(1)初始化 α , β \alpha,\beta α,β为0;
(2)利用黄金标准算法得到一个仿射矩阵 P A P_A PA,分解得到 s , R , t 2 d s,R,t_{2d} s,R,t2d;
(3)将(2)中求出的 s , R , t 2 d s,R,t_{2d} s,R,t2d带入能量方程,解得 β \beta β;
(4)将(2)和(3)中求出的 α \alpha α代入能量方程,解得 α \alpha α;
(5)更新 α , β \alpha,\beta α,β的值,重复(2)-(4)进行迭代更新。
在上一篇文章我们通过黄金标准算法求解出了仿射矩阵 P A P_A PA并将它分解的到了 s , R , t 2 d s,R,t_{2d} s,R,t2d,这部分将继续按照求解步骤进行源码分析:
for i in range(max_iter):
X = shapeMU + shapePC.dot(sp) + expPC.dot(ep)
X = np.reshape(X, [int(len(X)/3), 3]).T
#----- estimate pose
P = mesh.transform.estimate_affine_matrix_3d22d(X.T, x.T)
s, R, t = mesh.transform.P2sRt(P)
rx, ry, rz = mesh.transform.matrix2angle(R)
# print('Iter:{}; estimated pose: s {}, rx {}, ry {}, rz {}, t1 {}, t2 {}'.format(i, s, rx, ry, rz, t[0], t[1]))
#----- estimate shape
# expression
shape = shapePC.dot(sp)
shape = np.reshape(shape, [int(len(shape)/3), 3]).T
ep = estimate_expression(x, shapeMU, expPC, model['expEV'][:n_ep,:], shape, s, R, t[:2], lamb = 0.002)
# shape
expression = expPC.dot(ep)
expression = np.reshape(expression, [int(len(expression)/3), 3]).T
sp = estimate_shape(x, shapeMU, shapePC, model['shapeEV'][:n_sp,:], expression, s, R, t[:2], lamb = 0.004)
return sp, ep, s, R, t
其中的形状部分为 ∑ i = 1 m a i S i \sum\limits_{i=1}^ma_iS_i i=1∑maiSi,通过
shape = shapePC.dot(sp)
定义shape的值为 ∑ i = 1 m a i S i \sum\limits_{i=1}^ma_iS_i i=1∑maiSi。
shape = np.reshape(shape, [int(len(shape)/3), 3]).T
ep = estimate_expression(x, shapeMU, expPC, model['expEV'][:n_ep,:], shape, s, R, t[:2], lamb = 0.002)
其中ep即是 β \beta β, estimate_expression的源码如下:
def estimate_expression(x, shapeMU, expPC, expEV, shape, s, R, t2d, lamb = 2000):
x: (2, n). image points (to be fitted)
shapeMU: (3n, 1)
expPC: (3n, n_ep)
expEV: (n_ep, 1)
shape: (3, n)
s: scale
R: (3, 3). rotation matrix
t2d: (2,). 2d translation
lambda: regulation coefficient
exp_para: (n_ep, 1) shape parameters(coefficients)
x = x.copy()
assert(shapeMU.shape[0] == expPC.shape[0])
assert(shapeMU.shape[0] == x.shape[1]*3)
dof = expPC.shape[1]
n = x.shape[1]
sigma = expEV
t2d = np.array(t2d)
P = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]], dtype = np.float32)
A = s*P.dot(R) #(2,3)
# --- calc pc
pc_3d = np.resize(expPC.T, [dof, n, 3])
pc_3d = np.reshape(pc_3d, [dof*n, 3]) # (29n,3)
pc_2d = pc_3d.dot(A.T) #(29n,2)
pc = np.reshape(pc_2d, [dof, -1]).T # 2n x 29
# --- calc b
# shapeMU
mu_3d = np.resize(shapeMU, [n, 3]).T # 3 x n
# expression
shape_3d = shape
b = A.dot(mu_3d + shape_3d) + np.tile(t2d[:, np.newaxis], [1, n]) # 2 x n
b = np.reshape(b.T, [-1, 1]) # 2n x 1
# --- solve
equation_left = np.dot(pc.T, pc) + lamb * np.diagflat(1/sigma**2)
x = np.reshape(x.T, [-1, 1])
equation_right = np.dot(pc.T, x - b)
exp_para = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(equation_left), equation_right)
return exp_para
x = x.copy()
assert(shapeMU.shape[0] == expPC.shape[0])
assert(shapeMU.shape[0] == x.shape[1]*3)
dof = expPC.shape[1]
n = x.shape[1]
sigma = expEV
t2d = np.array(t2d)
P = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]], dtype = np.float32)
assert(shapeMU.shape[0] == expPC.shape[0])
assert(shapeMU.shape[0] == x.shape[1]*3)
dof = expPC.shape[1]
n = x.shape[1]
另sigma=expEV 即表情主成分方差 σ \sigma σ
sigma = expEV
t 2 d t_{2d} t2d转化为array数组
t2d = np.array(t2d)
P即正交投影矩阵 P o r t h = [ 1 0 0 0 1 0 ] P_{orth}=\left[\begin{array}{l} 1&0&0\\0&1&0\end{array}\right] Porth=[100100]
P = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]], dtype = np.float32)
A = s*P.dot(R) #(2,3)
# --- calc pc
pc_3d = np.resize(expPC.T, [dof, n, 3])
pc_3d = np.reshape(pc_3d, [dof*n, 3]) # (29n,3)
pc_2d = pc_3d.dot(A.T) #(29n,2)
pc = np.reshape(pc_2d, [dof, -1]).T # 2n x 29
# --- calc b
# shapeMU
mu_3d = np.resize(shapeMU, [n, 3]).T # 3 x n
# expression
shape_3d = shape
b = A.dot(mu_3d + shape_3d) + np.tile(t2d[:, np.newaxis], [1, n]) # 2 x n
b = np.reshape(b.T, [-1, 1]) # 2n x 1
pc_3d = np.resize(expPC.T, [dof, n, 3])
expPC = model['expPC'][valid_ind, :n_ep]
pc_3d = np.reshape(pc_3d, [dof*n, 3])
计算出 p c 2 d pc_{2d} pc2d= p c 3 d ⋅ A T pc_{3d}\cdot A^T pc3d⋅AT,pc_2d格式为(29*68,2):
pc_2d = pc_3d.dot(A.T)
pc = np.reshape(pc_2d, [dof, -1]).T
mu_3d = np.resize(shapeMU, [n, 3]).T
这里的shape = shapePC.dot(sp),即 ∑ i = 1 m a i S i \sum\limits_{i=1}^ma_iS_i i=1∑maiSi:
shape_3d = shape
b = A.dot(mu_3d + shape_3d) + np.tile(t2d[:, np.newaxis], [1, n])
b = np.reshape(b.T, [-1, 1])
完成A、pc和b的定义和计算之后 X p r o j e c t i o n X_{projection} Xprojection的公式就可以写成:
将 X p r o j e c t i o n X_{projection} Xprojection的公式带入能量方程:
对 β \beta β进行求导,得到导数为零时 β \beta β的取值。
接着就是求取 β \beta β的代码:
equation_left = np.dot(pc.T, pc) + lamb * np.diagflat(1/sigma**2)
x = np.reshape(x.T, [-1, 1])
equation_right = np.dot(pc.T, x - b)
exp_para = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(equation_left), equation_right)
同理,求取 α \alpha α的代码如下:
expression = expPC.dot(ep)
expression = np.reshape(expression, [int(len(expression)/3), 3]).T
sp = estimate_shape(x, shapeMU, shapePC, model['shapeEV'][:n_sp,:], expression, s, R, t[:2], lamb = 0.004)
算法过程与求取 β \beta β相同,但是带入的 β \beta β是经过上面计算后的新值。
到这里,循环迭代部分的代码告一段落,经过多次迭代计算(程序中给的迭代次数为三次),获得了所需要的sp, ep, s, R, t。
fitted_sp, fitted_ep, s, R, t = fit.fit_points(x, X_ind, self.model, n_sp = self.n_shape_para, n_ep = self.n_exp_para, max_iter = max_iter)
def fit(self, x, X_ind, max_iter = 4, isShow = False):
''' fit 3dmm & pose parameters
x: (n, 2) image points
X_ind: (n,) corresponding Model vertex indices
max_iter: iteration
isShow: whether to reserve middle results for show
fitted_sp: (n_sp, 1). shape parameters
fitted_ep: (n_ep, 1). exp parameters
s, angles, t
if isShow:
fitted_sp, fitted_ep, s, R, t = fit.fit_points_for_show(x, X_ind, self.model, n_sp = self.n_shape_para, n_ep = self.n_exp_para, max_iter = max_iter)
angles = np.zeros((R.shape[0], 3))
for i in range(R.shape[0]):
angles[i] = mesh.transform.matrix2angle(R[i])
fitted_sp, fitted_ep, s, R, t = fit.fit_points(x, X_ind, self.model, n_sp = self.n_shape_para, n_ep = self.n_exp_para, max_iter = max_iter)
angles = mesh.transform.matrix2angle(R)
return fitted_sp, fitted_ep, s, angles, t
将旋转矩阵转换为XYZ角度angles = mesh.transform.matrix2angle(R)
之后返回fitted_sp, fitted_ep, s, angles, t。
fitted_sp, fitted_ep, fitted_s, fitted_angles, fitted_t = bfm.fit(x, X_ind, max_iter = 3)
x = projected_vertices[bfm.kpt_ind, :2] # 2d keypoint, which can be detected from image
X_ind = bfm.kpt_ind # index of keypoints in 3DMM. fixed.
# fit
fitted_sp, fitted_ep, fitted_s, fitted_angles, fitted_t = bfm.fit(x, X_ind, max_iter = 3)
# verify fitted parameters
fitted_vertices = bfm.generate_vertices(fitted_sp, fitted_ep)
transformed_vertices = bfm.transform(fitted_vertices, fitted_s, fitted_angles, fitted_t)
image_vertices = mesh.transform.to_image(transformed_vertices, h, w)
fitted_image = mesh.render.render_colors(image_vertices, bfm.triangles, colors, h, w)
fitted_vertices = bfm.generate_vertices(fitted_sp, fitted_ep)
根据计算出的 α , β \alpha ,\beta α,β代入
算出 S n e w M o d e l S_{newModel} SnewModel,对应的源码如下:
def generate_vertices(self, shape_para, exp_para):
shape_para: (n_shape_para, 1)
exp_para: (n_exp_para, 1)
vertices: (nver, 3)
vertices = self.model['shapeMU'] + \
self.model['shapePC'].dot(shape_para) + \
vertices = np.reshape(vertices, [int(3), int(len(vertices)/3)], 'F').T
return vertices
算出 S n e w M o d e l S_{newModel} SnewModel后再对三维模型进行相似变换:
transformed_vertices = bfm.transform(fitted_vertices, fitted_s, fitted_angles, fitted_t)
即 S t r a n f o r m e d = s ⋅ R ⋅ S n e w M o d e l + t 3 d S_{tranformed}=s\cdot R\cdot S_{newModel}+t_{3d} Stranformed=s⋅R⋅SnewModel+t3d
def transform(self, vertices, s, angles, t3d):
R = mesh.transform.angle2matrix(angles)
return mesh.transform.similarity_transform(vertices, s, R, t3d)
image_vertices = mesh.transform.to_image(transformed_vertices, h, w)
fitted_image = mesh.render.render_colors(image_vertices, bfm.triangles, colors, h, w)
# ------------- print & show
print('pose, groudtruth: \n', s, angles[0], angles[1], angles[2], t[0], t[1])
print('pose, fitted: \n', fitted_s, fitted_angles[0], fitted_angles[1], fitted_angles[2], fitted_t[0], fitted_t[1])
save_folder = 'results/3dmm'
if not os.path.exists(save_folder):
io.imsave('{}/generated.jpg'.format(save_folder), image)
io.imsave('{}/fitted.jpg'.format(save_folder), fitted_image)
# fit
fitted_sp, fitted_ep, fitted_s, fitted_angles, fitted_t = bfm.fit(x, X_ind, max_iter = 3, isShow = True)
# verify fitted parameters
for i in range(fitted_sp.shape[0]):
fitted_vertices = bfm.generate_vertices(fitted_sp[i], fitted_ep[i])
transformed_vertices = bfm.transform(fitted_vertices, fitted_s[i], fitted_angles[i], fitted_t[i])
image_vertices = mesh.transform.to_image(transformed_vertices, h, w)
fitted_image = mesh.render.render_colors(image_vertices, bfm.triangles, colors, h, w)
io.imsave('{}/show_{:0>2d}.jpg'.format(save_folder, i), fitted_image)
options = '-delay 20 -loop 0 -layers optimize' # gif. need ImageMagick.
subprocess.call('convert {} {}/show_*.jpg {}'.format(options, save_folder, save_folder + '/3dmm.gif'), shell=True)
subprocess.call('rm {}/show_*.jpg'.format(save_folder), shell=True)