The Singleton of Design Pattern单态模式

1 Singleton Definition 单态模式定义
       The main purpose is to gurantee that the instance of class has only one in the application.  some operations, such as connecting to database, are userful for only single instance.
2 singleton model单态模型
The Singleton of Design Pattern单态模式

3 related singleton model codes:相关单态模式代码
namespace singleton
    public class singleton{
    private int _counter;
    private static singleton _instance;
    private static object _classLock=typeof(singleton);
    private singleton()
        _counter = 0;
    public static singleton CreateInstance()//global point to service
        lock (_classLock)
            if (_instance == null)
                instance =
new singleton();
            return _instance;

    public void Counte()
        lock (_classLock)//exclusive lock

     public int Counter
                return _counter;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            singleton hiron = singleton.CreateInstance();
            singleton hrg = singleton.CreateInstance();
excution result:
instance hiron and hrg will refer to the same instance actually, and the output is 2
The Singleton of Design Pattern单态模式

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