别右击选中两个webpart,将它们转化为data view,然后将右边选择View的那一块删除。



How to manage default view and available views for each SharePoint group in each list ? SharePoint Services 3.0 and MOSS offer a simple answer to this question : You cannot do that !
This new feature will allow you to do this job ! How ?

here is the solution,click  here

First, install the setup and after, restart IIS !
After IIS restart, go to the "Site settings" of you SharePoint site. In the "Site Collection Features", you should see an new feature name "SPViewPermissionSetting" as show as the following sceenshot. Activate it !

Moss/Sharepoint 为特定用户组设置特定视图以及可见视图,自定义列表新建页,修改页和显示页(无代码法)_第1张图片

Now, select a list and go to the "List Settings". In the "General Settings" section, you should see a new menu item : "View Permission Setting (Powered ...)"

Moss/Sharepoint 为特定用户组设置特定视图以及可见视图,自定义列表新建页,修改页和显示页(无代码法)_第2张图片

If you select this option, a new specific forms able you to define permissions for views. You can define, for each group :
- the default view
- availables views (you must check one view at least)
- mask or display the options "Create or Modify view" in view selector menu

Moss/Sharepoint 为特定用户组设置特定视图以及可见视图,自定义列表新建页,修改页和显示页(无代码法)_第3张图片

Now, if you connect to your SharePoint site with a user in one of the view customized group and you go to the list, you should arrived to the default view define for this group and see only available views.

Moss/Sharepoint 为特定用户组设置特定视图以及可见视图,自定义列表新建页,修改页和显示页(无代码法)_第4张图片
Moss/Sharepoint 为特定用户组设置特定视图以及可见视图,自定义列表新建页,修改页和显示页(无代码法)_第5张图片

Now, let's have fun and don't hesitate to send me feedback at [email protected]

Requirements : The .wsp must be deploy directly on the SharePoint Server (WSS 3.0 or MOSS) with administrator's rights by stsadm command : stsadm -o installsolution (...) and stsadm -o deploysolution (...).



SPListDisplaySetting 解决方案地址,自己去研究。



另外一些相关的页面视图权限问题请见MOSS/Sharepoint 控制视图页面访问权限开发的问题(代码法)
