注解 | 作用 |
@SelectProvider | 动态查询SQL |
@InsertProvider | 动态新增SQL |
@UpdateProvider | 动态更新SQL |
@DeleteProvider | 动态删除SQL |
@Select 与 @SelectProvider 只是在定义注解的方式上有所不同, 一个是动态SQL一个是静态SQL。
package com.xu.test.mybatis;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.SelectProvider;
* @author Administrator
* @date 2022年11月26日12点09分
public interface TestMapper {
* 根据性别获取老师信息
* @param sex
* @return
* @date 2022年11月26日12点09分
@SelectProvider(type = Test.class, method = "list")
List<Teacher> list(Integer sex);
package com.xu.test.mybatis;
import org.apache.ibatis.jdbc.SQL;
* @author Administrator
* @date 2022年11月26日12点09分
public class Test {
* 根据性别获取老师信息
* @param sex
* @return
* @date 2022年11月26日12点09分
public String list(Integer sex) {
return new SQL() {
if (null != sex) {
WHERE(" 1 = 1 sex = " + sex);
} else {
WHERE(" 1 = 1 ");
ORDER_BY("create_time desc");
可以使用 SelectProvider 写一个适用于所有表的查询的方法。
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
* @author Administrator
public class BasicWrapper<T> {
public String last;
public Class<T> bean;
public String table;
public String[] field;
public List<String> condition = new LinkedList<>();
public String orderBy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.ibatis.jdbc.SQL;
import cn.hutool.core.collection.CollectionUtil;
* @author Administrator
public class QueryWrapper<T> extends BasicWrapper {
public QueryWrapper() {
public QueryWrapper(String table, String... field) {
super.bean = null;
super.table = table;
super.field = (null == field || field.length == 0) ? new String[]{"*"} : field;
public String list(QueryWrapper wrapper) {
Query query = wrapper.build();
return new SQL() {
WHERE(" 1 = 1 " + query.getCondition());
public Query build() {
Query query = new Query();
query.setFields((null == super.field || super.field.length == 0) ? "*" : String.join(", ", Arrays.asList(super.field)));
String condition = CollectionUtil.isEmpty(super.condition) ? " 1 = 1 " : String.join(" ", super.condition);
String last = null == super.last ? "" : super.last;
query.setCondition(condition + " " + last);
return query;
public QueryWrapper orderBy(String sql) {
super.orderBy = sql;
return this;
public QueryWrapper orderBy(boolean condition, String sql) {
if (condition) {
super.orderBy = sql;
return this;
public QueryWrapper apply(String sql) {
super.condition.add(" and (" + sql + ") ");
return this;
public QueryWrapper apply(boolean condition, String sql) {
if (condition) {
super.condition.add(" and (" + sql + ") ");
return this;
public QueryWrapper eq(String filed, Object value) {
super.condition.add(" and " + filed + " = " + value);
return this;
public QueryWrapper eq(boolean condition, String filed, Object value) {
if (condition) {
if (value instanceof String) {
super.condition.add(" and " + filed + " = '" + value + "'");
} else {
super.condition.add(" and " + filed + " = " + value);
return this;
public QueryWrapper last(String value) {
super.last = " " + value;
return this;
public QueryWrapper last(boolean condition, String value) {
if (condition) {
super.last = " " + value;
return this;
public QueryWrapper like(String filed, Object value) {
super.condition.add(" and " + filed + " like %" + value + "%");
return this;
public QueryWrapper likeLeft(String filed, Object value) {
super.condition.add(" and " + filed + " like %" + value + "%");
return this;
public QueryWrapper likeRight(String filed, Object value) {
super.condition.add(" and " + filed + " like %" + value + "%");
return this;
public QueryWrapper like(boolean condition, String filed, Object value) {
if (condition) {
super.condition.add(" and " + filed + " like %" + value + "%");
return this;
public QueryWrapper likeLeft(boolean condition, String filed, Object value) {
if (condition) {
super.condition.add(" and " + filed + " like %" + value + "%");
return this;
public QueryWrapper likeRight(boolean condition, String filed, Object value) {
if (condition) {
super.condition.add(" and " + filed + " like %" + value + "%");
return this;
import lombok.Data;
* @author Administrator
public class Query {
private String table;
private String fields;
private String orderBy;
private String condition;
package com.xu.test.mybatis;
import org.apache.ibatis.jdbc.SQL;
* @author Administrator
* @date 2022年11月26日12点09分
public class Test {
public static void main(String agrs[]) {
QueryWrapper<Teacher> wrapper = new QueryWrapper<>("teacher");
wrapper.eq("sex", 1);
wrapper.eq(StringUtils.isNotBlank(name), "name", name);
wrapper.orderBy("create_time desc");
List<Teacher> list = processMapper.list(wrapper);