I2C总线是由Philips公司开发的一种简单、双向二线制同步串行总线。 它只需要两根线即可在连接于总线上的器件之间传送信息。 主器件用于启动总线传送数据,并产生时钟以开放传送的器件,此时任何被寻址的器件均被认为是从器件. 在总线上主和从、发和收的关系不是恒定的,而取决于此时数据传送方向。
起始信号——从机地址——读写信号——数据位——应答位——… … ——停止位
Function name
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit (I2C_HandleTypeDef * hi2c, uint16_t
DevAddress, uint8_t * pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
Function description
Transmits in master mode an amount of data in blocking mode.
• hi2c: Pointer to a I2C_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified I2C.
• DevAddress: Target device address: The device 7 bits address value in datasheet must be shifted to the left before calling the interface
• pData: Pointer to data buffer
• Size: Amount of data to be sent
• Timeout: Timeout duration
Return values
• HAL: status
Function name
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2C_Master_Receive (I2C_HandleTypeDef * hi2c, uint16_t
DevAddress, uint8_t * pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
Function description
Receives in master mode an amount of data in blocking mode.
• hi2c: Pointer to a I2C_HandleTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified I2C.
• DevAddress: Target device address: The device 7 bits address value in datasheet must be shifted to the left before calling the interface
• pData: Pointer to data buffer
• Size: Amount of data to be sent
• Timeout: Timeout duration
Return values
• HAL: status
Clear Display
Clear display writes space code 20H (character pattern for character code 20H must be a blank pattern) into all DDRAM addresses. It then sets DDRAM address 0 into the address counter, and returns the display to its original status if it was shifted. In other words, the display disappears and the cursor or blinking goes to the left edge of the display (in the first line if 2 lines are displayed). It also sets I/D to 1 (increment mode) in entry mode. S of entry mode does not change.
Return Home
Return home sets DDRAM address 0 into the address counter, and returns the display to its original status if it was shifted. The DDRAM contents do not change.
The cursor or blinking go to the left edge of the display (in the first line if 2 lines are displayed).
Entry Mode Set
I/D: Increments (I/D = 1) or decrements (I/D = 0) the DDRAM address by 1 when a character code is written into or read from DDRAM.
The cursor or blinking moves to the right when incremented by 1 and to the left when decremented by 1. The same applies to writing and reading of CGRAM.
S: Shifts the entire display either to the right (I/D = 0) or to the left (I/D = 1) when S is 1. The display does not shift if S is 0.
If S is 1, it will seem as if the cursor does not move but the display does. The display does not shift when reading from DDRAM. Also, writing into or reading out from CGRAM does not shift the display.
Display On/Off Control
D: The display is on when D is 1 and off when D is 0. When off, the display data remains in DDRAM, but
can be displayed instantly by setting D to 1.
C: The cursor is displayed when C is 1 and not displayed when C is 0. Even if the cursor disappears, the function of I/D or other specifications will not change during display data write. The cursor is displayed using 5 dots in the 8th line for 5 × 8 dot character font selection and in the 11th line for the 5 × 10 dot character font selection.
B: The character indicated by the cursor blinks when B is 1. The blinking is displayed as switching between all blank dots and displayed characters at a speed of 409.6-ms intervals when fcp or fOSC is 250 kHz. The cursor and blinking can be set to display simultaneously. (The blinking frequency changes according to fOSC or the reciprocal of fcp. For example, when fcp is 270 kHz, 409.6 × 250/270 = 379.2 ms.)
Cursor or Display Shift
Cursor or display shift shifts the cursor position or display to the right or left without writing or reading display data. This function is used to correct or search the display. In a 2-line display, the cursor moves to the second line when it passes the 40th digit of the first line. Note that the first and second line displays will shift at the same time.
When the displayed data is shifted repeatedly each line moves only horizontally. The second line display does not shift into the first line position.
The address counter (AC) contents will not change if the only action performed is a display shift.
Function Set
DL: Sets the interface data length. Data is sent or received in 8-bit lengths (DB7 to DB0) when DL is 1, and in 4-bit lengths (DB7 to DB4) when DL is 0.When 4-bit length is selected, data must be sent or received twice.
N: Sets the number of display lines.
F: Sets the character font.
Note: Perform the function at the head of the program before executing any instructions (except for the read busy flag and address instruction). From this point, the function set instruction cannot be executed unless the interface data length is changed.
Set CGRAM Address
Set CGRAM address sets the CGRAM address binary AAAAAA into the address counter. Data is then written to or read from the MPU for CGRAM.
#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"
void lcd_init (void); // initialize lcd
void lcd_send_cmd (char cmd); // send command to the lcd
void lcd_send_data (char data); // send data to the lcd
void lcd_send_string (char *str); // send string to the lcd
void lcd_put_cur(int row, int col); // put cursor at the entered position rol(0 or 1), col(0 - 15)
void lcd_clear (void);
#include "i2c-lcd.h"
#include "main.h"
extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1; // change your handler here accordingly
#define SLAVE_ADDRESS_LCD 0x4E // change this according to ur setup
void lcd_send_cmd (char cmd){
char data_u, data_l;
uint8_t i2c_frame_data[4];
data_u = (cmd&0xf0);
data_l = ((cmd<<4)&0xf0);
i2c_frame_data[0] = data_u|0x0C; //en=1, rs=0
i2c_frame_data[1] = data_u|0x08; //en=0, rs=0
i2c_frame_data[2] = data_l|0x0C; //en=1, rs=0
i2c_frame_data[3] = data_l|0x08; //en=0, rs=0
HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, SLAVE_ADDRESS_LCD, (uint8_t *) i2c_frame_data, 4, 100);
void lcd_send_data (char data){
char data_u, data_l;
uint8_t i2c_frame_data[4];
data_u = (data&0xf0);
data_l = ((data<<4)&0xf0);
i2c_frame_data[0] = data_u|0x0D; //en=1, rs=0
i2c_frame_data[1] = data_u|0x09; //en=0, rs=0
i2c_frame_data[2] = data_l|0x0D; //en=1, rs=0
i2c_frame_data[3] = data_l|0x09; //en=0, rs=0
HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, SLAVE_ADDRESS_LCD, (uint8_t *) i2c_frame_data, 4, 100);
void lcd_clear (void){
lcd_send_cmd (0x01); // clear display
void lcd_put_cur(int row, int col){
case 0:
col |= 0x80;
case 1:
col |= 0xC0;
void lcd_init (void){
// 4-bit mode initialization
HAL_Delay(50); // wait for >40ms
HAL_Delay(5); // wait for > 4.1ms
HAL_Delay(1); // wait for >100us
lcd_send_cmd(0x20); // 4-bit mode
// display initialization
lcd_send_cmd(0x28); // Function set --> DL = 0 (4-bit mode), N = 1 (2 line display), F = 0 (5x8 characters)
lcd_send_cmd(0x08); // Display on/off control --> D = 0, C = 0, B = 0 --> display off
lcd_send_cmd(0x01); // clear display
lcd_send_cmd(0x06); // Enter mode set --> I/D = 1 (increment cursor) & S = 0 (no shift)
lcd_send_cmd(0x0E); // Display on /off control --> D = 1, C = 1, B = 0
void lcd_send_string (char *str){
lcd_send_string("Hello World!");
lcd_put_cur(1, 0);
lcd_send_string("from Cedr1c");