根据数据包中的tcp-ethereal-trace-1,其源IP地址为,端口号为 1162 1162 1162。
What is the IP address and TCP port number used by your client computer (source) to transfer the file to gaia.cs.umass.edu?
我的客户端IP地址为,端口号为 53595 53595 53595。
sequence number为 0 0 0,通过设置Flags为 0 0 0x 002 002 002,即Syn位设为 1 1 1。
sequence number为 0 0 0,Acknowledgement number为 1 1 1,通过设置Flags为 0 0 0x 012 012 012,即Syn及Acknowledgment位均设为 1 1 1。
sequence number为 152634 152634 152634。
Consider the TCP segment containing the HTTP POST as the first segment in the TCP connection.
What are the sequence numbers of the first six segments in the TCP connection (including the segment containing the HTTP POST)?
序号分别为 1 、 566 、 2026 、 3486 、 4946 、 6406 1、566、2026、3486、4946、6406 1、566、2026、3486、4946、6406。
At what time was each segment sent?
发送时间分别是 0.596858 、 0.612118 、 0.624407 、 0.625071 、 0.647786 、 0.648538 0.596858、0.612118、0.624407、0.625071、0.647786、0.648538 0.596858、0.612118、0.624407、0.625071、0.647786、0.648538.
When was the ACK for each segment received?
接收时间分别是 0.624318 、 0.647675 、 0.694466 、 0.739499 、 0.787680 、 0.838183 0.624318、0.647675、0.694466、0.739499、0.787680、0.838183 0.624318、0.647675、0.694466、0.739499、0.787680、0.838183.
Given the difference between when each TCP segment was sent, and when its acknowledgement was received, what is the RTT value for each of the six segments?
RTT分别为 0.027460 、 0.035557 、 0.070059 、 0.114428 、 0.139894 、 0.189645 0.027460、0.035557 、0.070059、0.114428、0.1 39894、0.1 89645 0.027460、0.035557、0.070059、0.114428、0.139894、0.189645。
What is the EstimatedRTT value (see Section 3.5.3, page 242 in text) after the receipt of each ACK?
根据公式 E s t i m a t e d R T T = ( 1 − a ) × E s t i m a t e d R T T + a × S a m p l e R T T , a = 0.125 EstimatedRTT = (1 - a) × EstimatedRTT + a × SampleRTT,a=0.125 EstimatedRTT=(1−a)×EstimatedRTT+a×SampleRTT,a=0.125
0.027460 0.028472125 = 0.875 ∗ 0.027460 + 0.125 ∗ 0.035557 0.033670484 = 0.875 ∗ 0.028472125 + 0.125 ∗ 0.070059 0.043765174 = 0.875 ∗ 0.033670484 + 0.125 ∗ 0.114428 0.055781277 = 0.875 ∗ 0.043765174 + 0.125 ∗ 0.139894 0.072514242 = 0.875 ∗ 0.055781277 + 0.125 ∗ 0.189645 \begin{aligned} &0.027460\\ &0.028472125=0.875 * 0.027460 + 0.125 * 0.035557\\ &0.033670484=0.875 * 0.028472125 + 0.125 * 0.070059 \\ &0.043765174=0.875 * 0.033670484 + 0.125 * 0.114428\\ &0.055781277=0.875 * 0.043765174 + 0.125 * 0.139894\\ &0.072514242=0.875 * 0.055781277 + 0.125 * 0.189645 \end{aligned} 0.0274600.028472125=0.875∗0.027460+0.125∗0.0355570.033670484=0.875∗0.028472125+0.125∗0.0700590.043765174=0.875∗0.033670484+0.125∗0.1144280.055781277=0.875∗0.043765174+0.125∗0.1398940.072514242=0.875∗0.055781277+0.125∗0.189645
Assume that the value of the EstimatedRTT is equal to the measured RTT for the first segment, and then is computed using the EstimatedRTT equation on page 242 for all subsequent segments.
Note: Wireshark has a nice feature that allows you to plot the RTT for each of the TCP segments sent. Select a TCP segment in the “listing of captured packets” window that is being sent from the client to the gaia.cs.umass.edu server. Then select: Statistics->TCP Stream Graph->Round Trip Time Graph.
长度分别为 565 、 1460 、 1460 、 1460 、 1460 、 1460 565、1460、1460、1460、1460、1460 565、1460、1460、1460、1460、1460。
最小为 5840 5840 5840,后随时间呈增大趋势,缓存空间充足,不会使发送方受限制。
吞吐量大约为 164091 ∗ 8 26.221522 − 20.596858 ≈ 233387.81 b p s \cfrac{164091*8}{26.221522-20.596858}≈233387.81bps 26.221522−20.596858164091∗8≈233387.81bps
Use the Time-Sequence-Graph(Stevens) plotting tool to view the sequence number versus time plot of segments being sent from the client to the gaia.cs.umass.edu server. Can you identify where TCP’s slowstart phase begins and ends, and where congestion avoidance takes over? Comment on ways in which the measured data differs from the idealized behavior of TCP that we’ve studied in the text.
慢启动从发出了HTTP POST报文段后开始,但从图中并不能看出慢启动什么时候结束,拥塞避免是什么时候开始的
TCP 采用慢启动的目的是进行拥塞控制,但是在实际的网络通信中,对于一些数据量较小的小文件,在网络畅通的情况下发送非常快,甚至可能在慢启动结束之前就已经发送完毕。而这种情况下,采用慢启动方式反而来制约了文件的快速发送,从而影响通信的效率。
吞吐量大约为 153029 ∗ 8 3.541317 − 2.495695 ≈ 1.171 M b p s \cfrac{153029*8}{3.541317-2.495695}≈1.171Mbps 3.541317−2.495695153029∗8≈1.171Mbps