Paper writting - 7 - Conclusion

Conclusion Chapter

For most dissertations, the Conclusion chapter should:

  • Show how the research gap has been filled.
  • State to what extent the research has been successfully conducted.

In doing so, you

  • Answer the “so what?” question.
  • Justify the importance of your study and its contribution to the field/knowledge

Moves of the Conclusion chapter

1. Restatement of the study’s purpose

  • Recapitulate the main points by stating again

(1)the situation in the field before your study was carried out, i.e., the problems and the gaps;

(2)the study’s purpose; and

(3)your research questions (and hypotheses, if any)

2. Summary of the major findings

  • Present succinctly your answers to each of your research questions.
  • State your proven hypotheses, if any.

3. Significance and implications of your study

  • Stress how your findings have improved the situation by addressing the gaps and dealing with the problems.
  • Make it clear to what extent you have filled the gaps or alleviated the problems
  • Refer to previous research for comparison or support.
  • Explain any unexpected outcomes and results which contradict previous findings.
  • Articulate the contributions of your findings (and/or methodology) to your field.
  • Discuss the applicability of your methodology and findings to other contexts, and the generalizability of your results.
  • Do not over exaggerate your achievements.

4. Limitations of your study

  • Be critical of your study
  • State the weakness of all aspects of your study, e.g., methodology and generalizability.
  • Acknowledge any mistakes made, and the problems and weaknesses that remain.
  • Show that you are a reflective researcher. It is better that your point out your limitations than have the examiners point them out for you.

5. Recommendations for future research

  • State the need for future research
  • Make concrete and constructive suggestions about future lines of investigation.
  • Provide brief justifications.


Language used in the five moves

(N.B. sometimes, overlap occurs between functions)

1. Restatement of the study’s purpose

  • This study was an attempt to investigate …
  • This study has investigated / analyzed / examined …
  • This study has sought / attempted to …
  • This study sent out to …
  • This study examined … in the light of …

In light of / in the light of (按照,依据, according to????) in view of (考虑到=considering,由于) in terms of (以…观点/方式)

2. Summary of the major findings

  • Both models perform similarly …
  • It was found that ….
  • There was a major improvement in levels of …
  • The coefficients obtained were …
  • Data were inconsistent with …
  • There are no examples in the data …
  • Government bonds were found to be the most popular method of saving …

* Grey areas / overlaps with significance: the study found that (X), which implies that (Y)

3. Significance and implications of your study

  • The findings indicate that …
  • The / these data provide evidence that …
  • This study has shown that … This is unsurprising, since ….
  • Several conclusions can be drawn from this study …
  • This demonstrates / demonstrated that …
  • There were significant improvements in …
  • These findings have clinical significance for …
  • These results offer several implications for theoretical development. First, the suggest that …
  • It is hoped that the present research has made a contribution to …
  • These findings will hopefully influence …
  • The implications of the results are clear for (who, who and who).
  • One of the significant results from this study is the…
  • Another significant finding relates to the…
  • This study presents one of the most comprehensive to date …
  • The findings suggest that contrary to previous study … This implies that … may be more complex than previously expected.

4. Limitations of your study

  • The present study has only explored …
  • Unfortunately, it has not been possible to …
  • This study has focused only on the …
  • The most apparent limitation of the study lies in…
  • I / the researcher was unable to …
  • Despite much effort, it remains that some of the numerical data was incomplete and did not yield results as conclusive as might have otherwise occurred.
  • Several limitations to this study restrict generalization of results.
  • The sample size was …, and ideally, more participants should have been involved.
  • Due to the limited number of …, caution is warranted in interpreting the results, especially those concerning … and …

5. Recommendations for future research

  • A priority in future research will/would be to explore …
  • Additional research is recommended to confirm the findings of this investigation.
  • More studies are recommended to determine whether other elements/factors …
  • Studies need to be extended to consider …
  • It would be interesting to discover whether …
  • Perhaps further studies can be conducted in…
  • One major policy recommendation arising from this study is …
  • Based on the findings of the current study, there seems to be a need for…
  • Additional studies regarding … are warranted.
  • Future research should focus on …
  • Additional work could be done on … to see if …
